Re-posted (with edits) from 'According to Nikki' blog....
Looking back to the 2008 campaign of sugar plums and raining gum drops if you know who is elected, one might get a little sentimental about the donkey takeover of yesteryear, but not me. I feel less than vindicated and can only take solace in that Obama, by all accounts, is the worst President of all time.
We knew he would be....and by we, I mean me...but I don't want to be a completely stuck up know it all. But a lot of you voted for the Obama machine, including a lot of Republicans. You really can't blame the poor bug eyed fish. I mean, it was the plastic stinking cheese on the hook that made them swim towards the light and then bite the fake food only to get bloodied by the hook.
Truth is, Obama never should have been President, period. I guess I could go back and regurgitate Barry's record of do nothing and voting for nothing while he was a junior Senator for a year (who wrote a shitty book about his dead beat dad). Or how he was a sorry community organizer who organized bingo games for old people. Or how he was some 'dingle-dorf' who went to HAAAHRVARD and pretended to be poor, but smart, and sold dirt just to survive. I guess he was a state senator in the corrupt and evil state of Illinois and a grand daddy political mobster in the Chicago crime...errrrr...political scene.
He played the game well, but in the end you can't fake reality. The truth will always come out. The truth will always prevail. The truth will always show itself....eventually. The ugly head of not handling it has poked up out of the ground only to say hello to us Americans. We have a President who NEVER should have been....President.
I suppose he knows a few things about it now, but it's too late. Barry is not a problem solver, he is a rhetoric spewer and a word whore who whistles when he pronounces his S's. Barack is not a leader, he is a publicity prostitute with no core value system.
President Obama is not a statesman, he is spot-light seeking celebrity and a bitch. Puppets need strings and Muppet's need hands up their asses so they can talk. They sing about rainbows and what's on the other side. But never, ever, ever do they have new innovations that will truly lead us to the promised land of prosperity in America.
The philosophies of the left and Barack have been given the ultimate test and they have failed.
No more can democrats say that they have the right stuff. No more can they offer up a shiny, new toy. Their credibility is shot to economic recession hell. Seriously, the next time the democrats say hey look at this guy he is so "articulate," run like a pimp at church. All democratic Presidential candidates should be highly scrutinized mainly because the stupid in America are no longer the fumbling word murderers from the Bush family, it's the glazed over romantic fools called democrats and their pretty speech giving President that did NOT save the 'peeps' (i.e. people).
Thanks for nothing donkey's. Your President sucks. Your Congress sucked and never forget that you are an epic fail. I'm not gonna lie. Most politicians are tools. They are manhandled by many and quite frankly, it's like a big fat Greek wedding when you punch a chad. You elect one guy and you get the whole family of tools. But this misnomer was catastrophic. Barry never should have been President and are fired!!! Word.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Solution to North Korea Problem
Today's Quote: "With Rep. Barney Frank retiring, maybe instead of a nuclear attack, we can destroy North Korea more quickly by sending him over there to install a Community Reinvestment Act, push Fannie Mae-backed sub-prime loans on them, and then pass a Kim-Dodd-Frank bill to make it more insidious. That should topple them." ------Ron Hart
Friday, December 23, 2011
December 23, 2011
It’s hard to believe that we are only a few days away from Christmas. Maybe it’s just me, but it’s starting to become unrecognizable. As I spent my last few days in New York City I saw the streets lined with shoppers at all hours of the day. A few weeks ago I saw people fighting over waffle makers and toasters. It seems like people are more focused on “me” and “mine” rather than on the true meaning of the season.
It’s hard to believe that we are only a few days away from Christmas. Maybe it’s just me, but it’s starting to become unrecognizable. As I spent my last few days in New York City I saw the streets lined with shoppers at all hours of the day. A few weeks ago I saw people fighting over waffle makers and toasters. It seems like people are more focused on “me” and “mine” rather than on the true meaning of the season.
or not you believe there is a “War on Christmas”, you can’t deny that
the real meaning of December 25th is being forgotten. Atheist billboards
are replacing nativity scenes and our President is lighting a Menorah
as just an excuse for a “good party”. I’m sorry, but if you’re lighting a
candle just because it's that time of year then you are missing the
point – that miracles can happen and that God is here to light the way
in the darkness.
you are celebrating next to a “Holiday Tree” and all you care about is
shopping and presents then you are missing the transformative nature of
Christmas. It’s an idea that is repeated in every story this time of
year from A Christmas Carol to Miracle on 34th Street –
the idea that we can believe in powers greater than ourselves and we
can be fundamentally transformed. The themes of redemption, selflessness
and transformation go all the way back to The Bible with the birth of a
baby in a manger in Bethlehem.
our obsession over “stuff” we are missing out on the good things in
life – the gifts that don’t need to be wrapped. It’s not about waffle
makers or toasters, the true power and meaning of Christmas is about
doing the right thing and helping each other. And it’s not supposed to
be contained to a two-week season and then forgotten. We are supposed to
take these gifts with us throughout the whole year.
hope you spend the next few days with your family and friends and
celebrate the real meaning of Christmas. I hope you reach out to others
in need and offer a helping hand, and I hope you get to celebrate the
season free from oppression, judgment, or “Holiday Trees”. And finally, I
hope you find the transformative power of this miraculous season.
Friday, December 16, 2011
With economic advisers like Jon Corzine, what could possibly go wrong?
If ObaMao gets re-elected, I wonder what his czars and advisers will do to our country.
If ObaMao gets re-elected, I wonder what his czars and advisers will do to our country.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
EVERYBODY knows that Republicans are EVIL! What kind of Evil? Greedy,
Fascist, Racist evil -- the worst kind! Bill Whittle unravels the facts
behind this perfect storm of evil in a breezy fashion that provides a
hurricane of historical data to lift the white robes of even the most
stalwart Democrats.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Here are some of the absurd spending programs that came from the Stimulus Bill.
- $200,000 to teach Siberian lawmakers how to engage Russian policy makers is Moscow. Yeah .. this really stimulated the American economy.
- The U.S. Forest service replaced windows in a visitor’s center that had been closed for years.
- The University of North Carolina received $762,000 to create a YouTube dance application.
- The California Academy of Sciences got $2,000,000 to send people to the Indian Ocean to photograph ants. “Everyone has run into ants … now we need to listen to them.” Yup … they said that.
- A Georgia Tech assistant music professor got $760,000 so he could jam with “world renowned musicians” to “create satisfying works of art.”
- About a half-million dollars to give smartphones to people trying to quit smoking so they could “contact their quitting support groups by text message or phone calls to prevent relapses.”
- Buses in Winter Haven, Florida that average two riders per hour got $2.4 million so that the two riders per hour would have brand new busses to ride on.
- $712,000 spent on a project by researchers at Northwestern University to develop “machine-generated humor.”
- Almost $300,000 to study how Yoga might reduce menopausal hot flashes.
- $500,000 to put microchips in recycling bins to check up on the recycling efforts of senior citizens.
- $250,000 for bug storage for an insect museum at North Carolina State University that gets 44 visitors a year. That’s less than one visitor per week for those of you who went to government schools.
- $174,000 to study whether retirement hurts or helps marriages.
I could list more .. but I'm sure you get the idea now. The
stimulus plan was so absurd … did such a pitiful job of actually
creating jobs … that the Obama administration had to go from “jobs
created” to “jobs created or saved.” Now they’re at “jobs affected.”
And believe it or not --- Democrats are now saying that the stimulus
should have been bigger.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Obama's Record On Transparency! Disgraceful At Best!
In a 2008 campaign speech, the Liar-in-Chief proclaimed: “I'll make our government open and transparent so that anyone can ensure that our business is the people's business. No more secrecy. That is a commitment that I make to you as president.”
Like many things with this friggin' liar, his actions are not fulfilling his promises. The latest bit of transparency news has to do with Operation Fast and Furious because it looks like basic details is about all anyone can expect to get, thanks to the Obama administration now sealing court records of the details of the death of this U.S. Border patrol agent. So the most transparent administration in history has locked up the information and thrown away the key, leaving the public and the media wondering exactly what role the Obama administration played in the death of this Border patrol agent.
But this shouldn’t come as a shock, based on the history of the Obama administration thus far. Did you know that the federal government’s 35 largest agencies actually decreased the number of fulfilled FOIA requests by more than 12,400? Also: “The Obama administration censored 194 pages of internal e-mails about its Open Government Directive,” according to the Associated Press.
Within the first month of Obama’s administration, he was already granting waivers for his lobbyist ban. The administration, according to insiders, has developed a reputation for “ruthlessly prosecuting whistleblowers.”
And remember the Black Panther voter intimidation case? The Obama administration illegally refused to comply with subpoenas and FOIA requests for information about why the case was dismissed by the Justice Department.
Those are just some of the many examples to show how Barack Obama is full of sh*t. He can campaign on transparency and then run the least transparent government, perhaps, in modern history. Who knows … when it is all said and done. He can run a campaign based on not being a tax and spend liberal, but he can spend at record-shattering levels. Look, actions speak louder than words. Too bad that most of the American people don’t have time to follow up on his actions and simply rely on his words as their source of information. Ignorance is bliss...but tragic for the futures of our kids and grandkids.
Like many things with this friggin' liar, his actions are not fulfilling his promises. The latest bit of transparency news has to do with Operation Fast and Furious because it looks like basic details is about all anyone can expect to get, thanks to the Obama administration now sealing court records of the details of the death of this U.S. Border patrol agent. So the most transparent administration in history has locked up the information and thrown away the key, leaving the public and the media wondering exactly what role the Obama administration played in the death of this Border patrol agent.
But this shouldn’t come as a shock, based on the history of the Obama administration thus far. Did you know that the federal government’s 35 largest agencies actually decreased the number of fulfilled FOIA requests by more than 12,400? Also: “The Obama administration censored 194 pages of internal e-mails about its Open Government Directive,” according to the Associated Press.
Within the first month of Obama’s administration, he was already granting waivers for his lobbyist ban. The administration, according to insiders, has developed a reputation for “ruthlessly prosecuting whistleblowers.”
And remember the Black Panther voter intimidation case? The Obama administration illegally refused to comply with subpoenas and FOIA requests for information about why the case was dismissed by the Justice Department.
Those are just some of the many examples to show how Barack Obama is full of sh*t. He can campaign on transparency and then run the least transparent government, perhaps, in modern history. Who knows … when it is all said and done. He can run a campaign based on not being a tax and spend liberal, but he can spend at record-shattering levels. Look, actions speak louder than words. Too bad that most of the American people don’t have time to follow up on his actions and simply rely on his words as their source of information. Ignorance is bliss...but tragic for the futures of our kids and grandkids.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Christmas Lights! First Of The Season
I love Christmas lights.They remind me of the people who voted for Obama.
They all hang together;half of them don't work;and the ones that do, aren't that bright.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Ex-Gov Corzine was key to Obama fiscal policy? Go Figure!
Video of Joe Biden recently surfaced in which the Vice President is
singling out former NJ Governor Jon Corzine as a key contributor to the
Obama fiscal policies we are seeing now. That would explain a lot,
considering Corzine's bankrupt company MF Global can't seem to find $1.2
billion of investor money - it just vanished with nothing to show for
That's perfectly consistent with how the current administration operates!
That's perfectly consistent with how the current administration operates!
Monday, November 28, 2011
I'm 76 and Tired
This was written by Robert A. Hall, a former Massachusetts state senator
and U.S. Marine Corps veteran who is also the author of the 2005 book
The Good Bits (The Marines, the Massachusetts Senate and Managing
Associations). Robert Hall blogs as The Old Jarhead at, and the piece quoted here, titled "I'm Tired," was his blog entry for 19 February 2009.
"I'm 76 and I'm Tired"
I'm 76. Except for brief period in the 50's when I was doing my National Service, I've worked hard since I was 17. Except for some some serious health challenges, I put in 50-hour weeks, and didn't call in sick in nearly 40 years. I made a reasonable salary, but I didn't inherit my job or my income, and I worked to get where I am. Given the economy, it looks as though retirement was a bad idea, and I'm tired. Very tired.
I'm tired of being told that I have to "spread the wealth" to people who don't have my work ethic. I'm tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it.
I'm tired of being told that Islam is a "Religion of Peace," when every day I can read dozens of stories of Muslim men killing their sisters, wives and daughters for their family "honour"; of Muslims rioting over some slight offense; of Muslims murdering Christian and Jews because they aren't "believers"; of Muslims burning schools for girls; of Muslims stoning teenage rape victims to death for "adultery"; of Muslims mutilating the genitals of little girls; all in the name of Allah, because the Qur'an and Shari'a law tells them to.
I'm tired of being told that out of "tolerance for other cultures" we must let Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries use our oil money to fund mosques and mandrassa Islamic schools to preach hate in Australia, New Zealand, UK, America and Canada, while no one from these countries are allowed to fund a church, synagogue or religious school in Saudi Arabia or any other Arab country to teach love and tolerance..
I'm tired of being told I must lower my living standard to fight global warming, which no one is allowed to debate.
I'm tired of being told that drug addicts have a disease, and I must help support and treat them, and pay for the damage they do. Did a giant germ rush out of a dark alley, grab them, and stuff white powder up their noses or stick a needle in their arm while they tried to fight it off?
I'm tired of hearing wealthy athletes, entertainers and politicians of all parties talking about innocent mistakes, stupid mistakes or youthful mistakes, when we all know they think their only mistake was getting caught. I'm tired of people with a sense of entitlement, rich or poor.
I'm really tired of people who don't take responsibility for their lives and actions. I'm tired of hearing them blame the government, or discrimination or big-whatever for their problems.
I'm also tired and fed up with seeing young men and women in their teens and early 20's bedeck them selves in tattoos and face studs, thereby making themselves un-employable and claiming money from the Government. Yes, I'm damn tired. But I'm also glad to be 76.. Because, mostly, I'm not going to have to see the world these people are making. I'm just sorry for my granddaughter and her children. Thank God I'm on the way out and not on the way in.
"I'm 76 and I'm Tired"
I'm 76. Except for brief period in the 50's when I was doing my National Service, I've worked hard since I was 17. Except for some some serious health challenges, I put in 50-hour weeks, and didn't call in sick in nearly 40 years. I made a reasonable salary, but I didn't inherit my job or my income, and I worked to get where I am. Given the economy, it looks as though retirement was a bad idea, and I'm tired. Very tired.
I'm tired of being told that I have to "spread the wealth" to people who don't have my work ethic. I'm tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it.
I'm tired of being told that Islam is a "Religion of Peace," when every day I can read dozens of stories of Muslim men killing their sisters, wives and daughters for their family "honour"; of Muslims rioting over some slight offense; of Muslims murdering Christian and Jews because they aren't "believers"; of Muslims burning schools for girls; of Muslims stoning teenage rape victims to death for "adultery"; of Muslims mutilating the genitals of little girls; all in the name of Allah, because the Qur'an and Shari'a law tells them to.
I'm tired of being told that out of "tolerance for other cultures" we must let Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries use our oil money to fund mosques and mandrassa Islamic schools to preach hate in Australia, New Zealand, UK, America and Canada, while no one from these countries are allowed to fund a church, synagogue or religious school in Saudi Arabia or any other Arab country to teach love and tolerance..
I'm tired of being told I must lower my living standard to fight global warming, which no one is allowed to debate.
I'm tired of being told that drug addicts have a disease, and I must help support and treat them, and pay for the damage they do. Did a giant germ rush out of a dark alley, grab them, and stuff white powder up their noses or stick a needle in their arm while they tried to fight it off?
I'm tired of hearing wealthy athletes, entertainers and politicians of all parties talking about innocent mistakes, stupid mistakes or youthful mistakes, when we all know they think their only mistake was getting caught. I'm tired of people with a sense of entitlement, rich or poor.
I'm really tired of people who don't take responsibility for their lives and actions. I'm tired of hearing them blame the government, or discrimination or big-whatever for their problems.
I'm also tired and fed up with seeing young men and women in their teens and early 20's bedeck them selves in tattoos and face studs, thereby making themselves un-employable and claiming money from the Government. Yes, I'm damn tired. But I'm also glad to be 76.. Because, mostly, I'm not going to have to see the world these people are making. I'm just sorry for my granddaughter and her children. Thank God I'm on the way out and not on the way in.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
The Scandal No One is Talking About
Published November 11, 2011 |
If you've been following the news this week, you'd get the impression that America is a scandal-plagued nation. Scandals to the right of us, scandals to the left of us.
Take your pick. There’s the media assault on GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain, the deadly "Fast and Furious" federal gun-running case, the Solyndra solar loan fiasco, the collapse of MF Global, led by former Democratic N.J. Gov. Jon Corzine and, of course, the deeply disturbing allegations of child sexual abuse at Penn State.
But the real scandal isn’t any one of those. It’s how journalists pick and choose which controversies to play up and which to play down. They are so inconsistent, you’d think they studied ethics at Penn State under Joe Paterno. Heck, maybe he studied under them.
Take the allegations against Cain. We are watching ABC’s George Stephanopoulos attack Herman Cain on how he deals with women. This is the same George Stephanopoulos who worked for admitted draft dodger, accused rapist, acknowledged lecher, adulterer, perjuror, disbarred lawyer, impeached former president, Bill Clinton and did his best to undermine attacks against him. Remember, Clinton was charged with a variety of women-unfriendly incidents including rape. Yes, rape. Not that the networks made a big deal of it at the time.
Here’s Stephanopoulos, on page 267 of his autobiography “All Too Human,” "Most important, I wanted to keep reports of Paula [Jones'] press conference off television ... It wasn't a hard sell.” His book goes on to say how he tried to discredit her. Yes, this openly Democratic operative is a “newsman” now.
Don’t believe it for a second. The different between “journalist” and Democratic Party operative is often non-existent.
It shows in everything they do. We aren’t even two weeks into CainFest 2011 and the broadcast networks have done 117 stories on him. One-hundred and seventeen? That’s more than a small war would get.
Actually, it’s 58 times more than a small war has gotten. Obama ordered troops into Uganda in October, before the Cain allegations came out. CBS and NBC have each mentioned it once since then. ABC hasn’t mentioned it at all. But the networks don’t care about American soldiers at risk. They are more concerned that Obama’s presidency is at risk.
That’s the only explanation for how they’ve covered, or not covered, the "Fast and Furious" scandal. You’ve had to look hard to find consistent coverage of this corrupt government program that cost the life of at least one law enforcement officer. Allegedly the goal was to track U.S. guns to drug cartels and arrest gun runners.
But the program was poorly run and it cost the life of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. A good leader would take responsibility for that. A moral leader would have called the family to talk to them or meet with them in person. Attorney General Eric Holder didn’t do either. All he did do was lie to Congress about it.
According to Holder, the program was furiously “flawed in its concept and flawed in its execution.” That skips any blame for when he told Congress he had heard of the program only weeks before. Now we know that’s just not true. In any other city than Washington, D.C., what Holder did was a boldfaced lie.
Not that you’d know it from most network news. While CBS’s Sharyl Attkisson has shown her top-flight skills as a journalist, and been abused by the Obama administration for it, her competing networks have abandoned their responsibility to their viewers. Both NBC and ABC skipped the House Republican roasting Holder received on Capitol Hill.
It’s been much the same in the Solyndra scandal. There only ABC has shown any semblance of journalistic skill covering Obama’s failed green program. It’s a $500-million scandal involving an Obama fundraiser, a solar panel company that had a era idea on how to make a profit (none) and it’s gotten nowhere near the media coverage a Republican scandal might have gotten. (Just ask Herman Cain.)
A recent Media Research Center analysis found “just 15 stories mentioning the Solyndra scandal since its August 31 bankruptcy filing.” For those who find math difficult – like many journalists – that’s about one eighth of the stories the Cain controversy has gotten.
But hey, Solyndra wasn’t run by a former governor considered as a possible Treasury Secretary and hailed by news outlets as an economic expert. That would be a real scandal. Or not, if he had the infamous “D” after his name.
The former governor is Jon Corzine, who has the reverse Midas touch. He’s run Goldman Sachs, New Jersey and, most recently, MF Global, which just collapsed amidst a $2-billion bankruptcy. MF Global fell apart in what CNBC's Andrew Ross Sorkin called a “mini Ponzi scheme.” But not one story on ABC, CBS or NBC has mentioned that Corzine is a Democrat, was considered an Obama adviser and possible pick for a top spot in his administration.
Every time there’s a controversial story, media types are making these choices. They love the Occupy Wall Street crowd, so they play up the good from those protests, despite rapes, vandalism, arson, assaults on police and more. But they hate the Tea Parties, so everything they do is somehow nefarious.
It’s time the media covered their own scandals. They have plenty.
Dan Gainor is the Boone Pickens Fellow and the Media Research Center’s Vice President for Business and Culture. He is a frequent contributor to Fox News Opinion. He can also be contacted on Facebook and Twitter as dangainor.
Read more:
Published November 11, 2011 |
If you've been following the news this week, you'd get the impression that America is a scandal-plagued nation. Scandals to the right of us, scandals to the left of us.
Take your pick. There’s the media assault on GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain, the deadly "Fast and Furious" federal gun-running case, the Solyndra solar loan fiasco, the collapse of MF Global, led by former Democratic N.J. Gov. Jon Corzine and, of course, the deeply disturbing allegations of child sexual abuse at Penn State.
But the real scandal isn’t any one of those. It’s how journalists pick and choose which controversies to play up and which to play down. They are so inconsistent, you’d think they studied ethics at Penn State under Joe Paterno. Heck, maybe he studied under them.
Take the allegations against Cain. We are watching ABC’s George Stephanopoulos attack Herman Cain on how he deals with women. This is the same George Stephanopoulos who worked for admitted draft dodger, accused rapist, acknowledged lecher, adulterer, perjuror, disbarred lawyer, impeached former president, Bill Clinton and did his best to undermine attacks against him. Remember, Clinton was charged with a variety of women-unfriendly incidents including rape. Yes, rape. Not that the networks made a big deal of it at the time.
Here’s Stephanopoulos, on page 267 of his autobiography “All Too Human,” "Most important, I wanted to keep reports of Paula [Jones'] press conference off television ... It wasn't a hard sell.” His book goes on to say how he tried to discredit her. Yes, this openly Democratic operative is a “newsman” now.
Don’t believe it for a second. The different between “journalist” and Democratic Party operative is often non-existent.
It shows in everything they do. We aren’t even two weeks into CainFest 2011 and the broadcast networks have done 117 stories on him. One-hundred and seventeen? That’s more than a small war would get.
Actually, it’s 58 times more than a small war has gotten. Obama ordered troops into Uganda in October, before the Cain allegations came out. CBS and NBC have each mentioned it once since then. ABC hasn’t mentioned it at all. But the networks don’t care about American soldiers at risk. They are more concerned that Obama’s presidency is at risk.
That’s the only explanation for how they’ve covered, or not covered, the "Fast and Furious" scandal. You’ve had to look hard to find consistent coverage of this corrupt government program that cost the life of at least one law enforcement officer. Allegedly the goal was to track U.S. guns to drug cartels and arrest gun runners.
But the program was poorly run and it cost the life of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. A good leader would take responsibility for that. A moral leader would have called the family to talk to them or meet with them in person. Attorney General Eric Holder didn’t do either. All he did do was lie to Congress about it.
According to Holder, the program was furiously “flawed in its concept and flawed in its execution.” That skips any blame for when he told Congress he had heard of the program only weeks before. Now we know that’s just not true. In any other city than Washington, D.C., what Holder did was a boldfaced lie.
Not that you’d know it from most network news. While CBS’s Sharyl Attkisson has shown her top-flight skills as a journalist, and been abused by the Obama administration for it, her competing networks have abandoned their responsibility to their viewers. Both NBC and ABC skipped the House Republican roasting Holder received on Capitol Hill.
It’s been much the same in the Solyndra scandal. There only ABC has shown any semblance of journalistic skill covering Obama’s failed green program. It’s a $500-million scandal involving an Obama fundraiser, a solar panel company that had a era idea on how to make a profit (none) and it’s gotten nowhere near the media coverage a Republican scandal might have gotten. (Just ask Herman Cain.)
A recent Media Research Center analysis found “just 15 stories mentioning the Solyndra scandal since its August 31 bankruptcy filing.” For those who find math difficult – like many journalists – that’s about one eighth of the stories the Cain controversy has gotten.
But hey, Solyndra wasn’t run by a former governor considered as a possible Treasury Secretary and hailed by news outlets as an economic expert. That would be a real scandal. Or not, if he had the infamous “D” after his name.
The former governor is Jon Corzine, who has the reverse Midas touch. He’s run Goldman Sachs, New Jersey and, most recently, MF Global, which just collapsed amidst a $2-billion bankruptcy. MF Global fell apart in what CNBC's Andrew Ross Sorkin called a “mini Ponzi scheme.” But not one story on ABC, CBS or NBC has mentioned that Corzine is a Democrat, was considered an Obama adviser and possible pick for a top spot in his administration.
Every time there’s a controversial story, media types are making these choices. They love the Occupy Wall Street crowd, so they play up the good from those protests, despite rapes, vandalism, arson, assaults on police and more. But they hate the Tea Parties, so everything they do is somehow nefarious.
It’s time the media covered their own scandals. They have plenty.
Dan Gainor is the Boone Pickens Fellow and the Media Research Center’s Vice President for Business and Culture. He is a frequent contributor to Fox News Opinion. He can also be contacted on Facebook and Twitter as dangainor.
Read more:
Friday, November 11, 2011
This will illustrate how badly Obama has screwed things up with his Keynesian economic policies. In a speech delivered to a labor union convention in September of 2009, Barack Obama said the following:
“All in all, many middle-class families will see their incomes go up by about $3,000 because of the Recovery Act, helping them get back much of what they've lost due to this recession.”
The Recovery Act? That was Obama’s $850 billion dollar stimulus job that failed to stimulate. We were told it would create jobs. Now, two years later, the Obama junta can only weakly mew that it “saved” jobs …. We’re so impressed. So, two years and $800+ billion later, how did it REALLY turn out?
According to a Sentier report using Census data, the median American household income has actually fallen during the “recovery.” “Real income fell by 3.2 percent during the recession. And during the recovery it went down by 6.7 percent.” So “income has declined twice as much in the recovery as in the recession itself.”
Oops. Obama says that the stimulus act is going to raise middle class incomes by about $3,000 per household --- and those incomes have fallen by 6.7%. Who’s fault is this? Need you ask? It’s Bush’s fault, of course!
Now just in case you’re one of those Americans who haven’t bought into this “Bush’s fault” horse crap, take a look at some of Obama’s initiatives and see if we can start to form an understanding as to just why government spending and increased regulation hasn’t been the “stimulus” he promised:
Stimulus – Failed
Cash for Clunkers – Failed
Mortgage Relief – Failed
ObamaCare – Failed
Dodd-Frank – Failed
And on top of this record spending and increased regulation he wants to add … tax increases?
Go ahead folks. Support this incompetent leftist in his bid for reelection. Incompetent? Have you ever taken a look at his record as a community organizer in Chicago? We haven’t found a record of one single community organizing initiative championed or led by Barack Obama in Chicago that showed any lasting positive results. He was as much of a failure there as he is as our president.
Support Obama – then vote for him – and tell your children how you played such a huge role in destroying any chance they may have had for a lifestyle any better than the one they’re experiencing now.
“All in all, many middle-class families will see their incomes go up by about $3,000 because of the Recovery Act, helping them get back much of what they've lost due to this recession.”
The Recovery Act? That was Obama’s $850 billion dollar stimulus job that failed to stimulate. We were told it would create jobs. Now, two years later, the Obama junta can only weakly mew that it “saved” jobs …. We’re so impressed. So, two years and $800+ billion later, how did it REALLY turn out?
According to a Sentier report using Census data, the median American household income has actually fallen during the “recovery.” “Real income fell by 3.2 percent during the recession. And during the recovery it went down by 6.7 percent.” So “income has declined twice as much in the recovery as in the recession itself.”
Oops. Obama says that the stimulus act is going to raise middle class incomes by about $3,000 per household --- and those incomes have fallen by 6.7%. Who’s fault is this? Need you ask? It’s Bush’s fault, of course!
Now just in case you’re one of those Americans who haven’t bought into this “Bush’s fault” horse crap, take a look at some of Obama’s initiatives and see if we can start to form an understanding as to just why government spending and increased regulation hasn’t been the “stimulus” he promised:
Stimulus – Failed
Cash for Clunkers – Failed
Mortgage Relief – Failed
ObamaCare – Failed
Dodd-Frank – Failed
And on top of this record spending and increased regulation he wants to add … tax increases?
Go ahead folks. Support this incompetent leftist in his bid for reelection. Incompetent? Have you ever taken a look at his record as a community organizer in Chicago? We haven’t found a record of one single community organizing initiative championed or led by Barack Obama in Chicago that showed any lasting positive results. He was as much of a failure there as he is as our president.
Support Obama – then vote for him – and tell your children how you played such a huge role in destroying any chance they may have had for a lifestyle any better than the one they’re experiencing now.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Here is a recent letter sent to constituents in Florida from Obama puppet, Senator Bill Nelson.
"Dear Friends,
The right to vote is, and always has been, at the foundation of our democracy. But this fundamental right is under serious attack right now, in Florida and more than a dozen other states. Many believe a handful of super-rich conservative activists are behind an orchestrated effort to keep millions of seniors, younger voters and minorities from casting ballots next year.
Whether or not that’s true, a civics teacher at New Smyrna Beach High School in Florida was on the receiving end of just such an attack last month. The teacher, Jill Cicciarelli, ran afoul of Florida’s new election law while helping some of her students pre-register to vote.
I have met with her and some of her students, and it’s no surprise they’re not happy with the state’s new voting law. Neither is their local supervisor of elections, who under the law was required to report them to state authorities. Volusia County Supervisor of Elections Ann McFall says parts of the law are egregious and unenforceable.
So, it’s not just me who thinks this law is aimed at suppressing the vote. Look at what informed editorial writers have also had to say: The Orlando Sentinel said the new law “amounts to… ripping apart election laws” and “weakening democracy.” The Tampa Tribune said this bill “isn't fooling anybody. It's not about clean elections.” And Florida Today called it an “assault on the most cherished of American rights.”
In a nutshell, the Florida law reduces the number of days for early voting from 14 to eight and exposes people who register others to vote to harsh penalties even for innocent mistakes. That’s why the widely respected League of Women Voters has abandoned its voter registration drives in Florida after 72 years.
I wrote Gov. Rick Scott a letter last month asking him to support a revamping or repeal of the law. I also wrote U.S. Sen. Richard Durbin, who chairs the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, to ask that we conduct a congressional investigation to see if Florida’s law was part of a plan that led to similar voting law changes in more than a dozen other states this year. And I have asked the Justice Department to look into who’s behind these changes."
Bill, you say the right to vote is at the foundation of our democracy. But we are not a democracy in case you aren't aware of it. We are a in Republican. We don't believe the scare tactics being put out there by the DNC any more. You and your party's miserable record of destroying our economy speaks for itself.
We need to work for Tea Party Republicans to gain control of the Senate, as they did with the House, and end Harry Reid's reign as Majority Leader. Floridians want policies that empower job creators and get the government out of our daily lives. Obama and his Democrat puppets, including you, want to gain more control over our lives and increase government regulations.
You say many believe a handful of super-rich conservative activists are behind an orchestrated effort to keep millions of seniors, younger voters and minorities from casting ballots next year. What a bunch of hooey! Where do you dig up these people that you use as examples?
During your four decades as a career politician, you voted for billions in tax hikes, pork-laden bills, Obamacare, amnesty, and massive spending. It's time to retire you and your fellow career Obamacrats and get this country back on track.
Why don't you do Floridians, and the country, a great patriotic favor and retire now instead of waiting until next year to get booted out. And while you were writing fellow Obama crony, Dick Durbin, did you remember to ask him about producing documents to help investigate the Solyndra Scandal? The Fast and Furious scandal? How about the millions in bonuses being paid to FNMA and Freddie Mac while those agencies continue to lose billions...what are you doing about that? Why don't you tell us your opinions on Eric Holder? Why are you so silent about that corrupt AG?
I think more than ever we need George LeMieux's voice and votes in the Senate.
"Dear Friends,
Whether or not that’s true, a civics teacher at New Smyrna Beach High School in Florida was on the receiving end of just such an attack last month. The teacher, Jill Cicciarelli, ran afoul of Florida’s new election law while helping some of her students pre-register to vote.
I have met with her and some of her students, and it’s no surprise they’re not happy with the state’s new voting law. Neither is their local supervisor of elections, who under the law was required to report them to state authorities. Volusia County Supervisor of Elections Ann McFall says parts of the law are egregious and unenforceable.
So, it’s not just me who thinks this law is aimed at suppressing the vote. Look at what informed editorial writers have also had to say: The Orlando Sentinel said the new law “amounts to… ripping apart election laws” and “weakening democracy.” The Tampa Tribune said this bill “isn't fooling anybody. It's not about clean elections.” And Florida Today called it an “assault on the most cherished of American rights.”
In a nutshell, the Florida law reduces the number of days for early voting from 14 to eight and exposes people who register others to vote to harsh penalties even for innocent mistakes. That’s why the widely respected League of Women Voters has abandoned its voter registration drives in Florida after 72 years.
I wrote Gov. Rick Scott a letter last month asking him to support a revamping or repeal of the law. I also wrote U.S. Sen. Richard Durbin, who chairs the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, to ask that we conduct a congressional investigation to see if Florida’s law was part of a plan that led to similar voting law changes in more than a dozen other states this year. And I have asked the Justice Department to look into who’s behind these changes."
Bill, you say the right to vote is at the foundation of our democracy. But we are not a democracy in case you aren't aware of it. We are a in Republican. We don't believe the scare tactics being put out there by the DNC any more. You and your party's miserable record of destroying our economy speaks for itself.
We need to work for Tea Party Republicans to gain control of the Senate, as they did with the House, and end Harry Reid's reign as Majority Leader. Floridians want policies that empower job creators and get the government out of our daily lives. Obama and his Democrat puppets, including you, want to gain more control over our lives and increase government regulations.
You say many believe a handful of super-rich conservative activists are behind an orchestrated effort to keep millions of seniors, younger voters and minorities from casting ballots next year. What a bunch of hooey! Where do you dig up these people that you use as examples?
During your four decades as a career politician, you voted for billions in tax hikes, pork-laden bills, Obamacare, amnesty, and massive spending. It's time to retire you and your fellow career Obamacrats and get this country back on track.
Why don't you do Floridians, and the country, a great patriotic favor and retire now instead of waiting until next year to get booted out. And while you were writing fellow Obama crony, Dick Durbin, did you remember to ask him about producing documents to help investigate the Solyndra Scandal? The Fast and Furious scandal? How about the millions in bonuses being paid to FNMA and Freddie Mac while those agencies continue to lose billions...what are you doing about that? Why don't you tell us your opinions on Eric Holder? Why are you so silent about that corrupt AG?
I think more than ever we need George LeMieux's voice and votes in the Senate.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
November 9, 2011
Jobs Created by the Stroke of a Pen
By Bill Tatro
When it comes to jobs, it all comes down to this: For years, we all thought it was small business that was the heart and soul of the U.S. economy.
Most people understood that it was the private sector that created the real jobs – sustainable jobs that were the building blocks for people’s lives, and consequently, the foundation for our country’s solid future.
Then, along comes Barack Obama, who firmly, and I am ardently convinced, believes the public sector is the real job creator.
Everything from shovel ready to green energy has been tried by this administration in order to change the path of rising unemployment, to no avail.
Now, however, the truth can be told.
The real job creator is neither the public nor the private sector.
Rather, the real job creator is a single bean-counter who works in a small room with a green eyeshade pulled over his head at the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
He’s the person who overlays the Birth/Death (B/D) statistics on all monthly jobs reports. Most people think the B/D is simply a measurement of how many workers lived or died during the month.
In reality, the B/D is the approximate number of new businesses created with new employees netted against the businesses that closed and the people who lost their jobs. This statistic is overlaid against the actual number of workers either hired or fired. During prior administrations, this B/D number was plus-or-minus a few thousand.
The Obama administration has taken the B/D to an entirely new art form, with the plus-or-minus becoming hundreds of thousands.
It seems they thought nobody would notice, and guess what?
They were right.
The latest monthly jobs report shows 80,000 new jobs created.
The Birth/Death overlay was plus 103,000, which means the country actually lost 23,000 jobs.
But have no fear, with a phantom jobs report nobody really noticed, least of all the mainstream media.
Thus, when books are written about this chapter in American history, recognition for job creation will not be given to the small or large business entrepreneurs, nor the President or his political cronies.
Rather, all the praise will be given to that diligent, ever-present bureaucrat, who, with a wave of his magic pencil created 42% of all jobs reported in 2011.
Thank goodness for the BLS and the Birth/Death model.
It may not be real, but it sure looks good on paper and it certainly sounds great on the nightly news.
Bill is the host of of It's All About Money, a daily financial radio show, and Columnist for
Jobs Created by the Stroke of a Pen
By Bill Tatro
When it comes to jobs, it all comes down to this: For years, we all thought it was small business that was the heart and soul of the U.S. economy.
Most people understood that it was the private sector that created the real jobs – sustainable jobs that were the building blocks for people’s lives, and consequently, the foundation for our country’s solid future.
Then, along comes Barack Obama, who firmly, and I am ardently convinced, believes the public sector is the real job creator.
Everything from shovel ready to green energy has been tried by this administration in order to change the path of rising unemployment, to no avail.
Now, however, the truth can be told.
The real job creator is neither the public nor the private sector.
Rather, the real job creator is a single bean-counter who works in a small room with a green eyeshade pulled over his head at the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
He’s the person who overlays the Birth/Death (B/D) statistics on all monthly jobs reports. Most people think the B/D is simply a measurement of how many workers lived or died during the month.
In reality, the B/D is the approximate number of new businesses created with new employees netted against the businesses that closed and the people who lost their jobs. This statistic is overlaid against the actual number of workers either hired or fired. During prior administrations, this B/D number was plus-or-minus a few thousand.
The Obama administration has taken the B/D to an entirely new art form, with the plus-or-minus becoming hundreds of thousands.
It seems they thought nobody would notice, and guess what?
They were right.
The latest monthly jobs report shows 80,000 new jobs created.
The Birth/Death overlay was plus 103,000, which means the country actually lost 23,000 jobs.
But have no fear, with a phantom jobs report nobody really noticed, least of all the mainstream media.
Thus, when books are written about this chapter in American history, recognition for job creation will not be given to the small or large business entrepreneurs, nor the President or his political cronies.
Rather, all the praise will be given to that diligent, ever-present bureaucrat, who, with a wave of his magic pencil created 42% of all jobs reported in 2011.
Thank goodness for the BLS and the Birth/Death model.
It may not be real, but it sure looks good on paper and it certainly sounds great on the nightly news.
Bill is the host of of It's All About Money, a daily financial radio show, and Columnist for
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Kick back with Andrew Klavan and enjoy the roaring, soaring, constitution ignoring days of Obama's Recovery Summer. It's sunny. It's funny. But I'm out of work honey. With unemployment over 9%, what isn't there to love? At least it isn't the grim old days of George W. Bush when unemployment was below 6% and General Petraeus was leading a surge.
What a great summer! At least it was for him!
What a great summer! At least it was for him!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Just move along folks.....nuthin goin on here.
| ||||
Monday, October 31, 2011
Today's Special Quote: “After years of historic deficits, this new Congress will commit itself to a higher standard: pay as you go, no new deficit spending. Our new America will provide unlimited opportunity for future generations, not burden them with mountains of debt.” — Nancy Pelosi during her gavel acceptance speech, January 2007
By the end of her tenure as the nation’s 60th Speaker, the national debt shot up approximately $5 trillion — more than the first 57 Speakers combined, according to CNS News.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
President Obama signed two more executive memorandums last week, saying they will help employment at a time when congressional Republicans are blocking his $447 billion jobs bill.
“With too many families struggling and too many businesses fighting to keep their doors open, we can’t wait for Congress to take action,” Obama said in a statement, echoing a political point he has made throughout this week.
Flashback to May of 2008. Candidate Obama wasn’t a fan of a “president with too much power” back then. Here is the Liar-in-Chief lying his ass off about Bush and presidential powers while he was a candidate. Then, after being elected, he abuses (nay 'rapes') presidential signing powers more than any other president.
Almost every single complaint the Democrats had with President Bush--every one--was fake. They actually agreed with everything he did--by virtue of the fact Obama has either continued or expanded every Bush policy--and just complained about it for political expediency. Just amazing! It still astounds me that anyone was fooled by Liar Obama--the most 2-faced, hypocrite, and dishonest person, to ever become president.
Who better to dismantle and destroy the Constitution than a Constitutional scholar?
“With too many families struggling and too many businesses fighting to keep their doors open, we can’t wait for Congress to take action,” Obama said in a statement, echoing a political point he has made throughout this week.
Flashback to May of 2008. Candidate Obama wasn’t a fan of a “president with too much power” back then. Here is the Liar-in-Chief lying his ass off about Bush and presidential powers while he was a candidate. Then, after being elected, he abuses (nay 'rapes') presidential signing powers more than any other president.
Almost every single complaint the Democrats had with President Bush--every one--was fake. They actually agreed with everything he did--by virtue of the fact Obama has either continued or expanded every Bush policy--and just complained about it for political expediency. Just amazing! It still astounds me that anyone was fooled by Liar Obama--the most 2-faced, hypocrite, and dishonest person, to ever become president.
Who better to dismantle and destroy the Constitution than a Constitutional scholar?
Friday, October 28, 2011
A-hole Biden Explains 12 Top Reasons To Pass Jobs Bill
Here is VP A-hole Biden last week on his hysterical claims that rape and murder would increase if Congress didn’t ram through the half-trillion-dollar White House jobs bill. He points out his top 12 reasons.
Last fall, before the midterm shellacking, Vice President Joe Biden admonished rank-and-file Democratic voters to “stop whining.” Uncle Tough Guy should practice what he screeches. The 2012 campaign has barely begun, but Biden’s thin skin makes a spring roll wrapper look impenetrable.
Biden’s office is now calling for an official investigation of a young editor who dared to question His Highness. Jason Mattera of the conservative-leaning Human Events magazine confronted the veep last week on his hysterical claims that rape and murder would increase if Congress didn’t ram through the half-trillion-dollar White House jobs bill. The testy exchange between the audacious journalist and the temper-challenged Beltway pol took place in a Senate hallway:
Mattera: Do you regret using a rape reference to describe Republican opposition to the president’s bill?
Biden: I didn’t use it. No, no, no, what I said, let’s get it straight, guys. Don’t screw around with me. Let’s get it straight. Listen to me. I said rape was up, three times, in Flint (Michigan). They’re the numbers, go look at the numbers. Murder’s up, rape is up, burglary’s up, that’s exactly what I said.
Mattera: And if Republicans don’t pass this bill, then rape will continue to rise?
Biden: Murder will continue to rise, rape will continue to rise, all crimes will continue to rise.
Never mind that the statistics in Flint actually show no correlation between crime rates and the number of police officers in the city. It’s never about the facts. It’s about the shameless demonization of Biden’s and Obama’s political opponents — and those in the press who would dare question their doom-and-gloom narratives.
After jabbing his finger in Mattera’s face, Biden stalked off, and one of his rattled press aide protectors yelped: “Who are you with?” Like playground tattletales who just got smacked in the face after cheating at tetherball, Team Biden then reported Mattera’s transgressions to the Senate press gallery and the standing committee of correspondents. The Hill newspaper reported on Tuesday that “the matter is under review.”
Biden’s crude response to Mattera’s challenge — “Don’t screw around with me” — is par for the Beltway Bubble Boy’s course. This entitled blowhard has long sought to bully reporters and ordinary citizens who question Bidenrhhea of the mouth.
Last fall, before the midterm shellacking, Vice President Joe Biden admonished rank-and-file Democratic voters to “stop whining.” Uncle Tough Guy should practice what he screeches. The 2012 campaign has barely begun, but Biden’s thin skin makes a spring roll wrapper look impenetrable.
Biden’s office is now calling for an official investigation of a young editor who dared to question His Highness. Jason Mattera of the conservative-leaning Human Events magazine confronted the veep last week on his hysterical claims that rape and murder would increase if Congress didn’t ram through the half-trillion-dollar White House jobs bill. The testy exchange between the audacious journalist and the temper-challenged Beltway pol took place in a Senate hallway:
Mattera: Do you regret using a rape reference to describe Republican opposition to the president’s bill?
Biden: I didn’t use it. No, no, no, what I said, let’s get it straight, guys. Don’t screw around with me. Let’s get it straight. Listen to me. I said rape was up, three times, in Flint (Michigan). They’re the numbers, go look at the numbers. Murder’s up, rape is up, burglary’s up, that’s exactly what I said.
Mattera: And if Republicans don’t pass this bill, then rape will continue to rise?
Biden: Murder will continue to rise, rape will continue to rise, all crimes will continue to rise.
Never mind that the statistics in Flint actually show no correlation between crime rates and the number of police officers in the city. It’s never about the facts. It’s about the shameless demonization of Biden’s and Obama’s political opponents — and those in the press who would dare question their doom-and-gloom narratives.
After jabbing his finger in Mattera’s face, Biden stalked off, and one of his rattled press aide protectors yelped: “Who are you with?” Like playground tattletales who just got smacked in the face after cheating at tetherball, Team Biden then reported Mattera’s transgressions to the Senate press gallery and the standing committee of correspondents. The Hill newspaper reported on Tuesday that “the matter is under review.”
Biden’s crude response to Mattera’s challenge — “Don’t screw around with me” — is par for the Beltway Bubble Boy’s course. This entitled blowhard has long sought to bully reporters and ordinary citizens who question Bidenrhhea of the mouth.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Here are some political snippets I copied off the web for your enjoyment:
BO has rolled out his latest slogan: “We can’t wait.” One of Obama’s dog washers explains, "We can't wait for Congress to act, so we're going to take the steps that we can take.” Within the Constitution? Well I guess that remains to be seen. The constitution is simply an obstacle in their way of achieving Obama’s version of the American Dream.
But in a sense Obama is right … we can’t wait.
We Can’t Wait for the private sector to create jobs for Americans ready to work.
We Can’t Wait for a president with respect for our Constitution.
We Can’t Wait for a president with an appreciation of the power of the free market.
We Can’t Wait to have a president who does not eat, breathe and sleep with labor unions.
We Can’t Wait to bring spending back in line
Oh well .. you get the idea. I guess the bottom line is that We Can’t Wait to correct the massive error we made four years ago.
============================== ==========
If President Barack Obama were a legal document, he'd be a sub-prime home loan.
The nation's housing crisis seems an apt metaphor for the president and his political position one year before he stands for re-election.
Like nearly a quarter of the mortgage loans outstanding on U.S. homes, Obama is under water. His poll ratings are low and sinking. Gallup records 43 percent approval, 49 percent disapproval. Three-quarters of American voters think the country is on the wrong track under his leadership. In moving into the White House -- a very fancy address -- Obama bought a lot more house than he could afford, based on his ability and experience.
============================== ================
“It’s weird protesting on Bay Street. You get there at 9 a.m. and the rich bankers who you want to hurl insults at and change their worldview have been at work for two hours already. And then when it’s time to go, they’re still there. I guess that’s why they call them the one per cent. I mean, who wants to work those kinds of hours? ---An anonymous WSO
============================== =====
One narrative that has emerged from the “Occupy Wall Street” protests is one, promoted by the protesters themselves, which has the movement being the target of those who want to silence them. Frankly, I think it would be a mistake to want to silence the “occupiers.”
Nothing undermines their own positions and philosophies so thoroughly as what they actually do and say.
============================== ===========
If it wasn’t for that darn Constitution, Obama and the Democrats would be able to do what they think our country needs in order to get the economy going again. This seems to be a growing trend among Democrats in Washington. Remember Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr? He said that Obama should declare a “national emergency” on the issue of jobs, which would allow him to act without congressional approval. He compared the current Congress to the states in rebellion during the Civil War. He said, “If there are extra-constitutional opportunities that allow the president administratively to put the people to work, he should pursue every single one of them.” That’s Jesse Jackson Jr., a chip off the old race pimp block, calling for the Constitution to be set aside.
============================== ===========
BO has rolled out his latest slogan: “We can’t wait.” One of Obama’s dog washers explains, "We can't wait for Congress to act, so we're going to take the steps that we can take.” Within the Constitution? Well I guess that remains to be seen. The constitution is simply an obstacle in their way of achieving Obama’s version of the American Dream.
But in a sense Obama is right … we can’t wait.
We Can’t Wait for the private sector to create jobs for Americans ready to work.
We Can’t Wait for a president with respect for our Constitution.
We Can’t Wait for a president with an appreciation of the power of the free market.
We Can’t Wait to have a president who does not eat, breathe and sleep with labor unions.
We Can’t Wait to bring spending back in line
Oh well .. you get the idea. I guess the bottom line is that We Can’t Wait to correct the massive error we made four years ago.
If President Barack Obama were a legal document, he'd be a sub-prime home loan.
The nation's housing crisis seems an apt metaphor for the president and his political position one year before he stands for re-election.
Like nearly a quarter of the mortgage loans outstanding on U.S. homes, Obama is under water. His poll ratings are low and sinking. Gallup records 43 percent approval, 49 percent disapproval. Three-quarters of American voters think the country is on the wrong track under his leadership. In moving into the White House -- a very fancy address -- Obama bought a lot more house than he could afford, based on his ability and experience.
“It’s weird protesting on Bay Street. You get there at 9 a.m. and the rich bankers who you want to hurl insults at and change their worldview have been at work for two hours already. And then when it’s time to go, they’re still there. I guess that’s why they call them the one per cent. I mean, who wants to work those kinds of hours? ---An anonymous WSO
One narrative that has emerged from the “Occupy Wall Street” protests is one, promoted by the protesters themselves, which has the movement being the target of those who want to silence them. Frankly, I think it would be a mistake to want to silence the “occupiers.”
Nothing undermines their own positions and philosophies so thoroughly as what they actually do and say.
If it wasn’t for that darn Constitution, Obama and the Democrats would be able to do what they think our country needs in order to get the economy going again. This seems to be a growing trend among Democrats in Washington. Remember Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr? He said that Obama should declare a “national emergency” on the issue of jobs, which would allow him to act without congressional approval. He compared the current Congress to the states in rebellion during the Civil War. He said, “If there are extra-constitutional opportunities that allow the president administratively to put the people to work, he should pursue every single one of them.” That’s Jesse Jackson Jr., a chip off the old race pimp block, calling for the Constitution to be set aside.
Monday, October 10, 2011
What a Great Idea....Uninsured Cars Off The Road
Recently, the City of Dallas, Texas, passed an ordinance stating that if a driver is pulled over by law enforcement and is not able to provide proof of insurance, the car is towed.
To retrieve the car after being impounded, they must show proof of insurance to have the car released. This has made it easy for the City of Dallas to remove uninsured cars.
Shortly after the "No Insurance" ordinance was passed, the Dallas impound lots began to fill up and were full after only nine days. 80% plus of the impounded cars were driven by illegals.
Not only must they provide proof of insurance to have their car released, they have to pay for the cost of the tow, a $350 fine, and $20 for every day their car is kept in the lot.
Accident rates are going down and... Dallas' solution gets uninsured drivers off the road WITHOUT making them show proof of nationality.
Wonder how the ACLU or the Justice Department will get around this one. Just brings tears to my eyes.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Here’s a picture that helps establish a personal Wall Street/corporate connection to the protesters themselves.
As for political leaders, President Obama has claimed the protesters represent “broad based frustration” with the financial system. Nancy Pelosi said “God bless them” and that no longer will the “recklessness of some on Wall Street cause massive joblessness on Main Street.”
In 2008, Obama raked in millions upon millions in campaign cash from Wall Street, and Nancy Pelosi’s husband made his bones as an investment banker.
History won’t record this as the largest protest ever, but it might take the prize for the most hypocritical.
But wait a minute: Here's a Nancy Pelosi update about this madness:
“I have concerns about some of the language that is being used because I saw this myself in the late 70s in San Francisco, this king of rhetoric. … It created a climate in which violence took place. … I wish we would all curb our enthusiasm in some of the statements and understand that some of the ears that it is falling on are not a balanced as the person making the statements may assume.”
Wait, nevermind — that was in reference to the Tea Parties in 2009.
Meanwhile, Pelosi managed to pin some of the blame for the ongoing Wall Street protests on… you guessed it: George W. Bush.
Is she brainless libtard...or what?
As for political leaders, President Obama has claimed the protesters represent “broad based frustration” with the financial system. Nancy Pelosi said “God bless them” and that no longer will the “recklessness of some on Wall Street cause massive joblessness on Main Street.”
In 2008, Obama raked in millions upon millions in campaign cash from Wall Street, and Nancy Pelosi’s husband made his bones as an investment banker.
History won’t record this as the largest protest ever, but it might take the prize for the most hypocritical.
But wait a minute: Here's a Nancy Pelosi update about this madness:
“I have concerns about some of the language that is being used because I saw this myself in the late 70s in San Francisco, this king of rhetoric. … It created a climate in which violence took place. … I wish we would all curb our enthusiasm in some of the statements and understand that some of the ears that it is falling on are not a balanced as the person making the statements may assume.”
Wait, nevermind — that was in reference to the Tea Parties in 2009.
Meanwhile, Pelosi managed to pin some of the blame for the ongoing Wall Street protests on… you guessed it: George W. Bush.
Is she brainless libtard...or what?
Thursday, October 6, 2011
1. GMA Maintains Their Solyndra Scandal Blackout
For the 33rd consecutive day, ABC's Good Morning America on Tuesday omitted any mention of the Obama administration's Solyndra scandal, even though co-host George Stephanopoulos asked the President about it in an interview on Monday and elicited a newsworthy defense of the more than $500 million loan to the now-bankrupt company.
Tuesday's show instead focused on other questions from the ABCNews / Yahoo! online interview, like the best piece of advice the President has received from his wife and whether or not he would stop Bank of America's new monthly debt card fee.
See entire article at:
2. CBS Highlights 'Fast & Furious'; ABC, NBC Place Heads in the Sand
CBS Evening News distinguished itself among the Big Three networks on Monday by devoting an entire segment to the ongoing controversy over the "Fast and Furious" program, where the federal government smuggled guns to Mexican drug cartels. NBC hasn't mentioned the story on its news programs since April 17, while the last time ABC covered it was a news brief on June 15.
See entire article at:
This proves once again that if you want ALL the news, better watch FOX.
For the 33rd consecutive day, ABC's Good Morning America on Tuesday omitted any mention of the Obama administration's Solyndra scandal, even though co-host George Stephanopoulos asked the President about it in an interview on Monday and elicited a newsworthy defense of the more than $500 million loan to the now-bankrupt company.
Tuesday's show instead focused on other questions from the ABCNews / Yahoo! online interview, like the best piece of advice the President has received from his wife and whether or not he would stop Bank of America's new monthly debt card fee.
See entire article at:
2. CBS Highlights 'Fast & Furious'; ABC, NBC Place Heads in the Sand
CBS Evening News distinguished itself among the Big Three networks on Monday by devoting an entire segment to the ongoing controversy over the "Fast and Furious" program, where the federal government smuggled guns to Mexican drug cartels. NBC hasn't mentioned the story on its news programs since April 17, while the last time ABC covered it was a news brief on June 15.
See entire article at:
This proves once again that if you want ALL the news, better watch FOX.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Someone sent this to me and I agree with it.
Herman Cain and his wife are honest, hard-working, honorable Americans who would not dream of lying or deceiving the American people period.
1. He Has No Sense of Entitlement
Cain wasn’t born into a life of privilege. Yet he bore no resentment because of it. He believed in the American Dream yet understood he had to work hard for it.
2. He Worked at Burger King
Cain was assigned to manage some of the least successful Burger King restaurants in the country and turned them into the most profitable. To do this he improved service and kept customers satisfied. It would be a remarkable if Cain could do for the federal government what he did for Burger King.
3. He Has Never Held Elected Office
I am not suggesting there isn’t any honor in public service. Unfortunately, many elected officials (Democrats and Republicans alike) use their office in service of themselves rather than the people who elect them. Public officials are preoccupied with re-election and such a preoccupation doesn’t lend itself towards innovation because innovation is risky and risk can alienate a public official’s donors.
4. He Is a Mathematician
President Obama tells us that passing his jobs bill is “simple math.” Well, Cain majored in math at Morehouse University. He is in the rare position of being able to tell President Obama, “I am a trained mathematician. I have looked at your numbers and can tell you that they don’t add up.”
5. He Was a CEO
Hollywood often casts businessmen as villains and President Obama has spent a great deal of his Presidency vilifying CEOs (unless, of course, you happen to be the CEO of a company that got $500 million plus to manufacture expensive solar panels nobody wanted.) Cain was a successful CEO. But he wasn’t plucked from central casting. He earned his way to the top. Cain could tell President Obama a thing or two about what CEOs really do.
6. He Is The Adult in the Room
Cain is actually only fifteen years older than President Obama. But he strikes such a mature image that standing next to Obama he could be mistaken for his father. In an Obama-Cain debate, President Obama would come off like a petulant son who thinks he knows everything while Cain would tell Obama that he has a lot of growing up to do.
7. He Would Make Liberal Charges of Racism Look Really, Really Stupid
Actress Janeane Garofalo infamously said that the Tea Party was “about hating a black man in the White House” and was “racism straight up.” Yet Cain would end up as one of the most popular figures in the Tea Party movement.
8. The Content of His Character
Herman Cain has demonstrated that he is a man who carries himself with a sense of humor, dignity, modesty, responsibility and gratitude towards the country that allowed him an opportunity to succeed.
Does he know everything he needs to know to be President? No. But Cain is a quick study. He possesses the diligence necessary to turn whatever weaknesses he might possess into strengths.
9. His 9-9-9 Plan in summary:
• Achieves the broadest possible tax base along with the lowest possible rate of 9%
• It ends the Payroll Tax completely – a permanent holiday!
• Ends the Death Tax
• Business Flat Tax – 9%
• Gross income less all investments, all purchases from other businesses and all dividends paid to shareholders
• Empowerment Zones will offer additional deductions for payroll employed in the zone
• Individual Flat Tax – 9%
• Gross income less charitable deductions
• Empowerment Zones will offer additional deductions for
those living and/or working in the zone
• National Sales Tax – 9%
• This gets the Fair Tax off the sidelines and into the game.
Phase 2 – The Fair Tax
• Amidst a backdrop of the economic boom created by the Phase 1 Enhanced Plan, I will begin the process of educating the American people on the benefits of continuing the next step to the Fair Tax.
• The Fair Tax would ultimately replace individual and corporate income taxes
• It would make it possible to end the IRS as we know it.
• The Fair Tax makes our exported goods and services the most competitively internationally than any
other tax system.
If you don't like what's happening to America and would like to do something about it, please show your support of Herman Cain.
Friends of Herman Cain, Inc.
P.O. Box 2158
Stockbridge, GA 30281
(678) 601-2772
Herman Cain and his wife are honest, hard-working, honorable Americans who would not dream of lying or deceiving the American people period.
1. He Has No Sense of Entitlement
Cain wasn’t born into a life of privilege. Yet he bore no resentment because of it. He believed in the American Dream yet understood he had to work hard for it.
2. He Worked at Burger King
Cain was assigned to manage some of the least successful Burger King restaurants in the country and turned them into the most profitable. To do this he improved service and kept customers satisfied. It would be a remarkable if Cain could do for the federal government what he did for Burger King.
3. He Has Never Held Elected Office
I am not suggesting there isn’t any honor in public service. Unfortunately, many elected officials (Democrats and Republicans alike) use their office in service of themselves rather than the people who elect them. Public officials are preoccupied with re-election and such a preoccupation doesn’t lend itself towards innovation because innovation is risky and risk can alienate a public official’s donors.
4. He Is a Mathematician
President Obama tells us that passing his jobs bill is “simple math.” Well, Cain majored in math at Morehouse University. He is in the rare position of being able to tell President Obama, “I am a trained mathematician. I have looked at your numbers and can tell you that they don’t add up.”
5. He Was a CEO
Hollywood often casts businessmen as villains and President Obama has spent a great deal of his Presidency vilifying CEOs (unless, of course, you happen to be the CEO of a company that got $500 million plus to manufacture expensive solar panels nobody wanted.) Cain was a successful CEO. But he wasn’t plucked from central casting. He earned his way to the top. Cain could tell President Obama a thing or two about what CEOs really do.
6. He Is The Adult in the Room
Cain is actually only fifteen years older than President Obama. But he strikes such a mature image that standing next to Obama he could be mistaken for his father. In an Obama-Cain debate, President Obama would come off like a petulant son who thinks he knows everything while Cain would tell Obama that he has a lot of growing up to do.
7. He Would Make Liberal Charges of Racism Look Really, Really Stupid
Actress Janeane Garofalo infamously said that the Tea Party was “about hating a black man in the White House” and was “racism straight up.” Yet Cain would end up as one of the most popular figures in the Tea Party movement.
8. The Content of His Character
Herman Cain has demonstrated that he is a man who carries himself with a sense of humor, dignity, modesty, responsibility and gratitude towards the country that allowed him an opportunity to succeed.
Does he know everything he needs to know to be President? No. But Cain is a quick study. He possesses the diligence necessary to turn whatever weaknesses he might possess into strengths.
9. His 9-9-9 Plan in summary:
• Achieves the broadest possible tax base along with the lowest possible rate of 9%
• It ends the Payroll Tax completely – a permanent holiday!
• Ends the Death Tax
• Business Flat Tax – 9%
• Gross income less all investments, all purchases from other businesses and all dividends paid to shareholders
• Empowerment Zones will offer additional deductions for payroll employed in the zone
• Individual Flat Tax – 9%
• Gross income less charitable deductions
• Empowerment Zones will offer additional deductions for
those living and/or working in the zone
• National Sales Tax – 9%
• This gets the Fair Tax off the sidelines and into the game.
Phase 2 – The Fair Tax
• Amidst a backdrop of the economic boom created by the Phase 1 Enhanced Plan, I will begin the process of educating the American people on the benefits of continuing the next step to the Fair Tax.
• The Fair Tax would ultimately replace individual and corporate income taxes
• It would make it possible to end the IRS as we know it.
• The Fair Tax makes our exported goods and services the most competitively internationally than any
other tax system.
If you don't like what's happening to America and would like to do something about it, please show your support of Herman Cain.
Friends of Herman Cain, Inc.
P.O. Box 2158
Stockbridge, GA 30281
(678) 601-2772
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
That Durbin, what a Dick!
And a hypocrite too (what's new?)!
By Neal Boortz
Check out the cajones on this guy, Dick Durbin.
First he crafts new federal regulations to cap the amount banks can charge retailers for swipe fees for processing debit cards.
Then the banks warn that this regulation will cost them millions, maybe even billions. And because businesses are in business to … make money … they will not just sit back and take it. This will force them to pass on the costs to the consumer.
Dick Durbin includes his amendment in the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill and it passes and becomes the law of the land.
Banks, such as Bank of America, announce that they will now start charging customers a fee for using their debit cards, thanks to Durbin’s financial regulations.
Then Dick Durbin gets up on the floor of the Senate and says, “Bank of America customers, vote with your feet … Get the heck out of that bank. Find yourself a bank or credit union that won’t gouge you for $5 a month and still will give you a debit card that you can use every single day.” He adds, “What Bank of America has done is an outrage.”
An outrage? This is exactly what the industry warned about all along! What’s outrageous is the size of this guy’s gonads .. that he can can impose these regulations and then blame the banks when they are forced to comply.
By Neal Boortz
Check out the cajones on this guy, Dick Durbin.
First he crafts new federal regulations to cap the amount banks can charge retailers for swipe fees for processing debit cards.
Then the banks warn that this regulation will cost them millions, maybe even billions. And because businesses are in business to … make money … they will not just sit back and take it. This will force them to pass on the costs to the consumer.
Dick Durbin includes his amendment in the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill and it passes and becomes the law of the land.
Banks, such as Bank of America, announce that they will now start charging customers a fee for using their debit cards, thanks to Durbin’s financial regulations.
Then Dick Durbin gets up on the floor of the Senate and says, “Bank of America customers, vote with your feet … Get the heck out of that bank. Find yourself a bank or credit union that won’t gouge you for $5 a month and still will give you a debit card that you can use every single day.” He adds, “What Bank of America has done is an outrage.”
An outrage? This is exactly what the industry warned about all along! What’s outrageous is the size of this guy’s gonads .. that he can can impose these regulations and then blame the banks when they are forced to comply.
Friday, September 30, 2011
I know you are sick of these figures by now. I know I am. But the Libtard Democrats who get their twisted economic facts from Media Matters,, The Daily Kos, fat blowhard hypocrite Michael Moore, MSNBC, etc, etc. keep sending me pretty, distorted charts, graphs and tables explaining how the rich aren't paying their fair share and how the great (in his own egocentric mind) Liar-in-Chief is doing such a great job in running (or ruining?) this country, that I am compelled to take the time to spell it out again for their benefit. So here goes:
The top 1% of taxpayers earn about 20% of the income but pay about 38% of all revenues. GOT THAT? For the top 10% of taxpayers, they pay around 68% of all federal income taxes. GOT THAT? The bottom 47% of eligible taxpayers pay nothing. GOT THAT! I'll repeat...NOTHING!
Now let’s look back into the history books and see exactly how much those evil rich people have paid in taxes over the years. These numbers come from Stephen Moore, a senior economics writer for the WSJ editorial board and a policy analyst for the Cato Institute and the Heritage Foundation. He says ..
"In the early 1960s, the highest marginal income tax rate was a stunning 91 percent. That top rate fell to 70 percent after the Kennedy-Johnson tax cuts and remained there until 1981. Then Ronald Reagan slashed it to 50 percent and ultimately to 28 percent after the 1986 Tax Reform Act. Although the federal tax rate fell by more than half, total tax receipts in the 1980s doubled from $517 billion in 1981 to $1,030 billion in 1990. The top tax rate rose slightly under George H. W. Bush and then moved to 39.6 percent under Bill Clinton. But under George W. Bush it fell again to 35 percent. So what’s striking is that, even as tax rates have fallen by half over the past quarter-century, taxes paid by the wealthy have increased. Lower tax rates have made the tax system more progressive, not less so. In 1980, for example, the top 5 percent of income earners paid only 37 percent of all income taxes. Today, the top 1 percent pay that proportion, and the top 5 percent pay a whopping 57 percent."
Wow, those rich people sure have been “getting away” with not paying more taxes as the years go by. Meanwhile, the bottom 47% of our population pay NOTHING! How is it “fair” for some to pay 38% in federal income taxes while some do not pay anything at all? So quit whining, Libtards, and start focusing on getting them to start contributing SOMETHING to help the economy.
The top 1% of taxpayers earn about 20% of the income but pay about 38% of all revenues. GOT THAT? For the top 10% of taxpayers, they pay around 68% of all federal income taxes. GOT THAT? The bottom 47% of eligible taxpayers pay nothing. GOT THAT! I'll repeat...NOTHING!
Now let’s look back into the history books and see exactly how much those evil rich people have paid in taxes over the years. These numbers come from Stephen Moore, a senior economics writer for the WSJ editorial board and a policy analyst for the Cato Institute and the Heritage Foundation. He says ..
"In the early 1960s, the highest marginal income tax rate was a stunning 91 percent. That top rate fell to 70 percent after the Kennedy-Johnson tax cuts and remained there until 1981. Then Ronald Reagan slashed it to 50 percent and ultimately to 28 percent after the 1986 Tax Reform Act. Although the federal tax rate fell by more than half, total tax receipts in the 1980s doubled from $517 billion in 1981 to $1,030 billion in 1990. The top tax rate rose slightly under George H. W. Bush and then moved to 39.6 percent under Bill Clinton. But under George W. Bush it fell again to 35 percent. So what’s striking is that, even as tax rates have fallen by half over the past quarter-century, taxes paid by the wealthy have increased. Lower tax rates have made the tax system more progressive, not less so. In 1980, for example, the top 5 percent of income earners paid only 37 percent of all income taxes. Today, the top 1 percent pay that proportion, and the top 5 percent pay a whopping 57 percent."
Wow, those rich people sure have been “getting away” with not paying more taxes as the years go by. Meanwhile, the bottom 47% of our population pay NOTHING! How is it “fair” for some to pay 38% in federal income taxes while some do not pay anything at all? So quit whining, Libtards, and start focusing on getting them to start contributing SOMETHING to help the economy.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Why Do African-Americans Keep Voting For Democrats?
At a loss for anything but spending money on unions and government jobs, Obama has no ability to reduce the African-American unemployment rate. Under Obama, black unemployment hit a 27-year high last week. And yet Blacks blindly keep voting for Democrats!
Here's a suggestion that Obama can do to help black male unemployment: Expand the NBA to 5,000 teams.
Thanks to Ron Hart for contributing these thoughts.
DISCLAIMER -- WARNING! The ad for Obama which may follow this post is no way an endorsement of BO by this Blog. We have no say as to the content of the advertising inserted herein, and the BO ad is a reflection of the audacity and stupidity of him and his re-election team.
We consider him to be a bigger liar than Clinton, fundamentally dishonest, and crippling to our economy; he has exacerbated racial tensions, inflamed partisan divisiveness, encouraged class warfare and demonized everyone on the right--especially members of the Tea Party Patriots.
Here's a suggestion that Obama can do to help black male unemployment: Expand the NBA to 5,000 teams.
Thanks to Ron Hart for contributing these thoughts.
DISCLAIMER -- WARNING! The ad for Obama which may follow this post is no way an endorsement of BO by this Blog. We have no say as to the content of the advertising inserted herein, and the BO ad is a reflection of the audacity and stupidity of him and his re-election team.
We consider him to be a bigger liar than Clinton, fundamentally dishonest, and crippling to our economy; he has exacerbated racial tensions, inflamed partisan divisiveness, encouraged class warfare and demonized everyone on the right--especially members of the Tea Party Patriots.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Obama's Solyndra scandal reeks of the Chicago Way
Thanks to John Kass, Columnist for the Chicago Tribune, for detailing the Solyndra scam in easy to understand terms. This hits the nail on the head as to how us taxpayers are getting screwed.,0,6401818,full.column
DISCLAIMER -- WARNING! The ad for Obama which may follow this post is no way an endorsement of BO by this Blog. We have no say as to the content of the advertising inserted herein, and the BO ad is a reflection of the audacity and stupidity of him and his re-election team.
We consider him to be a bigger liar than Clinton, fundamentally dishonest, and crippling to our economy; he has exacerbated racial tensions, inflamed partisan divisiveness, encouraged class warfare and demonized everyone on the right--especially members of the Tea Party Patriots.
Those of us from Chicago know exactly what the Solyndra scandal smells like. And It doesn't smell fresh and green.
John Kass
The Solyndra scandal cost at least a half-billion public dollars. It is plaguing President Barack Obama. And it's being billed as a Washington story.
But back in Obama's political hometown, those of us familiar with the Chicago Way can see something else in Solyndra — something that the Washington crowd calls "optics." In fact, it's not just a Washington saga — it has all the elements of a Chicago City Hall story, except with more zeros.
The FBI is investigating what happened with Solyndra, a solar panel company that got a $535 million government-backed loan with the help of the Obama White House over the objections of federal budget analysts.
Obama and Vice President Joe Biden got a nice photo op. They got to make speeches about being "green." But then Solyndra went bankrupt. Americans lost jobs. Taxpayers got stuck with the bill. And members of Congress are now in high dudgeon and making speeches.
Federal investigators want to know what role political fundraising played in the guarantee of the questionable loan. Washington bureaucrats warned the deal was lousy. And White House spokesmen flail desperately, like weakened victims in a cheesy vampire movie.
So forget optics. What about smell? It smells bad, and it's going to smell worse.
Or, did you really believe it when the White House mouthpieces — who are also Chicago City Hall mouthpieces — promised they were bringing a new kind of politics to Washington?
This is not a new kind of politics. It's the old kind. The Chicago kind.
And now the Tribune Washington Bureau has reported that the U.S. Department of Energy employee who helped monitor the Solyndra loan guarantee was one of Obama's top fundraisers.
Fundraising? Contracts? Imagine that.
Steve Spinner was the Obama administration official in charge of handing out billions and billions of tax dollars to "green" energy deals. According to the Tribune story, Spinner the other day invited Obama's national political finance committee to a meeting in Chicago.
The name of the Obama fundraising initiative?
"Technology for Obama."
The idea of the Obama fundraisers getting together, talking "green," and perhaps offering taxpayer loan guarantees to insider businesses in the interest of helping the environment — it all seems rather fresh.
Like a mountain meadow.
Until you realize it's the same old politics, the same kind practiced in Washington and Chicago and anywhere else where appetites are satisfied by politicians. When the government picks winners and losers, who's the loser? Just look in the mirror, hold that thought, and tell me later.
Republicans are hoping to hang this around Obama's political neck, and they're doing a good job of it now because his approval ratings are low and the jobless numbers are abysmal and the Democrats are in full killer-rabbit panic. But there have been Republican national scandals, too, and they're always ridiculously and depressingly similar.
At least in Illinois our scandals are quite ecumenical, with Republicans eager to help Democrats steal whatever they can grab.
In Solyndra, like any proper City Hall political scandal, there are similar archetypes.
There are the guys who count. The guys who bring the cash. They count because they do the counting. They have leverage. They're always there at the fundraisers. And so they're the ones who are allowed to gorge at the public trough.
The bureaucrats are the fulcrum so the guys with the leverage can lift great weight without too much effort. And while they might whine privately among themselves, they don't hold news conferences to blow the whistle.
They keep their mouths shut until the deal is done. If anyone gets caught and the problem becomes public, at least they've got email to cover their behinds. And they're doing a good job covering.
But there's one group that doesn't get their behinds covered.
Instead, their behinds are right out there, suspended foolishly, and waiting to get kicked.
We're the taxpayers — in Illinois we call ourselves chumbolones because we're the ones who stupidly end up covering all the losses. As in the Solyndra mess.
It's the Chicago Way, but instead of a paving or trucking contract, it's a "green" solar panel contract. The company received a $535 million loan.
"The optics of a Solyndra default will be bad," according to a Jan. 31 email from an Office of Management and Budget staffer printed in the Washington Post. "If Solyndra defaults down the road, the optics will arguably be worse later than they would be today. … In addition, the timing will likely coincide with the 2012 campaign season heating up."
I love the use of "optics." It's one of those bloodless words finding favor these days.
"Optics" suggests bureaucrats might think in terms of symbolism, political hieroglyphs, in grand vistas, rather than in hard numbers, like the $535,000,000 that went poof.
But it's not their money, is it? It's ours.
So this is not about Washington optics after all. The Solyndra scandal is about the Washington smell of things.
Those of us from Chicago know exactly what it smells like. And It doesn't smell fresh and green.
September 18, 2011
But back in Obama's political hometown, those of us familiar with the Chicago Way can see something else in Solyndra — something that the Washington crowd calls "optics." In fact, it's not just a Washington saga — it has all the elements of a Chicago City Hall story, except with more zeros.
The FBI is investigating what happened with Solyndra, a solar panel company that got a $535 million government-backed loan with the help of the Obama White House over the objections of federal budget analysts.
Obama and Vice President Joe Biden got a nice photo op. They got to make speeches about being "green." But then Solyndra went bankrupt. Americans lost jobs. Taxpayers got stuck with the bill. And members of Congress are now in high dudgeon and making speeches.
Federal investigators want to know what role political fundraising played in the guarantee of the questionable loan. Washington bureaucrats warned the deal was lousy. And White House spokesmen flail desperately, like weakened victims in a cheesy vampire movie.
So forget optics. What about smell? It smells bad, and it's going to smell worse.
Or, did you really believe it when the White House mouthpieces — who are also Chicago City Hall mouthpieces — promised they were bringing a new kind of politics to Washington?
This is not a new kind of politics. It's the old kind. The Chicago kind.
And now the Tribune Washington Bureau has reported that the U.S. Department of Energy employee who helped monitor the Solyndra loan guarantee was one of Obama's top fundraisers.
Fundraising? Contracts? Imagine that.
Steve Spinner was the Obama administration official in charge of handing out billions and billions of tax dollars to "green" energy deals. According to the Tribune story, Spinner the other day invited Obama's national political finance committee to a meeting in Chicago.
The name of the Obama fundraising initiative?
"Technology for Obama."
The idea of the Obama fundraisers getting together, talking "green," and perhaps offering taxpayer loan guarantees to insider businesses in the interest of helping the environment — it all seems rather fresh.
Like a mountain meadow.
Until you realize it's the same old politics, the same kind practiced in Washington and Chicago and anywhere else where appetites are satisfied by politicians. When the government picks winners and losers, who's the loser? Just look in the mirror, hold that thought, and tell me later.
Republicans are hoping to hang this around Obama's political neck, and they're doing a good job of it now because his approval ratings are low and the jobless numbers are abysmal and the Democrats are in full killer-rabbit panic. But there have been Republican national scandals, too, and they're always ridiculously and depressingly similar.
At least in Illinois our scandals are quite ecumenical, with Republicans eager to help Democrats steal whatever they can grab.
In Solyndra, like any proper City Hall political scandal, there are similar archetypes.
There are the guys who count. The guys who bring the cash. They count because they do the counting. They have leverage. They're always there at the fundraisers. And so they're the ones who are allowed to gorge at the public trough.
The bureaucrats are the fulcrum so the guys with the leverage can lift great weight without too much effort. And while they might whine privately among themselves, they don't hold news conferences to blow the whistle.
They keep their mouths shut until the deal is done. If anyone gets caught and the problem becomes public, at least they've got email to cover their behinds. And they're doing a good job covering.
But there's one group that doesn't get their behinds covered.
Instead, their behinds are right out there, suspended foolishly, and waiting to get kicked.
We're the taxpayers — in Illinois we call ourselves chumbolones because we're the ones who stupidly end up covering all the losses. As in the Solyndra mess.
It's the Chicago Way, but instead of a paving or trucking contract, it's a "green" solar panel contract. The company received a $535 million loan.
"The optics of a Solyndra default will be bad," according to a Jan. 31 email from an Office of Management and Budget staffer printed in the Washington Post. "If Solyndra defaults down the road, the optics will arguably be worse later than they would be today. … In addition, the timing will likely coincide with the 2012 campaign season heating up."
I love the use of "optics." It's one of those bloodless words finding favor these days.
"Optics" suggests bureaucrats might think in terms of symbolism, political hieroglyphs, in grand vistas, rather than in hard numbers, like the $535,000,000 that went poof.
But it's not their money, is it? It's ours.
So this is not about Washington optics after all. The Solyndra scandal is about the Washington smell of things.
Those of us from Chicago know exactly what it smells like. And It doesn't smell fresh and green.
DISCLAIMER -- WARNING! The ad for Obama which may follow this post is no way an endorsement of BO by this Blog. We have no say as to the content of the advertising inserted herein, and the BO ad is a reflection of the audacity and stupidity of him and his re-election team.
We consider him to be a bigger liar than Clinton, fundamentally dishonest, and crippling to our economy; he has exacerbated racial tensions, inflamed partisan divisiveness, encouraged class warfare and demonized everyone on the right--especially members of the Tea Party Patriots.
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