Saturday, February 25, 2012


I originally posted this on March 25, 2010 so we could see what to expect from Obamacare.  But since the Democrats are making such a big issue over Santorum's position on contraception and abortion, I felt it was time to remind the voters what Obama's position is on abortions and Infanticide.  WARNING: YOU  WILL BE SHOCKED BY THIS VIDEO.

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In 2002, President Bush signed into  law a bill titled the "Born Alive Infants Protection Act" (BAIPA) that  was supported by Senators Kerry, Kennedy and Clinton and received a  unanimous bi-partisan vote.

The reason for the enactment of the  BAIPA Bill, it was found that 'Babies' who survived abortions (about 100  per year Nationally) were being treated as medical waste and placed on a  tray left to die due to 'Pain Shock', thirst or starvation.

As  Chairman of the Illinois State Senate committee Barack Obama  successfully opposed a similar 'BAIPA Bill' in the Illinois Senate by  NOT even allowing the 'Bill' to come to a vote.

What Barack Obama  accomplished by his 'Tireless Work', was that these babies who were  alive and separated from their "mothers" and in excruciating pain from a  'Botched Abortion' that left them horribly burned from the chemicals  used, would die alone without any pain medication or Medical help  sobbing and begging for help.

Barack Obama personified 'Evil' and  lack of empathy for these babies, while he used every 'Political Trick'  possible to deny these babies any medical help.

This Barack  Obama 'Philosophy' of NOT spending any money on those who will 'Die  Anyway', has been consistent throughout Barack Obama's political career.


But the rally sad part is that WE WILL BE PAYING FOR THESE ABORTIONS under the new health care bill!

"When  all of the pro-abortion provisions are considered in total, the Senate bill is the  most pro-abortion single piece of legislation that has ever come to  the House floor for a vote, since Roe v. Wade.  Any House member who votes for the Senate health bill is casting a career-defining pro-abortion vote.  A House member who votes  for the Senate bill would forfeit a plausible claim to pro-life  credentials.  No House member who votes for the Senate bill will be  regarded, in the  future, as having a record against federal funding of  abortion."


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