Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Like when Ted Kennedy went to his final reward to be re-united with his great love, Mary Jo Kophecne, who he valiantly tried to save from drowning while fighting off his own drunken stupor, the media has been fawning all over themselves over how great Robert C. Byrd was as a strong voice for the Democratic ideals.

However, most of the bullsh*t they put forth eulogizing the greatness of this Democratic leader failed to mention what a strong voice he was for segregation.  Hmmmm, that's strange!  I wonder why?

Well perhaps because of the time he spent as a member of the Ku Klux Klan.  Well not just a member...but one of the leaders in his local chapter...a Kleagle!  And then he was elevated to the top rank of Exalted Cyclops.

Of course, like all great Democrats, he lied and said that in 1943 he quit the clan and had nothing more to do with them.  But sometime later it was reported that he wrote a letter to the
grand Wizard in which he reportedly stated:  "The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see it's relocation here in West Virginia."

In 2005 he wrote in his memoirs that the KKK was just a fraternity of "upstanding people."  Well maybe they were when they weren't busy stringing Negroes up on hanging trees.

In addition to his grand accomplishments as a KKK leader,  he took his prejudices to the Senate floor.  He was the only Senator to vote against two Black Supreme Court nominees:  Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas.

It turns out he was such a dedicated segregationist that in 1964 he led a filibuster against the passage of the Civil Rights Act!  What a guy!  Then he went on to oppose the integration of the U.S. Armed Forces and was quoted as saying that he would never fight in a war with a Negro by his side.

He once called Martin Luther King a "self-seeking, rabble rouser" and he told the FBI that he would give a speech condemning MLK on the Senate floor...further saying " was time this civil rights leader met his Waterloo."

Oh, and did I mention that he once said that the words in the Constitution "that all men are created equal" should not be taken literally!

Robert C. Byrd was a strong opponent of Civil Rights...and he was a bigot and a racist and he should be recognized as such in any of the glowing eulogies being put forth by the liberal media.  They would just love for us to forget about his real past, and remember they tried to do for Ted another Mother Theresa.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

If this doesn't cheer you up, nothing will.......



A lot of skepticism has been strung out against the Obama administration, some of it false and some of it warranted.  I don't know that anyone has the capabilities to look into someone's brain and think they can predict where they are going accurately, but Root seems to have a pretty good insight and thoughts on it. Much of what he says has or is happening, the rest is up in the air for speculation...
WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: Overwhelm the system 
Wayne Allyn Root is an American politician, entrepreneur, television and radio personality, best-selling author and political commentator.  His political talk radio show,W.A.R: The Wayne Allyn Root Show is broadcast in New York City, Los Angeles and Chicago.

Barack Obama is no fool. He is not incompetent. To the contrary, he is brilliant. He knows exactly what he's doing. He is purposely overwhelming the U.S. economy to create systemic failure, economic crisis and social chaos -- thereby destroying capitalism and our country from within.
Barack Obama is my college classmate ( Columbia University , class of '83). As Glenn Beck correctly predicted from day one, Obama is following the plan of Cloward & Piven, two professors at Columbia University . They outlined a plan to socialize America by overwhelming the system with government spending and entitlement demands. Add up the clues below. Taken individually they're alarming. Taken as a whole, it is a brilliant, Machiavellian game plan to turn the United States into a socialist/Marxist state with a permanent majority that desperately needs government for survival ... and can be counted on to always vote for bigger government. Why not? They have no responsibility to pay for it.
-- Universal health care. The health care bill had very little to do with health care.  It had everything to do with unionizing millions of hospital and health care workers, as well as adding 15,0 00 to 20,000 new IRS agents (who will join government employee unions). Obama doesn't care that giving free health care to 30 million Americans will add trillions to the national debt. What he does care about is that it cements the dependence of those 30 million voters to Democrats and big government. Who but a socialist revolutionary would pass this reckless spending bill in the middle of a depression?
-- Cap and trade. Like health care legislation having nothing to do with health care, cap and trade has nothing to do with global warming. It has everything to do with redistribution of income, government control of the economy and a criminal payoff to Obama's biggest contributors. Those powerful and wealthy unions and contributors (like GE, which owns NBC, MSNBC and CNBC) can then be counted on to support everything Obama wants. They will kick-back hundreds of millions of dollars in contributions to Obama and the Democratic Party to keep them in power. The bonus is that all the new taxes on Americans with bigger cars, bigger homes and businesses helps Obama "spread the wealth around."
-- Make Puerto Rico a state. Why? Who's asking for a 51st state? Who's asking for millions of new welfare recipients and government entitlement addicts in the middle of a depression? Certainly not American taxpayers. But this has been Obama's plan all along. His goal is to add two new Democrat senators, five Democrat congressman and a million loyal Democratic voters who are dependent on big government.
-- Legalize 12 million illegal immigrants. Just giving these 12 million potential new cit izens free health care alone could overwhelm the system and bankrupt America . But it adds 12 million reliable new Democrat voters who can be counted on to support big government.  Add another few trillion dollars in welfare, aid to dependent children, food stamps, free medical, education, tax credits for the poor, and eventually Social Security.
-- Stimulus and bailouts. Where did all that money go? It went to Democrat contributors, organizations (ACORN), and unions -- including billions of dollars to save or create jobs of government employees across the country. It went to save GM and Chrysler so that their employees could keep paying union dues. It went to AIG so that Goldman Sachs could be bailed out (after giving Obama almost $1 million in contributions). A staggering $125 billion went to teachers (thereby protecting their union dues). All those public employees will vote loyally Democrat to protect their bloated salaries and pensions that are bankrupting America . The country goes broke, future generations face a bleak future, but Obama, the Democrat Party, government, and the unions grow more powerful. The ends justify the means.
-- Raise taxes on small business owners, high-income earners, and job creators. Put the entire burden on only the top 20 percent of taxpayers, redistribute the income, punish success, and reward those who did nothing to deserve it (except vote for Obama). Reagan wanted to dramatically cut taxes in order to starve the government. Obama wants to dramatically raise taxes to starve his political opposition.
With the acts outlined above, Obama and his regime have created a vast and rapidly expanding constituency of voters dependent on big government; a vast privileged class of public employees who work for big government; and a government dedicated to destroying capitalism and installing themselves as socialist rulers by overwhelming the system.
Add it up and you've got the perfect Marxist scheme -- all devised by my Columbia University college classmate Barack Obama using the Cloward and Piven Plan.
To see how the Cloward and Piven Plan has impacted the USA prior to the Obama administration click on the below
Watch it all since at the end it explains the difference between - Liberal and Leftist......


The Idiot-in-Chief's reckless approach to our nation's fiscal integrity is reminiscent of the signature phrase of Mad magazine's Alfred E. Neuman, "What, me worry?" Obama struck again last week at the G-20 conference in Toronto, urging other nations to follow his Pied Piper lead into deficit spending hell.

Obama is turning us into a poster nation for financial irresponsibility. While other nations at the meeting were focusing on deficit reduction, Obama was stupidly urging them to join us in spending oblivion.

He is totally detached from reality concerning the failure of his own policies to stimulate growth of any kind to save his beloved public sector and thus recommends more of the same to the rest of the world.  In speech after speech, he takes credit for having launched an economic recovery in the United States and for achieving job growth. Notwithstanding his economic models that stubbornly predict such results, he can point to no empirical evidence to verify his delusional boasts.  It would be bad enough if his economic policies were simply retarding our economic recovery, but they are also accelerating our trip to national bankruptcy.

Obama's plan is to spend us into bankruptcy without improving private-sector economic growth, impose national health care and other permanent entitlements to further bankrupt us and suppress the economy, exploit the Gulf oil spill to cram through the further growth-destroying cap-and-trade bill, and then revamp the tax code to place even further burdens on income earners and the economy as a whole. What, me worry? Duh! How about you?

What a clown!

Sunday, June 27, 2010



Give this teacher,,,and  true American... a standing ovation.  This letter says it
 all, and she was brave enough to attach her  name to it.

# # # # #
April  17, 2009
The  White  House
1600  Pennsylvania  Avenue
Washington,  DC    20500

Mr.  Obama:

I have had it with you and  your ad
ministration, sir.  Your
conduct on your  recent trip overseas has convinced me that you are not
an  adequate representative of the United States of America  collectively
or of me personally.

You are so  obsessed with appeasing the Europeans and the Muslim  world
that you have abdicated the responsibilities of the  President of the
United States of America .  You are  responsible to the citizens of the
United States .   You are not responsible to the peoples of any  other
country on earth.

I personally resent   that you go around the world apologizing for the
United  States telling Europeans that we are arrogant and do not  care
about their  status in the world.  Sir,  what do you think the First
World  War and the  Second World War were all about if not the
consideration  of the peoples of  Europe ?  Are you brain  dead?   What
do you think the Marshall Plan was  all about?  Do you not understand or
know the  history of the 20th century?

Where  do you get off telling a Muslim country that the  United
States does not consider itself a Christian  country?  Have you not
read the Declaration of  Independence or the Constitution of the United
States  ?  This country was founded on Judeo-Christian ethics  and the
principles governing this country, at least until  you came along, come
directly from this heritage.   Do you not understand this?

Your bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia is an  affront to all Americans.
Our President does not bow down  to anyone, let alone the king of Saudi
Arabia .... You  didn't show Great Britain , our best and one of  our
oldest allies, the respect they deserve yet you bow  down to the king of
Saudi Arabia ..  How dare you, sir! How dare you!

You can't find the time to visit  the graves of our greatest generation
because you don't  want to offend the Germans but make time to visit  a
mosque in   Turkey ......  You offended  our dead and every veteran when
you give the Germans more  respect than the people who saved the German
people from  themselves.  What's the matter with you? I am  convinced
that you and the members of your administration  have the historical and
intellectual depth of a mud  puddle and should be ashamed of yourselves,
all of  you.

You are so self-righteously offended by the big  bankers and the
American automobile manufacturers yet do  nothing about the real thieves
in this situation, Mr.  Dodd, Mr. Frank, Franklin Raines, Jamie Gorelic,
the  Fannie Mae bonuses, and the Freddie Mac bonuses. What do you  intend
to do about them? Anything? I seriously doubt  it.

What about the U.S. House members passing out  $9.1 million in bonuses
to their staff members on top of  the $2.5 million in automatic pay
raises that lawmakers  gave themselves?  I understand the average  House
aide got a 17% bonus.  I took a 5% cut in my  pay to save jobs with my
employer.  You haven't said  anything about that.  Who authorized that?
I surely  didn't!

Executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will  be receiving $210 million
in bonuses over an  eighteen-month period, that's $45 million more than
the  AIG bonuses.  In fact, Fannie and Freddie executives  have already
been awarded $51 million not a bad  take.  Who authorized that and why
haven't you  expressed your outrage at this group who are  largely
responsible for the economic mess we have right  now?

I resent that you take me and my fellow citizens  as brain-dead and not
caring about what you idiots  do.  We are watching what you are doing
and we are  getting increasingly fed up with all of you.

I also  want you to know that I personally find just about  everything
you do and say to be offensive to every one of  my sensibilities.  I
promise you that I will work  tirelessly to see that you do not get a
chance to spend  two terms destroying my beautiful  country.

Sincerely, and on behalf of every real  American,

Ms Kathleen Lyday
Fourth Grade  Teacher
Grandview Elementary School
11470  Hwy .  C
Hillsboro , MO   63050
(636)   944-3291 Phone
(636) 944-3870  Fax


P.S.  I rarely ask that emails be  'passed
around'.................PLEASE SEND THIS TO YOUR  EMAIL's
past time for all Americans to wake  up!

This woman  may lose her job for this letter..  I believe we owe it  to
her for expressing the outrage that we feel but fail  to address.
Please pass this  on.


Thursday, June 24, 2010


I'm sure you know by now that Obama relieved Gen. Stanley McChrystal of his command of the war in Afghanistan Wednesday because of insubordinate remarks by him and his aides in a Rolling Stone article published earlier this week.  But can you believe that this incompetent boob of a president is replacing McChrystal with Gen. David Petraeus....that’s right, this very same Gen. David Petraeus who was pillarized by the Bush hating senate Obamazombies and it's media minions for being a "sock pocket" for President Bush.

Strangely enough,, the media face of the far-left, still had this Sept. 2007 ad up as of June 18, according to their Google cache. But if you go to now, it’s gone. They kept it there for almost 3 years before taking it down....all of a sudden!

That's curious, wouldn't you say? You should check out the YouTube videos from the 2007 hearings on the viciousness of the Democrats against Petraeus---especially the lecture and grilling of the general by then senator, BO, who didn't even give Petraeus much of an opportunity to respond!  They just hated Bush so much that they were willing to sacrifice the security of our armed forces, and our country, to satisfy their own political ideology.

Now however, the BO media corp is promoting the word "brilliant" to falsify the Liar-in-Chiefs selection of Petraeus!  That's right...can you freakin believe the hypocrisy?  The media myrmidons: Chris Matthews, Olbermann, Schultz, Maddow, NBC,  ABC, CBS, MSNBC, et al, are drooling all over themselves when describing what a "brilliant" move this was by the Presidential Boob.

George Bush was portrayed as an idiot back in 2007 for nominating Gen. Petraeus (and for everything else he did).  So now they are trying to backtrack to make BO's appointment of Petraeus look like Jesus delivering the sermon on the mount!

So they blame Bush for everything wrong with the BO presidency, but do you see anyone giving Bush credit for picking out the best qualified general to run the war in the middle East?  And now they praise Petraeus for being the second coming of Christ, and have no choice but to acknowledge that Bush was right to appoint Petraeus...BUT THEY  ARE TRYING TO GIVE THE INCOMPETENT ONE ALL THE CREDIT FOR IT!  WHAT BLATANT LIARS AND HYPOCRITES THESE OBAMACRATS ARE!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

BO may want General McChrystal to take over this new front...or else the war on oil drillers

Amid crises, Obama declares war -- on Arizona

Washington Examiner

By: Byron York
Chief Political Correspondent
June 22, 2010


The Obama administration has a lot of fights on its hands. Putting aside real wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, there's the battle against leaking oil in the Gulf, the struggle against 9.7 percent unemployment across the country, and clashes over the president's agenda on Capitol Hill. Despite all that, the White House has found time to issue a new declaration of war, this time against an unlikely enemy: the state of Arizona.
The Justice Department is preparing to sue Arizona over its new immigration law.

Read more at the Washington Examiner:

Sunday, June 20, 2010


   This dope...and Liar-in-Chief... has said he is "COMMITTED" to doing all he can to help prevent damage to the Gulf Coast from the oil spill.  His strategy must involve Pina Coladas, reading comic books, going to concerts and baseball games, and playing more rounds of golf. 

What an A-hole!              

This dickwad is also committed to help him save our state's making a first hand inspection.  Can you please give us a break?

 So guys, if you're so freakin' committed hows about waiving the Jones Act (like Bush did within 4 days after Katrina), and getting the Coast Guard to stop the inane routine safety inspections of the skimming barges  that are actually doing something positive to help try and save the environment!!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Thanks to Neal Boortz for this NEWS FLASH!

Right smack in the middle of this cleanup effort the United States Coast Guard thinks it would be a nifty time to have a little safety inspection of the skimming vessels being used.

Oh yeah! The Coast Guard had to make sure that these boats had fire extinguishers and a life jacket for every person on board .... So the boats were ordered into port and sidelined for about 24 hours while the Coast Guard conducted their safety inspection.

Are you believing this? Now I've seen government do some amazingly stupid things during my 40 years of talk radio ... but this pretty much takes the cake.

Try this. Fire trucks are on the way to a fire. Some DOT safety inspector is cruising down the road and sees the trucks. He figures that this might be a good time for a safety inspection. Besides, he notes that one of the brake lights is broken. So ... he pulls the fire truck over for an inspection. Meanwhile, the building keeps burning.

Now know this: No private sector company would ever pull an insane stunt like this. This is the type of idiocy that can only come from government. So ... let's all put our trust in government. And for the 45% of you who think that the government is best equipped to stop this leak ... what would you say when some government hack tells you that they have just the equipment they need .. and it's loaded on a boat ... but they just can't leave harbor until they have a life vest for every person on board. Give me a freaking break.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi blamed the Bush administration for any lack of
oversight leading up to the Gulf oil spill. The Obama administration, on the other
hand, is blameless, she said.   WHAT?

When asked by Don Imus on his morning program if the Obama was to blame for
lack of response to the oil spill, Sen. Chris Dodd blamed the Bush administration.
At that point, Imus interrupted and asked if he has "lost" his mind for blaming
Bush. "The President has been in office for a year and a half and they've been
dragging their feet and even people like James Carville said that his behavior 'has
been at the very best lackadaisical and naive' and you're still going to try to blame
Bush?" he said.

Following this type of asinine logic from these...and other...dumbassocrats, it is
clearly evident that all blame for 9/11 lies clearly on perjurer, adulterer and
impeached former president, Bill Clinton!  Any arguments?

According to Col. Oliver North, within 4 days  after Katrina struck, Pres. George Bush waived the Jones Act which allowed foreign vessels to come to the aid of Katrina victims and aid workers.

The Dutch and other Netherland countries..and 13 other countries...with their
superior knowledge and experience in dealing with offshore drilling accidents (in
the North Sea, no less) have offered their help and superior equipment to help
us...AND THIS ADMINISTRATION HAS REFUSED THEIR AID (SUPPOSEDLY BECAUSE THEY WOULDN'T BE UTILIZING UNION WORKERS)!!!  That's right BO is more concerned about his union pals than in protecting the Gulf Coast, wildlife and U.S. citizens who are suffering because of this disaster.  WTF!

This A-hole president has done nothing but talk, thus far.  Yet he, and his
myrmidons, continue to blame Bush for not acting quickly enough to help Katrina
victims.  His union cronies are more important to him than we are.  WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS JERK?

ABC's Sam Champion presented Gulf coast reaction to President Obama's oil spill
speech, and surprisingly found three critics and no outright defenders. One woman
exclaimed: "What I would have liked to heard from him, that he actually had a
plan." Five years ago, after President Bush spoke in New Orleans after Hurricane
Katrina hit the Gulf coast, ABC assembled a focus group of six Katrina survivors
at Houston's Astrodome. But to the evident astonishment of ABC's correspondent,
not one member of that group would denounce President Bush, but instead leveled
their criticism at local officials who failed to prepare the city ahead of time.

On a special edition of Tuesday's Countdown show on MSNBC which aired after
President Obama's address to the nation, the panel of Dumbassocrats KeithOlbermann, Chris Matthews and Howard Fineman were not impressed by the President's speech, as the group complained that it was not "specific" enough and lacked details. Matthews complained that in the Obama administration,
"meritocracy is going too far," and asserted that it was "ludicrous" that the President had mentioned that the Secretary of Energy has a Nobel Prize.

What in the hell does having a Nobel Prize mean when the guy knows nothing
about fixing the oil spill!  WHERE IS THE LOGIC IN THAT???  ARE WE JUST

When kiss-ass supporters like Olbermann, Chris Matthews and Howard Fineman
turn on BO, and openly criticize his excellency, you can bet that his sorry ass is on
the line for f**king up this disaster.   SO STOP BLAMING BUSH OR ANYONE

"Don't mistake activity for achievement."...........Coach John Wooden

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


 Re-print of today's column by Thomas Sowell.  It so summarizes the character of this phony, amateurish, sad-sack of a president that I felt compelled to let others read it.

 # # # # #
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Thomas Sowell :: Columnist
Oil and Snake Oil
by Thomas Sowell

 The big oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is bad enough in itself. But politics can make anything worse.

Let's stop and think. Either the government knows how to stop the oil spill or they don't. If they know how to stop it, then why have they let thousands of barrels of oil per day keep gushing out, for weeks on end? All they have to do is tell BP to step aside, while the government comes in to do it right.

If they don't know, then what is all this political grandstanding about keeping their boot on the neck of BP, the Attorney General of the United States going down to the Gulf to threaten lawsuits-- on what charges was unspecified-- and President Obama showing up in his shirt sleeves?

Just what is Obama going to do in his shirt sleeves, except impress the gullible? He might as well have shown up in a tuxedo with white tie, for all the difference it makes.

This government is not about governing. It is about creating an impression. That worked on the campaign trail in 2008, but it is a disaster in the White House, where rhetoric is no substitute for reality.

If the Obama administration was for real, and trying to help get the oil spill contained as soon as possible, the last thing its Attorney General would be doing is threatening a lawsuit. A lawsuit is not going to stop the oil, and creating a distraction can only make people at BP start directing their attention toward covering themselves, instead of covering the oil well.

If and when the Attorney General finds that BP did something illegal, that will be time enough to start a lawsuit. But making a public announcement at this time accomplishes absolutely nothing substantive. It is just more political grandstanding.

This is not about oil. This is about snake oil.

Nothing will keep a man or an institution determined to continue on a failing policy course like past success with that policy. Obama's political success in the 2008 election campaign was a spectacular triumph of creating images and impressions.

But creating political impressions and images is not the same thing as governing. Yet Obama in the White House keeps on saying and doing things to impress people, instead of governing.

Once the elections were over and the time for governing began, there was now a new audience to consider-- a much more savvy audience, the leaders of other countries around the world.

However impressed the media and the Obama cult might be with the President's image, rhetoric and style, leaders of other countries-- allies and enemies alike-- are interested in results.

Even our domestic policies can affect foreign leaders, as Ronald Reagan's breaking of the air traffic controllers' strike impressed the Russians with what kind of man they were going to have to deal with, as former Soviet officials said publicly many years later.

By the same token, domestic bungling by Barack Obama sends a dangerous signal to countries hostile to us, in addition to the signal sent by his displays of amateurism on the world stage.

President Obama had barely settled into the White House before he began demonstrating his willingness to sell out this country's friends to appease our enemies. His trip to Moscow to try to make a deal with the Russians, based on reneging on the pre-existing American commitment to put a missile shield in Eastern Europe, was the kind of short-sighted betrayal whose consequences can come back to haunt a nation for years.

Obama spoke grandly about "pressing the reset button" on international relations, as if all the international commitments of the past were his to disregard.
But if no American commitment can be depended upon beyond a current administration, then any nation that allies itself with us is jeopardizing its own national security, because dangers in the international jungle last longer than 4 years or even 8 years.

We are already seeing the consequences. Even Turkey-- formally a NATO ally-- is cozying up to Iran, now that it is painfully clear that Obama is not going to do anything that has any realistic chance of stopping Iran from going nuclear.

If leaders of other nations can't depend on the United States, then they need to make the best deal they can with our enemies. They understand that preserving their nation's security is a leader's top priority, even if Barack Obama doesn't.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The "Show Me" state has once again showed us how it should be done.

"The Ozarks Sentinel" Editorial Opinion - by State Representative Nita Jane Ayres, May 13, 2010
In 2007, Missouri placed on the ballot a proposed constitutional amendment designating English as the Official language of Missouri.  Nearly 90% voting in favor!  English became the official language for ALL governmental proceeding in Missouri.  It also means no individual has the right to demand government services in a language OTHER than English.

 In 2008 a measure was passed that requires our Highway Patrol and other law enforcement officials to verify the immigration status of any person arrested, and inform federal authorities if the person is found to be here illegally.  It allows Missouri law enforcement offices to receive training to enforce federal immigration laws.  The bill makes it clear that illegal immigrants will NOT have access to taxpayers benefits such as food stamps and health care through Missouri HealthNET.

 In 2009 a measure was passed that ensures Missouri's public institutions of higher education do NOT award financial aid to individuals who are here illegally.  The law also requires all post-secondary institutions of higher education to annually certify to the Missouri Dept. Of Higher Education that they have NOT knowingly awarded financial aid to students who are unlawfully present in the United States.

So while Arizona has made national news for its new law, it is important to remember Missouri has been proactive in addressing this growing problem.

 Missouri has sent a clear message that illegal immigrants are NOT welcome in our state and they are certainly NOT welcome to receive public benefits at the cost of Missouri taxpayers!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Which failed more, capitalism or government?

 Aside from the humorous content of this article, this is a very serious look at the outrageous bureaucracy that we, the U.S. Taxpayers, are shelling out for every April 15th!    OBAMA, UNIONS, LOBBYISTS, REGULATIONS....these are all words that disgust me in context with this corrupt and ineffectual gang of Democratic whores in D.C. now.

Which failed more, capitalism or government?

June 10, 2010  

The inevitable pictures of pelicans covered in oil finally surfaced, solidifying this oil spill as the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history. We have not seen this many pictures of unintelligent animals covered in oil since the first season of "Jersey Shore."

Now we ask the bigger question: Which failed us more, capitalism or government?

Since they are partners in this crime against nature, it is hard to say. The Minerals Management Service (I always love the way government attaches the word "service" to agencies like the Postal Service and Internal Revenue Service; it just shows they have a sense of humor) siphons $10 billion a year from oil companies that drill. This is not counting the roughly 30 percent tax per gallon at the pump. This cut, or "partnership," is supposedly for the MMS's fine safety oversight – much like the pimp gets paid to regulate his sub-contractors.

All I know is that, so far, the only solutions to this problem have come from the private sector. While they have not yet been successful, it shows that our government has no better ideas to offer. "Top Hat," "Junk Shot" and "Top Kill" sound like rejected titles of Bruce Willis movies. When BP says it's going to try all these crazy ideas, the Obama administration basically says, "Ok, anything you try is still better than anything we've got."

All Obama knows how to do is give a speech, tax his political adversaries and threaten more regulation – otherwise he really has nothing. Even his speeches have waned; at this rate, he may have to lay off three teleprompters.

Does anyone find it curious that the areas of business we have the most problems with are the ones most "regulated"? The financial sector, banks, health care, automobile manufacturing – and now energy – fall into this category. "Regulated" in America just means you have to hire more lobbyists and pay more politicians to protect you – from the government.

It seems we never have any issues with the truly free enterprise sectors of our economy, represented by Wal-Mart, Coca Cola, Caterpillar, FedEx, Google, Intel, Starbucks, Proctor & Gamble, Taco Bell and Apple. Hmmm – I wonder if there is a reason for that?

When an industry is forced into bed with the government over regulation, they come out as slimy as those birds in the Gulf now. The result is that the customer and society are forgotten in favor of "pay-to-play" politics and the buying of political cover for anything that might go wrong.

BP gave the most money to Obama. Ditto for Goldman Sachs. And, in fairness to Obama, if the Republicans had not lost power for becoming Democrats, BP and Goldman Sachs would be their largest contributors. These folks have no political ideology. They are just buying indulgent politicians, which is their best use of capital expenditure dollars when they are that heavily regulated.

BP had 97 percent of all flagrant violations found in the oil business by government safety inspectors, including 759 citations for "egregious, willful" violations, compared to only eight for the two companies tied for second. So BP was clearly spending their money on politicians, not safety.

If you buy Obama's stern speeches threatening the very businesses that donate heavily to him, then you believe that WWF wrestler who makes bravado based predictions about the demise of his opponent before their "wrestling" match. In reality, they go out for drinks afterwards and laugh at us for believing them.

BP has and will pay for this. And they should. At least when a business pays for its mistakes it does it with earnings, not like the federal government that does it by borrowing money that future generations will have to pay back. I am sure Obama will make BP pay money on this, probably to the thug SEIU or unions in Detroit so hurt by Gulf of Mexico spill.

What Obama fails to realize that his constant blame game is wearing thin. Events continue to unmask the fact that government does not have real answers.

Blame is not a solution Mr. President. "Plug the damn hole," are words, not a fix. You need to understand the difference between rhetoric and competence.

Sadly, at the end of the day, you and your beloved government had fewer resources and ideas to plug this oil leak than a company that attempted to put a "top hat" on it and considered shooting old tires and golf balls at it. That says it all.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Here's another example of the violence and hatred shown by the disorderly crowds at Tea Party rallies.  Can you believe what is happening to this country when people like this can control such an unruly mob?  Unfortunately, the liberal media...NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, etc. failed to report on this story.  I wonder why?


Tuesday, June 8, 2010


During his commencement speech at Kalamazoo Central High School in Michigan last Monday, the Pathological Liar-in-Chief (PLIC) said:

"Don't make excuses. Take responsibility not just for your successes, but for your failures as well. The truth is, no matter how hard you work, you won't necessarily ace every class or succeed in every job. There will be times when you screw up, when you hurt the people you love, when you stray from your most deeply held values.  And when that happens, it's the easiest thing in the world to start looking around for someone to blame. Your professor was too hard, your boss was a jerk, the coach was playing favorites, your friend just didn't understand. We see it every day out in Washington, with folks calling each other names and making all sorts of accusations on TV."

He told the students that "pointing fingers,"  "making excuses." and "blaming parents" and everyone else in their lives is not the road to follow.


 For the last year and a half, the PLIC has been using Bush as a scapegoat for everything from the increase in national debt, and our unemployment situation to America's image abroad...and for every other problem his administration is confronted with.

Someone (Malia, where are you?  Talk to him again while he is shaving) should tell him to pull his head out of his royal Hawaiian/Kenyan ass and be more truthful because he's not fooling anybody anymore with his two-faced lies except himself.

Where the hell is the media on this???

Monday, June 7, 2010


"Please forgive me for burning and murdering your retina"

From Nikki Richards' Blog:  According to Nikki commenting on Helen Thomas' idiotic remark about the Jews leaving Palestine and posting Helen's ugly puss in the post (see it and read the humurous post at:

Helen's stupid face is too ugly for me to post and upset the stomachs of my readers.  No need to send me "thanks."

PS:  Shortly after posting this, Helen Thomas resigned from the WH Press Corp.  It was interesting to watch the evening liberal media circle the wagons around her to praise her accomplishments and allow her to retire gracefully...and Brian Williams even included a clip of her criticizing George Bush as a final barb from this stupid liberal hag.  Good riddance, I say!


Huffington on ABC's This Week: 'Absolutely a Thousand Percent Bush-Cheney's Fault'
By: Brent Baker
June 06, 2010 15:24 ET

“Sooner or later, we’ll blame this on George W. Bush,” George Will presciently predicted on Sunday’s Week during the roundtable’s look as how President Barack Obama is handling the gulf oil leak. Seconds later, the Huffington Post’s Arianna Huffington didn’t let Will down, declaring “the truth is, that right now we have precisely the regulatory system that the Bush-Cheney administration wanted. Full of loopholes, full of cronies and lobbyists filling the very agencies they're supposed to be overseeing the industry.”  For the full story, go to

To show how stupid (or biased) this liberal media prostitute for George Soros is, wouldn't it logically follow then that impeached, adulterer and liar former president Bill Clinton is responsible for the 9/11 attack on the U.S.?  After all, it was his liberal policies in dealing with terrorists that allowed the relaxed standards to be in effect to the extent they were bold enough to attempt such an attack.

Hey, Arianna, how are you gonna explain that one?  I'll be watching your stupid blog for your stupid answer.


Here are clear cut examples of how this BO Administration is surreptitiously screwing the American taxpayers, and making them beholden to their Democratic masters.

If you connect the dots, this administration is full of those with Sachs buddies. Al Gore's carbon exchange rip-off company's partner is David Blood (ex Sachs exec). Obama has many links, including the Chicago Carbon Exchange. Goldman Sachs owns 10% of this. The American people almost got bilked for trillions when Obama tried to steer us to this company he funded from his Joyce Foundation days in the Cap and Trade scam. (This is fraud).
Then there's this from  Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) speaking on the House floor: Now weve moved into the realm of gangster government. We have gangster government when the Federal Government has set up a new cartel and private businesses now have to go begging with their hand out to their local hopefully well politically connected Congressman or their Senator so they can buy a peace offering for that local business. Is that the kind of country we are going to have in the future?

Please join the efforts to rid our government of these scum bags. Join The Kick Them All Out Project at

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Three New Navy Ships

 Seeing it next to the Arizona Memorial really puts its size into perspective.... ENORMOUS!

When the Bridge pipes ' Man the Rail' there is a lot of rail to man on this monster: shoulder to shoulder, around 4..5 acres.  Her displacement is about 100,000 tons with full complement.
Top speed exceeds 30 knots, powered by two nuclear reactors that can operate for more than 20 years without refueling

1. Expected to operate in the fleet for about 50 years

2. Carries over 80 combat aircraft

3. Three arresting cables can stop a 28-ton aircraft going 150 miles per hour in less than 400 feet
1. Towers 20 stories above the waterline

2. 1092 feet long; nearly as long as the Empire State Building is tall

3.  Flight deck covers 4..5 acres

4.  4 bronze propellers, each 21 feet across, weighing 66,200  pounds

5.  2 rudders, each 29 by 22 feet and weighing 50 tons

6.  4 high speed aircraft elevators, each over 4,000 square feet
1. Home to about 6,000 Navy personnel

2. Carries enough food and supplies to operate for 90 days

3.  18,150 meals served daily

4.  Distillation plants provide 400,000 gallons of fresh water from sea water daily, enough for 2,000 homes

5.  Nearly 30,000 light fixtures and 1,325 miles of cable and wiring 1,400 telephones

6.  14,000 pillowcases and 28,000 sheets


The ship is the first of its kind in the Navy and is a standing legacy to President Bill Clinton 'for his foresight in military budget cuts' and his conduct while holding the (formerly dignified) office of President.

The ship is constructed nearly entirely from recycled aluminum and is completely solar powered with a top speed of 5 knots.
  It boasts an arsenal comprised of one (unarmed) F14 Tomcat or one (unarmed) F18 Hornet aircraft which, although they cannot be launched on the 100 foot flight deck, form a very menacing presence.

As a standing order there are no firearms allowed on board.

This crew, like the crew aboard the USS Jimmy Carter, is specially trained to avoid conflicts and appease any and all enemies of the United States at all costs.

An onboard Type One DNC Universal Translator can send out messages of apology in any language to anyone who may find America offensive.  The number of apologies are limitless and though some may seem hollow and disingenuous, the Navy advises all apologies will sound very sincere. 

In times of conflict, the USS Clinton has orders to seek refuge in Canada . 

This ship will be used to ferry illegals across the Rio Grande to pick up their welfare checks as advance payments for their democratic votes.

Details are as vague as his past, his economic policies and his credentials to lead.
But don't you worry......he has a plan!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Don't read this! You'll hate me for being the messenger.

Thanks to Neal Boortz for these thoughts.

Yesterday our federal debt surpassed $13 trillion...and the average debt per citizen has soared to $42,144.   This is the first time in history that our country has sunk this much into the red. Say what you will about the spending of previous administrations, but there is no doubt that B. O. and the Democrats running the economic show in Congress are on a high-speed track to America's financial destruction.

Since the inept Community Organizer has taken the reins in Washington, our government has spent an average of $5 billion a day. That is almost three times as much as the daily average under George W. Bush. This means that so far under Obama's presidency, our national debt has risen $2.4 trillion.
Recently, BO had harsh words for the GOP .. he criticized them for sitting on the sidelines and not offering any solutions. Perhaps Obama should direct some of that anger towards his fellow Democrats in Congress who have refused to vote on a budget this year. Other than defending our nation, is there a more primary function of government than setting a basic budget for operations? While Obama has managed to appoint a debt commission, what real action do you see the Democrats trying to take in tackling our debt crisis? The answer is that you don't. That's because this is a crisis that isn't going to win them votes. It isn't going to win them re-election or union support or local memorials in their honor. It is going to be an issue that takes real guts - it is going to take politicians who are not there because they seek power, but because they want to get this country back on track. Where can you find such selfless people nowadays? Sure ain't the people currently running the show.

While we are bemoaning the $13 trillion debt, this is a great column from Caroline Baum at Bloomberg News:

    "We feel for this mom whose work options are limited by the need to care for her 3-year-old daughter. We all know someone who has been left jobless, financially strapped and emotionally bereft by the recession. Yet, at the risk of sounding hard-hearted, the U.S. can't afford to provide everyone with food, clothing and shelter, not to mention medical and child care, college tuition, a low-interest mortgage and a Social Security check until death.

    As much as this single mom's plight tugs at our heart strings, using deficit financing to provide her with government subsidized child care is dangerous to her child's health. That child will have to shoulder the bill. That's the pain we don't feel or hear about; the pain that doesn't make its way into news stories, at least not in human terms; the pain that's no less real, just less pressing."

Do you get the point? Things may be a bit rough for us right now no thanks to this idiot president and his moronic administration , but do you realize the burden we're putting on our children to ease the pain for ourselves?  Wouldn't a loving parent suffer the pain right now so that their children might have a better life? The pain is no less real. It is a pain that doesn't make the front page of the news. Forget swimming pools or choking hazards. Our federal debt may be the single greatest danger to your child's health.