Friday, November 11, 2011


This will illustrate how badly Obama has screwed things up with his Keynesian economic policies.  In a speech delivered to a labor union convention in September of 2009, Barack Obama said the following:

    “All in all, many middle-class families will see their incomes go up by about $3,000 because of the Recovery Act, helping them get back much of what they've lost due to this recession.”

The Recovery Act?  That was Obama’s $850 billion dollar stimulus job that failed to stimulate.  We were told it would create jobs.  Now, two years later, the Obama junta can only weakly mew that it “saved” jobs …. We’re so impressed.  So, two years and $800+ billion later, how did it REALLY turn out?

    According to a Sentier report using Census data, the median American household income has actually fallen during the “recovery.”  “Real income fell by 3.2 percent during the recession.  And during the recovery it went down by 6.7 percent.” So “income has declined twice as much in the recovery as in the recession itself.”

Oops.  Obama says that the stimulus act is going to raise middle class incomes by about $3,000 per household --- and those incomes have fallen by 6.7%.  Who’s fault is this?  Need you ask?  It’s Bush’s fault, of course!

Now just in case you’re one of those Americans who haven’t bought into this “Bush’s fault” horse crap, take a look at some of Obama’s initiatives and see if we can start to form an understanding as to just why government spending and increased regulation hasn’t been the “stimulus” he promised:

Stimulus – Failed

Cash for Clunkers – Failed

Mortgage Relief – Failed

ObamaCare – Failed

Dodd-Frank – Failed

And on top of this record spending and increased regulation he wants to add … tax increases? 

Go ahead folks.  Support this incompetent leftist in his bid for reelection.  Incompetent?  Have you ever taken a look at his record as a community organizer in Chicago?  We haven’t found a record of one single community organizing initiative championed or led by Barack Obama in Chicago that showed any lasting positive results. He was as much of a failure there as he is as our president.

Support Obama – then vote for him – and tell your children how you played such a huge role in destroying any chance they may have had for a lifestyle any better than the one they’re experiencing now.

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