Friday, April 29, 2011


Back in 2006, there was a smooth talking Senator from Illinois who took to the Senate Floor and spoke these words in criticism of PRESIDENT BUSH'S economic policy:

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure...Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally.  Leadership means that 'the buck stops here.'  Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren.  AMERICA HAS A DEBT PROBLEM!"

That Senator was none other than Barack Hussein Obama, the biggest LIAR AND HYPOCRITE in the history of the presidency (and that includes impeached liar, perjurer, adulterer, Bill Clinton).

So by his own admission, Obummer, by HIS economic policies, is admitting to the country that he is:

1.  A failure at leadership of America,

2  Weakening America domestically and internationally, and

3.  Shifting the burden of HIS bad choices (incompetence) today onto the backs of our children and grand children.

What more need be said about this incompetent BOOB who is way beyond his experience as the administrator of the largest economy in the world.

He should resign immediately if he had any backbone...but he won't because it would mean that he would have to give up his free golf, rides on Air force 1, free travel for him and his family and the discontinuence of his concept of importance to the world. 

Besides, his union and lobbyist puppetmasters won't let him!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


'Atlas Shrugged' a must-see movie

April 11, 2011  

The trajectory of this country over the past six years has been troubling to those of us who understand the power of individual freedoms. Encroachments on individual and corporate liberties, such as making us buy health insurance while exempting favored unions, go almost unnoticed by the average person. That is why the debut of the movie "Atlas Shrugged" is so important.

"Atlas Shrugged" warns of the indifference of government to individual freedoms in favor of the "hitchhikers of society." And how vilifying the true heroes, entrepreneurs, slowly kills a society-sound familiar? It is about the spirit that has made American great. Alexis de Tocqueville, the author of "Democracy in America," called it "American Exceptionalism," and we are on the brink of losing it.

Our elitist, narcissistic, condescending president is all too happy to squelch the individual and entrepreneurial spirit of Americans, who he thinks rival him in importance. When it is about you and me, it cannot be about him. And it is only about us in his rhetoric every four years when he is up for re-election.

As government takes more and more control of our lives and of the economy, the creeping incrementalism which it uses to gain power over us, is often not noticed by the average citizen. It is hidden in the false promise of what an all-powerful government will do for you.

Our education system has pandered to the lowest common denominator and has resulted in falling math and science test scores when measured against rival countries. If we know too much and are allowed to think for ourselves rather than as part of the teacher's union collective brainwashing, we might question government's power.

Our pop culture has been so blurred with politics that Forbes' list of most powerful women has Lady Gaga ahead of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and reality TV star Donald Trump feels he can run for president. More people can name "The Situation" from Jersey Shore, than a Supreme Court justice.

To read the entire article click on the sub-title in purple above.  It's well worth the further reading.


Obama has truly earned the title of "LIAR-IN-CHIEF."  Listen to this and see the hypocrisy that is typical of BO.



Watch this and learn what the National Debt really means, and how it is affecting us...and and our grandkids.  Obama and his Democrat minions have increased our debt to more than ALL the previous administrations...COMBINED!



Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Last week, blogger Jason Hart charted the pay of Ohio teachers’ union bosses versus the rest of the state workforce.

Jason is back with a new union pay chart of the day comparing the salaries of American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) employees versus private-sector workers and other government workers.

 Notice anything?

Jason asks and adds: “If Ohio’s public union members hang by a thread, why do union bosses take so much for themselves? If overpaid private industry entrepreneurs and investors are the root of Ohio’s fiscal troubles, why shouldn’t Ohio taxpayers be concerned about six-figure union salaries?…For organizations solely dedicated to their members’ well-being, Ohio’s AFSCME affiliates throw money at most every leftist cause in the state. Council 8, Local 11, and Local 4 have given more than $4.5 million to Ohio Democrats since 2001. Progressive think-tanks are frequent recipients of member dues, too – in the past five years, $124,000 went to Policy Matters Ohio and $10,000 to Progress Ohio. No one should be convinced by AFSCME’s claim to the moral high ground; least of all the public employees who keep their racket in the black.”


Obama has presented a "Bullshit" budget plan similar to all the other BS and lies he has told to American voters.  WHY DOES ANYONE BELIEVE ANYTHING HE SAYS ANYMORE?  They must be downright idiots...or such blockheads that they can no longer think for themselves.

 Under Rand Paul's plan, all areas of federal spending, including discretionary, defense, and mandatory would be cut.  Obama simply wants to cut discretionary spending by 5%, and even these "cuts" are nothing but budget gimmickry.  Paul's plan also would not raise taxes, while Barack Obama has already signaled that he will raise taxes on the evil rich in 2012 when the tax cuts expire.

Obama has failed to pass his constitutionally mandated budget in 2009 and 2010.  So how will we ever know exactly what his budget plan will be when it will change from day to day to suit his socialist agenda.  What a monumental A-hole!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


He spoke these words as the Jr. Senator from Illinois in an attempt to curtail then president, George Bush's, plan for stimulating economic growth.



All the Senate Democrats also voted "NO" on increasing the debt ceiling.  They all expressed that to do so would be damaging to the country.  Now, of course, THEY FEEL IT WOULD BE GOOD FOR THE COUNTRY!  WTF?

Here's a link to hear Harry Reid's own words as to why it was good to vote NO on raising the debt ceiling:        

I wish I had a photo of a pig sh*tting on his hypocritical face!!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


 Neal Boortz hits the nail on the head again. Here is one of his recent gems.  You don't want to miss reading this!


Have you been keeping an eye on the government employee unions lately? You better wake up folks. A war is brewing. It's a war between government employee unions in this country and the taxpayers who fund the government and pay the union member's salaries. These unions, like the Service Employees International Union and the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (SIEU and AFSME) together with the most powerful unions of all - the teacher's unions -- are so absolutely drop-dead used to getting their way that they can scarcely believe what has happened to them in the last few weeks. The very idea that Gov. Scott Walker in Wisconsin would take away their collective bargaining rights sends them into complete and absolute outrage. These government worker unions literally have the attitude of screw the taxpayers -- we have what is ours and were gonna keep it no matter what it does to the state.

A little bit later in NealzNuze you're going to read about how government employee unions in Wisconsin are running from business-to-business in Madison's commercial districts with a modern-era protection racket. They're demanding that business owners put signs up in their Windows saying that that they "support workers rights ".

Workers rights?

Let me tell you what workers rights are. You have a right to be paid for the work you do at a mutually agreed upon wage. You have a right to work in an environment that is, in so far as is possible, free from hazards which could affect your safety and your health. The right that you do not have is the right to leave the taxpayers out of the process when you negotiate for these wages, when you negotiate for your benefits, and when you negotiate for your working conditions. Right now in this country the government employee unions literally hire the people that they negotiate with. This they do with massive union contributions and get out the vote support for the candidates they favor. When it comes time to negotiate for wages or benefits the union leaders know that the very people that they're negotiating with our people that they put in office. The unwritten language of these negotiation sessions is:

    "Look, give us what we want and then go to the taxpayers to get the money that you need to pay for it. The taxpayers really aren't going to recognize the fact that our wages and benefits are far better than theirs, but our union members will damn sure recognize that fact if we fail at these negotiations. So if you want the votes; if you want to campaign contributions; then you better keep our union members happy and you better keep them well paid so that we can collect those fumes union dues from them and pass off your share to you when campaign time rolls around."

In Florida the government union leaders and members are so completely outraged that there is now a businessman in the governor's office. They know that this is a businessman they cannot shove around, and they're scared to death. As I understand it, sometime in the next few weeks these government worker unions in Florida are going to start up a campaign which they will call "Reclaim the State."

Reclaim the state from who?

Reclaim the state for who?

I'll tell you from who and for who. The Florida government employee unions plan to reclaim the state from the voters and the taxpayers FOR the government union members. You need to understand just what type of a fight you are in here. These government worker unions believe that they are entitled to their jobs, they are entitled to the benefits, they are entitled to pensions, they are entitled to the free health insurance, and that they are entitled to have their political allies rape the taxpayers and ordinary citizens by levying whatever confiscatory tax structure they need to enact in order to afford to give the union members what they believe is rightfully theirs.

The government employee unions across the country have some pretty strong allies in their battle against the taxpayers. One very strong ally in particular, the Democrat Party. You cannot forget the massive amounts of money that these government employee unions donate to political campaigns; and you must remember that 95% of these donations are made to Democrats candidates. Government employee unions, and especially the insipid and dangerous teachers unions, are the number one financial supporters of the big government high tax Democrat party in this country. So when it comes to these moronic union members marching around with their "Support Workers Rights" signs in Madison, Tallahassee, Columbus, and other state capitals around the country, the ordinary put-upon taxpayers have to remember that the right these union members are trying to protect is their right to stick their hands in your pockets.


The Major NetWorks evening newscasts all ignored poll showing lowest Obama approval numbers to date. The latest presidential approval poll shows Barack Obama's ratings at his lowest point of his tenure: 42 percent. But the three major broadcast networks took no notice whatsoever on their Wednesday evening newscasts. Neither CBS, NBC, nor ABC reported the Quinnipiac poll results -- only 42 percent of respondents have a favorable view of President Obama's job in office -- on their respective March 30 evening news broadcasts.

And they dare criticize Fox News. Hypocrites!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

President Barack Obummer's First Ad of 2012

President Barack Obama is proud of his record of accomplishment. Watch his first ad of the 2012 campaign brought to you by the National Republican Senatorial Committee. *Not actually an Obama 2012 ad*
