Our Lying President
Commentary By Neal Boortz
Yeah, I know. That’s strong language. But it’s true. We have a president who boldly and deliberately lies to the American people. Funny, isn’t it? If you lie to the government you can be charged with a crime. If your government lies to you there are no consequences --- no consequences unless the voters do something about it.
What set me off was Obama’s visit to Miami yesterday. Since he was in a largely Hispanic area, it was time for a little Hispandering. This may be a small thing for you … but when a president lies --- and when he lies knowingly and intentionally --- it should be a big thing, no matter how insignificant the lie.
Here’s what has my boxers in a bunch. Yesterday on the Spanish-language TV network Univision Obama zeroed in on the subject of immigration. He was telling the Hispanic Univision audience that the Republicans were anti-immigrant and anti-immigration.
Now it take about 10 seconds of conversation to show that this is simply not true, and Obama knows it’s not true. There are very few people in this country who are anti-immigration. Most of us are descendants of immigrants. The difference here is that most of us are descended from LEGAL immigrants. Our ancestors went through the legal process to immigrate to America. What Republicans and no small number of Democrats are opposed to ILLLEGAL immigration. We believe in the rule of law, and that everyone, including people who wish to move to our country, abide by those laws.
Our spectacularly dishonest, lying president will not make this distinction; he will not reference to ILLEGAL immigration, because his goal here is simply not to be truthful. His goal is to align Hispanic voters against Republicans by intentionally lying about GOP policies.
But ---- when you are a ruler rather than a leader; when you wish to transform America rather than restore it; lying is an acceptable process. And so it has ever been with Marxist revolutionaries.
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