Thursday, January 27, 2011

Stop whistling past the graveyard folks!

It's no coincidence that the day after Obummer's speech on Tuesday night, we get new astonishing figures from the Congressional Budget Office. Those figures are that the government's deficit spending will reach $1.5 trillion this year. That is money that we don't have ... money that we have to borrow ... and it is money that your grandchildren will have to pay back ... if we're still around to even pay it back. Remember ... that budget is JUST FOR THIS YEAR!

AND MANY PEOPLE SAY "SO WHAT...WE ALWAYS RUN A DEFICIT!"  Then they go about their everyday lives as if this news was irrelevant to them.  Not True!

In 1821 Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to Nathaniel Macon.  Here's an excerpt?
"There does not exist an engine so corruptive of the government and so demoralizing of the nation as a public debt. It will bring on us more ruin at home than all the enemies from abroad ..."
But what the hell did Thomas Jefferson know? A lot, apparently. Here is another Jefferson quote:
"I placed the economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers to be feared. To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. If we run into such debts we must be taxed in our meat and drink in our necessities and in our comforts in our labor and in our amusements. If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people, under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy."
Now those are two quotes from one of the men responsible for this incredible nation, though Obama doesn't seem to think it's all that incredible. But it actually goes back further than that. Knowledge of the dangers of public debt were known even in 55 BC! Here is a quote from Cicero. No, Cicero wasn't a rapper. He was some Roman dude. A philosopher, actually, who's full name was Marcus Tullius Cicero. Come to think of it, that is sort of a rapper name. Anyway ... the quote:
"The budget should be balanced, the treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of official government should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance."
Now think about it; that was 55 BC! If you take the word "Rome" out of that quote it sounds for all the world like it was uttered by a Libertarian or Republican candidate somewhere. It certainly doesn't sound like it could have ever been uttered by Barack Obama except, possibly, in one of his bad dreams.

We have to stop whistling past the graveyard folks. Sometimes when you whistle past too many graveyards you end up being buried in one of them.  GET OUT OF YOUR DEMOCRAT MINDSET AND START VOTING FOR THE MOST FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE CANDIDATES YOU CAN FIND...REGARDLESS OF PARTY!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Finally, somebody got it right. Olbermann is a nasty, puerile, petulant, condescending jerk.
Chris Matthews and Ed Schultz should be next to go. Can't stand either one of them for more than a minute.

Good riddance to a purveyor of low-class criticism, venom and hatred.  I'll bet Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly and their conservative cohorts are celebrating today. Olbermann should have been fired after the "special" show he did on the Saturday night that Representative Giffords was shot. He had no facts as to why the shooter acted, but blamed Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, etc. as being responsible.  It was unprofessional and an embarrassment to him and MSNBC.

One pundit said that MSNBC got rid of Olbermann for the same reason that proctologists retire: They got tired of dealing with A-holes!

 Olbermann will likely resurface from the pond scum louder and more obnoxious in another venue....most probably with the Huffington Post, the leader in slanted and vitriolic Liberal
Democrat attacks on the Right.

So, Congratulations, Keith on your demotion.  Us "teabaggers" (as you like to call us) are really happy for you.  You have followed MSNBC's advice and have bravely LEANED FORWARD.


Saturday, January 22, 2011


According to to The Wall Street Journal, Obummer has a new mission this year—to make the country believe in political reincarnations. The man who presided over one of the most liberal, most expensive, most government-centric agendas in modern history? It would appear he was kidnapped over Christmas break and replaced by one who is fiscally responsible, a cheerleader for capitalism, and a skeptic of government.

As shape-shifting masters like Bill Clinton or Tony Blair might attest, the goal of any move to the center is always two-fold. The first is to lull the public into forgetting past transgressions, and to present them instead with a politician in tune with the pulse of the nation. The second goal—just as important—is to co-opt the other side's message.

Read the entire excellent article in the WSJ at:       

 BUT CAUTION!  Don't be fooled by the Slicster-in-Chief...he is pulling another con game on American voters.  He's no more interested in becoming a moderate than he is in ending abortion. He's trying to become a centrist only to get re-elected in 2012.  And if he is successful...woe be unto us!


If anyone still has any doubts about his political leaning, I strongly recommend reading "Trickle Up Poverty," by Michael Savage.  This book clearly summarizes in great extent and detail BO's motivations and foundations for the communist way of life.  Since he has been raised by Communists, and his closests associations during his early years were Socialists, its hard to believe that he is now becoming a moderate.  IT IS A SCAM!  He is putting his personal philosophies "on hold" in his attempt to again fool a lot of stupid voters into re-electing him.


 "The American Public overwhelmingly voted for Socialism
when they elected President Obama"

---Al Sharpton, March, 2010

Friday, January 21, 2011


Prince William and Kate Middleton wedding: President Barack Obama and Michelle are not invited!


Michelle is livid over the snub and Obama can't believe it. What is happening and what he can do about it seems to be the thought in Obama's head. Meanwhile, William and Kate have it together.....

Prince William and Kate Middleton are planning a royal wedding April, 2011. Prince William personally told the wedding planners to strike the Obama's from the guest list. He stated, "He did not want Michelle Obama trying to pull her center of attention ploy to upstage Kate on Kate's wedding day".

Sources reveal that William states, "She may run Obama, but she doesn't run him or England". The Democrats and Obama would like to play the race card as they have done so many times in America, but it is difficult when other black heads of states are invited to the wedding and will be warmly received.

Now, what is the future King of England's reasons for Snubbing the Obamas to the world and making them a laughing stock?

First, It has nothing to do with America beyond being so stupid as to elect such low class imperfection to the office of President and First Lady. The decisions that they make can and will affect the World.

Second, Michelle called his mother Diana an over-sexed clothes horse, and further stated that she, Michelle, was more popular than Diana ever was.

Third, Michelle Obama showed her butt at every major social function endeavoring to be the Queen in the lime light. In other words, just a lack of class.

Fourth, the Queen also has her reasons. Obama refused to bow to her, but a few days later bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia. Michelle manhandled her by becoming too familiar by putting her arm around her. The Queen only shakes hands with gloves on. Those are the Traditions that are still honored by the Royals. The Queen said to her staff, "Never allow that woman to be in the same room with me again" and she meant every word of it. The gifts from Obama and Michelle were both tacky and in poor taste. It is all a matter of class.

In addition the Queen supported Prince William in his decision, due to the fact, the word is out about the lavish booze parties at the White House, the expensive vacations and state visits that cost the American tax payers billions of dollars un-necessarily when the American people need the resources.

The Obama's are desperately trying to make it a slight against America. Every past Head of State has always been invited. This is not a state function and William is not yet a Sovereign. It is just a multi-million dollar private wedding and the Obama's have been royally snubbed by the British Royals; not America, just the present classless leaders. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011


The Cato Institute has just a few ideas on how we can trim billions in spending over the next ten years.
  • Scrapping the departments of Commerce and Housing and Urban Development saves $550 billion
  • Ending farm subsidies would produce nearly $290 billion
  • Cutting NASA spending by 50% would save $90 billion
  • Repealing Davis-Bacon labor rules produces $60 billion
  • Ending urban mass transit grants would save $52 billion
  • Privatizing air traffic control, as other nations have done, saves $38 billion
  • Privatize Amtrak and end rail subsidies and save $31 billion
  • Reform federal worker retirement, $18 billion
  • Retire Americorps, $10 billion
  • Shutter the Small Business Administration, $14 billion.                  
Neal Boortz would also add to that list: getting rid of the Department of Education.  Here's his argument...very interesting:

Since its creation in 1979, it has done nothing but drain money from our coffers, empower teachers unions and done absolutely nothing to improve the education of our children. Since 1979, we have not seen any improvement in test scores of American students .. in fact, they are getting worse. At the same time, the department's budget has increased from $14.5 billion in 1979 to over $50 billion today. In a Cato Institute handbook from 2004, it quotes the admission of a House Democrat: "The idea of an Education Department is really a bad one. But it's NEA's top priority. There are school teachers in every congressional district and most of us simply don't need the aggravation of taking them on.'' It has nothing to do with the education of your child and everything to do with unions. If the Republicans want to show that they are serious about spending cuts and about the future of this country, they can start by getting rid of the Department of Education.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

MSNBC: Does Anybody Watch This Stupid Channel?

Well, I must admit, that I do!

I mean, how else can I keep up with the RADICAL, LEFT-WING, LOONS who disseminate political comedy to their 500, or so, viewers?  It was either watch the Daily Show with Jon Stewart...or MSNBC.  I chose MSNBC because sometimes Jon Stewart is serious!

MSNBC, however, with it's cast of clowns such as Mr. Ed, Rachel Madcow, Keith Odormann and Chris "tingly leg" Matthews never lets seriousness interfere with their style of political humor.

MSNBC's latest brainstorm -- the hilarious "Lean Forward" campaign -- uses a carefully edited recitation of the nation's founding document.   It omits any mention of God (though it does depict gay marriage.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident. That all men and women have certain unalienable rights. Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness."

The network hopes the campaign, featuring television ads directed by Spike Lee, will lift brand awareness and boost ratings, building on recent audience gains that have lifted it to the No. 2 news channel, ahead of CNN and behind industry leader Fox News.  

It's a tactic to help promote the "Progressive Agenda" that it hopes will revise the Constitution into a "Living Document" so that the elitist progressives will find it easier to amend to suit their Liberal agenda.

They need a brilliant logo...or summarize and capture the essence of their campaign.  May I suggest the following:






I am outraged that a few "conservative" Republican Reps. would consider a vote for raising the debt ceiling. It was increased by $5 Trillion since Pelosi, Reid, took control of the House in 2007...and has already brought our country on the verge of bankruptcy (and is now motivating Obama to think of a way to steal our IRA and 401k Plans to bail out his reckless spending programs).  Republicans were elected to reduce spending...NOT to pave the way for more!

Remember the words from this fiscally responsible sounding Senator back in 2006 before casting his vote against raising the debt ceiling:

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can't pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies.

Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that 'the buck stops here.'

Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."

Who spoke those profound words?   None other than.....

US Senator Barack Obama (D-IL), 2006

I wonder how this hypocrite can look himself in the mirror?  How can anyone ever believe anything that comes out of his mouth?  Who would be stupid enough to vote for this liar again?

Here's what hypocrite No. 2, HARRY REID, had to say in 2006:

    "How can the Republican majority in this Congress explain to their constituents that trillions of dollars in new debt is good for our economy? How can they explain that they think it’s fair to force our children, our grandchildren, our great grandchildren to finance this debt through higher taxes. That’s what it will have to be. Why is it right to increase our nation’s dependence on foreign creditors?
    They should explain this. Maybe they can convince the public they’re right. I doubt it. Because most Americans know that increasing debt is the last thing we should be doing. After all, I repeat, the Baby Boomers are about to retire. Under the circumstances, any credible economist would tell you we should be reducing debt, not increasing it. Democrats won’t be making argument to support this legalization, which will weaken our country. Weaken our country!"

And here are a few words on the topic from JOE BIDEN, Hypocrite No. 3:

   "But as the rest of the world copes with the waves of U.S. debt, we are now all in the same leaky boat. There is just so much of our debt other nations want to hold. The more of it they accumulate, the closer we are to the day when they will not want any more. When that happens, slowly or rapidly, our interest rates will go up, the value of their U.S. bonds will drop, and we will all have big problems. We need both more awareness, and more understanding, of this fundamental threat to our economic well being and the global economy. … The President’s budget plans will bring that number to $11.8 trillion at the end of the next 5 years. This is a record of utter disregard for our Nation’s financial future. It is a record of indifference to the price our children and grandchildren will pay to redeem our debt when it comes due. History will not judge this record kindly. My vote against the debt limit increase cannot change the fact that we have incurred this debt already, and will no doubt incur more. It is a statement that I refuse to be associated with the policies that brought us to this point."

The Democrats in Congress are such two-faced liars and hypocrites that it's no wonder that our debt increased over $5 trillion since they took over in 2007!

I wonder why MSNBC, NBC, ABC, SeeBS, aren't calling them out on these verbal attacks on the Bush  Administration???  Especially in relation to their turnabout today.


Here's what I hope Republicans will do.  They should go to the floor of their respective house in the congress and, before pledging to vote against the debt limit just like Obama did when he was there, they should quote Barack Obama....and every single one of those other hypocrites! 


Thursday, January 13, 2011


The Labor and Treasury department, along with the Obama Socialist Administration, are moving forward with The Nationalization-Confiscation of IRA and 401K plans.

Why do they Want Your Retirement Accounts? Your equity will be used as collateral; in an attempt to balance the Trillion Dollar U.S. Deficit run up by Obama and his Democrat cronies in Congress. This will be done in an effort to once again make the United States credit worthy to China and other buyers of our debt.

The Most Recent meeting held on September 14th and 15th, between the Labor and Treasury Departments outlined the Course of Action:

The agenda is called "Lifetime Income Options for Retirement Plans". (I would call it the Government Ponzi Plan to Confiscate the only vast pool of Money they have not yet been able to get their hands on.)
The Federal Government will Control an estimated $3.613 Trillion Dollars in IRA's and $2.350 Trillion Dollars in 401ks.
Your Equity will be placed in U.S. Treasury Bonds, that will Pay out an estimated 3% annually.

One major clause is that upon retirement, the value of the Your Retirement Account will be placed into Annuities. Once an individual dies, the value of the Account will Automatically become property of the Government. (WHAT! I mean WTF!). The Program will be structured much like Social Security Accounts (the biggest Ponzi Scheme ever created).

The Only way Government would get away with what will be "The Largest Heist Known To Man" is by Allowing or Creating a Major Financial Market Meltdown! An aging person who sees his or her Retirement Account Drop 50%-60%in a matter of Days.... Is More willing to take a Conservative Approach... Even if it means "Government-Guaranteed Income".

The move toward Nationalization of IRA's & 401ks will Initially be Offered as an Option. Those who are Unwilling to accept Government Run Retirement Accounts, will be Stripped of their Current Account Tax Benefits. You'll be Forced to Pay Taxes on your Holdings, Automatically Wiping Out One-Third of your Wealth! This will Take place After the Stock Market Drops an Estimated 40-60%!

If the Following Indicators are Right... A Stock Market Crash is imminent!

-Unsustainable U.S. Debt

-Real un-employment continues to Rise

-Housing market continues to Drop

-Failing Banking System (2-7 Banks Fail Weekly)

-Lower Quality of Life (1 in 8 Americans are now on Food Stamps)

A Massive Crisis is Brewing! Remember The Government Phrase: "Never waste a good crisis"

Our best hope to prevent this from happening is to get back to our Conservative principles. The Republican takeover of the House and the Tea Party movement are the first steps in the right direction. But its up to each and every one of us to keep up the pressure on your Congressman to become more fiscally responsible, eliminate non-essential government programs, and be especially careful who you cast your vote for in the next election cycle.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Can you believe the unmitigated arrogance of these lying hypocrites who are at the reins of our country's economic future...and the futures of our grandchildren!

Here was then-Senator Obama in 2006, when debt was apparently a far larger problem - even though the ceiling was only(!) $9 trillion at the time, knocking Pres Bush for being a failure for his leadership.

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that “the buck stops here.” Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."

As of December 31, 2010, the "Total public debt outstanding" was $14.0 trillion and was approximately 99.3% of 2009's fiscal year-end annual GDP of $14.1 trillion.  How's that for leadership?

How the hell can this Liar-in-Chief sleep at night when his bold, 2-faced lies are a matter of public record and laid out so clearly showing all of America that he is truly the king of hypocrisy?  When are people going to wake up and realize that he is the biggest LIAR ever to show his face before the American people?  Remember the old joke:  How can you tell Obama is lying?  His mouth is moving!!  Well it's no longer a joke...IT'S A FACT!

Then there is this all-time greatest hypocrite/liar ever...Nancy Pelosi!  As I said in my previous posting, she is without a doubt the worst person ever to hold the post of Speaker of the House.  When the Democrats took over Congress in 2006, their approval rating was only 31 percent. Nancy Pelosi said she wanted to reverse that, and she did. It is now 13 percent.  Way to go Pelosi!  That's probably the only promise she's kept.

Then in her final speech as Speaker she has the brazen nerve to make us try to believe she was the Mother Theresa of Democratic politicions. WTF!  Check this out:

I only wish her final moments as Speaker of the House ended like this clip shown below...because it would be totally symbolic of what the country thought of her term  as House Speaker:

Then there is the third hypocrite in the evil triumvirate, Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, whose 2006 statement that Republican legislators "should explain why they think more debt is good for the economy." With a Republican in the White House, here's what Reid had to say:

"How can the Republican majority in this Congress explain to their constituents that trillions of dollars in new debt is good for our economy? How can they explain that they think it’s fair to force our children, our grandchildren, our great grandchildren to finance this debt through higher taxes. That’s what it will have to be. Why is it right to increase our nation’s dependence on foreign creditors?"

They should explain this. Maybe they can convince the public they’re right. I doubt it. Because most Americans know that increasing debt is the last thing we should be doing. Baby Boomers are about to retire. Under the circumstances, any credible economist would tell you we should be reducing debt, not increasing it.

Shouldn't the media at least be discussing the massive double standard at work here?