Friday, August 14, 2009

Open Letter to POTUS from an OPWSOB

Here are my particulars: OMWF (Older Married White Female), 46 years in the workforce, married 34 years, not divorced, 2 kids educated on my dime, 1 grandchild, huge mortgage, fired from my job because I’m over 60, have 401k and pension underfunded for the actuarial prediction of my remaining life span.

I need my savings. I do not want to pay any more money to the federal government for other people’s use. Obama is wrong to demand this. I do not want to impoverish myself or put myself at greater risk than I already am. And I believe this is morally ok. I think it’s plain common sense.

At 16 years old, I was the exact sort of person Obama wants me to “rescue” today: a PWSOB, or Person Who Started Out Broke.

News flash to those of you who want to be rescued by Obama from your PWSOB status today: tomorrow you will be an OPWSOB, Older Person Who Started Out Broke, being asked to rescue some new PWSOB. Who will rescue you when you are too old to work and your savings go to taxes to pay off the catastrophic, third-world level debt Obama has created?

At 16, I was a PWSOB. Then I worked full time, very hard, for 46 years: nights, weekends, overtime, travel, pressure, responsibility, stress. The entire 46 years I paid my taxes, did my share for the church and community, raised and educated my kids, cared for the elderly, gave to charity. Last year I was fired for holding a job that younger workers wanted.

I still am a PWSOB but with may added letters: Person who Started Broke, Worked Hard, Raised A Family, Paid Taxes, Saved Money, Lost Job, And Now Is Going To Lose Savings Due To Government Confiscatory Policy In The Form Of Failed Enterprise Bailouts, Shameful Taxes, And Health Care Programs That May Or May Not Help Others But Will Reduce Medicare And Medicaid..

I need the funds I saved. I am taking the huge political and social risk of also saying I deserve those funds. Is my need for food, shelter, medical care, transportation, and clothing inferior to any other person’s? The fact that I worked and saved to take care of myself in my old age should not make me a target of greed driven by animosity to careful living.

Hello! I actually need the money I saved over 46 years: I’m not employed!

So everyone out there: be a good PWSOB, get a job, work hard, and don’t let Obama take my money and give it to you or someday the government will take your savings when you need it. Respect my survival needs as being as legitimate as yours, and get your hands off my bank account.

Obama: you just radicalized Grannie.

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