Saturday, March 27, 2010


In our little community up in the panhandle, I observed a disturbing trend as teachers used school kids to promote the census. 

On Thursday morning, a handful of kids jumped up and down, doing their best to gain the attention of adults who were dropping off children. They each held a sign that encouraged Destin residents to take part.  During “drop-off” and “pick-up” this week, students have been reminding Destin parents to take part in this year’s tallying, hoping to correct the small showing that contributed to 2000’s Destin census.
No longer can our kids be allowed to say a short prayer or recite the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of their school day, but it's OK to send them outside with posters to promote political agendas (and trust me, that's what this census is all about. Profiling us to get better control over us. Why else personal interviews instead of the standard forms by mail?). Is that why the gov't banned prayer in schools, to make room for political agendas? I think teachers need to explain themselves on this. Who gave them their marching orders? The union bosses? Or did the order come directly from the White House.

Mmmm, Mmmmmm, Mmmmmm Barack Hussein Obama. Now that the kids learned that in school, I guess BO is moving into the next phase of indoctrinating our kids. Notice how he "used" little Marcellus Owens to garner sympathy for his healthcare fiasco? Well here's a note for Marcellus Owens: "Marcellus, under the BO healthcare plan, I'm sorry to say that your Mom would have died anyway because she couldn't receiive any benefits until 2014...even tho we have to start paying for them now. Sorry for your loss."


Friday, March 26, 2010


All of sudden all talk by the dumbassocrats has shifted from healthcare to the despicable actions of anti-healthcare tea potters.  They have accused these legitimate protesters of spitting on them, calling them derogatory names, blowing up their homes and offices, and sending them threatening emails and telephone calls.

According to Neal Boortz the last thing the ObamaZombies want to do is debate ObamaCare on its merits:
  • They don't want to have to defend the revelation that Obama and his family will not be subject to the restrictions, requirements and penalties of ObamaCare.
  • They don't want to have to explain how an insurance company can charge lower premiums when its healthier policy holders take a hike and they're forced to insure people who are already sick.
  • They don't want a discussion on how our children and grandchildren are going to pay off the massive debt they will have to overcome courtesy of ObamaCare.
  • They don't want to have to defend the gimmicks they used to force the Congressional Budget Office to falsely report that ObamaCare would reduce the deficit.
  • They don't want to discuss the logic of fining a young person 2.2% of their income if they refuse to buy an insurance policy they think they won't need that would cost them 10% of their income.
  • They don't want to have to explain just why ObamaCare will not follow the path of Medicare and the prescription drug benefit ... the path to actual costs over and above projected costs by a factor of 10 or more.
  • They don't want to discuss Fidel Castro's glowing endorsement of ObamaCare yesterday.
  • They don't want to discuss just why Democrats absolutely refused to consider simple and easily enforced private sector options, such as allowing insurance companies to sell their policies across state lines, before moving toward healthcare nationalization.
  • They don't want to explain just where in the Constitution they found that nifty little clause that gives the government the authority to use its police power to force a free American citizen to enter into a contract to purchase something from a private company against their will.
  • They don't want to have to explain why Caterpillar has already announced that as many as 1000 workers will lose their jobs after the passage of ObamaCare.
We could go on and on here ... but you get the idea. These are simply facts, questions, policies and anomalies that the Democrats don't want to talk about ... so what do they do to avoid the conversation? Simple! They just used their sycophants in the ObamaMedia to portray opponents of ObamaCare as psycho-nutjobs who need to be put in straitjackets or internment camps somewhere to protect all that is decent and wonderful in the Democrat's brave new welfare state.

This is just a lot of liberal hooey; it is right out of the socialists handbook for taking over our country.  It is "DIVERSION" with a capital "D."  I hope none of you are swallowing this line of BS.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


In 2002, President Bush signed into law a bill titled the "Born Alive Infants Protection Act" (BAIPA) that was supported by Senators Kerry, Kennedy and Clinton and received a unanimous bi-partisan vote.

The reason for the enactment of the BAIPA Bill, it was found that 'Babies' who survived abortions (about 100 per year Nationally) were being treated as medical waste and placed on a tray left to die due to 'Pain Shock', thirst or starvation.

As Chairman of the Illinois State Senate committee Barack Obama successfully opposed a similar 'BAIPA Bill' in the Illinois Senate by NOT even allowing the 'Bill' to come to a vote.

What Barack Obama accomplished by his 'Tireless Work', was that these babies who were alive and separated from their "mothers" and in excruciating pain from a 'Botched Abortion' that left them horribly burned from the chemicals used, would die alone without any pain medication or Medical help sobbing and begging for help.

Barack Obama personified 'Evil' and lack of empathy for these babies, while he used every 'Political Trick' possible to deny these babies any medical help.

This Barack Obama 'Philosophy' of NOT spending any money on those who will 'Die Anyway', has been consistent throughout Barack Obama's political career. 


But the rally sad part is that WE WILL BE PAYING FOR THESE ABORTIONS under the new health care bill!

"When all of the pro-abortion provisions are considered in total, the Senate bill is the most pro-abortion single piece of legislation that has ever come to the House floor for a vote, since Roe v. Wade.  Any House member who votes for the Senate health bill is casting a career-defining pro-abortion vote.  A House member who votes for the Senate bill would forfeit a plausible claim to pro-life credentials.  No House member who votes for the Senate bill will be regarded, in the future, as having a record against federal funding of abortion."

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


"Sunday night, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the massive health care bill that carries a trillion dollar price tag, cuts Medicare by $500 billion, raises $500 billion in new taxes, and requires every American to purchase health insurance or face a penalty to be collected by the IRS. Unfortunately, this health care bill will now be signed into law.
Now the Senate is being asked to approve a number of so-called "fixes" to the health care bill through a legislative procedure called reconciliation. The changes suggested will make a bad bill worse by adding more tax increases, cutting more from Medicare, and forcing more people into the broken Medicaid system.

The reconciliation bill seeks $50 billion in additional tax increases, it doubles the tax on health insurers, and raises additional taxes and fees on drug makers and medical devices. It also seeks to triple the penalty on small business owners who cannot afford to provide their workers with health coverage, meaning employers might face a $2,000 per person fine.
The so-called fixes offered through the reconciliation process cut Medicare Advantage programs by $60 billion bringing the total cuts to the program to $200 billion. The total Medicare cuts add up to $523 billion. Unfortunately, all of that money will fund new entitlement programs instead of being used to make Medicare secure for our seniors."
                                                                             ---Senator George LeMieux

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Chumbolones ready to cry uncle after latest fleecing

 Re-print of a pertinent article in the Chicago Tribune by John Kass

Couch-surfing Uncle Feds leaves fiscal mark on Charlie and Cindy Chumbolone

Any day now, Congress in its wisdom might approve (but not actually vote for) President Barack Obama's gargantuan federal health care entitlement that only costs a trillion dollars (but probably a lot more).  So it's the perfect time to remember some folks that many — especially our politicians — have forgotten..... The Chumbolones.

Charlie and Cindy Chumbolone are typical of most Americans you know. Look in the mirror and you'll recognize them immediately.  They work hard, they pay their taxes, they live within their means, they give to their church and volunteer in their community.

And they take care of Uncle Feds.  Uncle Feds sleeps on the couch in the front room. He doesn't work, but he loves to eat and order pay-per-view movies On Demand, the expensive HD kind.  He's lived there so long that the Chumbolone children really can't remember when the fat man first plopped down on their mother's upholstery.  Uncle Feds isn't really a relative. He's just, well, Uncle Feds, and he has no intention of leaving.

"What's with the meatloaf?" Uncle Feds whines at dinner. "Who can eat this stuff? Roast beef is better, and tastier, too. How about a rib roast? Or veal chops?"  The Chumbolones at first were shocked that Uncle Feds would demand expensive cuts of meat. But they gave in to shut him up. Meanwhile, the rest of the family ate macaroni for dinner because money was so tight.

"Salads and vegetable medley for you children," Uncle Feds would tell the Chumbolone kids. "You don't want to grow up and get too fat. So pass the bread and that beef. It may not be good for you, but it's certainly good for me, heh, heh, heh."

Every week or so, the Chumbolones would sit at the kitchen table to study the bills and their budget, to find out where all their money was going. They were horrified when one day they realized Uncle Feds was eating almost half of everything they made.

Meanwhile, the air conditioner in Charlie's car was still broken, but he didn't want to spend the $400 to fix it.  "I'll just roll the windows down when it gets hot, just like last year," Charlie told Cindy.  And Cindy's feet hurt from standing all day at her job. But she wouldn't go to the podiatrist.  "Honey, if you don't have air conditioning in your car, I'm certainly not going to pay for a foot doctor," Cindy said. "I'll just soak my feet in Epsom salts and hot water."

The Chumbolones had one unbreakable rule about their budget. They'd purchase something only when they had the money to pay for it.  "Remember the trouble we got into with the credit cards?" recalled Cindy. "I never want to see a credit card again."

One day the Chumbolones spotted Uncle Feds on the street corner behind a card table, slicing dozens of tasty beef roasts for the neighbors, and handing out other goodies.  "Your Uncle Feds is so cool," the neighbors said. "He's the most popular guy in town. He gives us all this stuff for free."  Charlie grunted that it wasn't exactly free, but the neighbors didn't like the sound of that. They grumbled that Charlie was selfish and rude.

"Where did you get the money to pay for all of this, Uncle Feds?" asked Charlie. "We can't afford it anymore. We've got to start cutting back."  The neighbors were horrified at this line of questioning.  "Uncle Feds can't afford a cut!" they cried. "What's wrong with you, Charlie? Cut Uncle Feds? Are you stupid or what? He can't afford it!"

Later, Uncle Feds caught up with Charlie and Cindy (her feet in a pan of water) at the kitchen table with the bills.  "You asked me where I got the money?" said Uncle Feds with a wide grin. "I used your credit cards. You weren't using them. So I used them."

He explained it was an honorable tradition he learned as a boy in the nation's Capitol.  "It's called ‘Deem and Pass,'" he said. "I deemed I wanted your credit cards, and I passed the bills on to you."  Uncle Feds laughed and laughed, but the Chumbolones had been so numbed by his appetites that they'd forgotten how to get angry.

But the air conditioning in Charlie's car was still broken, and Cindy's feet still hurt, and they couldn't afford stuff for the kids, and still Uncle Feds kept ordering expensive movies On Demand and eating roasts and playing Mr. Popular with the neighbors.  So finally, the Chumbolones had enough. They told him he just had to cut his spending and they ordered him to help deal with the financial mess they were in.

One night, at dinner, Uncle Feds announced that he'd solved all their financial problems. 
"I knew you could do it," said Cindy. "How?" asked Charlie.  "It's simple," said Uncle Feds. "You need money, and I need money, so I just took out another mortgage on your home!"

The Chumbolones were stupefied.  "How could you do this to us?" cried Cindy. "What makes you think you could put us deeper in debt!" demanded Charlie.  As always, Uncle Feds had an answer.

"It's because you're Chumbolones," said Uncle Feds. "And the Chumbolones always pay and pay. Didn't you know that?"

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


On Tuesday's Situation Room, CNN's Jack Cafferty returned to targeting Nancy Pelosi, this time for endorsing the controversial "Slaughter Solution" to passing ObamaCare through the House of Representatives without a vote. Cafferty labeled the proposal "beyond sleazy," and later flatly remarked, "This reeks!" The commentator even gave some rare kudos to House Republicans. Cafferty devoted his 5 pm Eastern hour commentary to Pelosi's support for the "deem and pass" procedural maneuver that Democratic Representative Louise Slaughter submitted as a possible way of getting the Senate version of health care "reform" passed through the House. He wasted little time in expressing his amazement at the move: "Just when you think you've seen it all in Washington, along comes something like this. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi may try to pass the controversial health care reform bill without making members vote on it- simply unbelievable."

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


According to Neal Boortz, it's no secret that the labor unions are disappointed with Barack Obama and the Democrats. One of the many reasons is because of their failure to pass the Unionization-by-intimidation (card check) legislation. But even if the Obama administration can't deliver on card check, they will find a way to appease the unions. After all ... Obama and the Democrats know who got them elected.

Ever heard of something called the National Mediation Board? It's a three-member panel established during the days of FDR. It was originally created in order to mediate labor-management disputes in the railroad industry. But like any good government creation, it grew. Its powers grew. Its regulatory purview expanded. As this board currently stands, two of the three members are former union officials.

So now the Obama administration is apparently pushing for new arbitration rules. These rules would help unions to gain a representation certificate so long as it wins any representation election. It doesn't have to be an vote of all the workers ... just some small group will do. Here's how the National Right to Work Foundation describes it ...

"The new procedure would stack the deck in favor of unionization by granting a union monopoly bargaining power over workers if the union 'wins' an election, no matter how few eligible workers actually participate in the vote. In fact, this means that a small bloc of workers could force union boss 'representation' on the whole group as opposed to a true majority of all workers deciding for themselves."


If Hillary Clinton was truly compassionate about the health care issue in the 90's when the Clinton's tried to ram it down our throats, once she failed via government, she'd have formed the Hillary Clinton Foundation for the Medically Uninsured. By seeking donations from the wealthy elites; Winfrey, Gates, Buffet, Soros, and the Hollywood crowd, she’d had all the money needed. Now wouldn't that have be a simple solution to this whole mess. So I conclude, it is MORE about the POWER of GOVERNMENT, than about true compassion.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


The two-faced, lying hypocrites (better known as democrats) had their undies in knots in 2005 when the Republicans used Reconciliation to pass some bills. Why they screamed like sanctimonious prophets of a higher life form that anyone would sink to such low levels to get their way in Congress. It was so disgusting and repulsive for Republicans to do this that they virtually swore that they would never sink that low. Well now watch this and witness outrageous Democratic hypocrisy in action!



This quote is from the Internet. Unable to verify who said it, but the message is all too important ...

"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to an electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The public can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president."