"Dear Friends,
Whether or not that’s true, a civics teacher at New Smyrna Beach High School in Florida was on the receiving end of just such an attack last month. The teacher, Jill Cicciarelli, ran afoul of Florida’s new election law while helping some of her students pre-register to vote.
I have met with her and some of her students, and it’s no surprise they’re not happy with the state’s new voting law. Neither is their local supervisor of elections, who under the law was required to report them to state authorities. Volusia County Supervisor of Elections Ann McFall says parts of the law are egregious and unenforceable.
So, it’s not just me who thinks this law is aimed at suppressing the vote. Look at what informed editorial writers have also had to say: The Orlando Sentinel said the new law “amounts to… ripping apart election laws” and “weakening democracy.” The Tampa Tribune said this bill “isn't fooling anybody. It's not about clean elections.” And Florida Today called it an “assault on the most cherished of American rights.”
In a nutshell, the Florida law reduces the number of days for early voting from 14 to eight and exposes people who register others to vote to harsh penalties even for innocent mistakes. That’s why the widely respected League of Women Voters has abandoned its voter registration drives in Florida after 72 years.
I wrote Gov. Rick Scott a letter last month asking him to support a revamping or repeal of the law. I also wrote U.S. Sen. Richard Durbin, who chairs the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, to ask that we conduct a congressional investigation to see if Florida’s law was part of a plan that led to similar voting law changes in more than a dozen other states this year. And I have asked the Justice Department to look into who’s behind these changes."
Bill, you say the right to vote is at the foundation of our democracy. But we are not a democracy in case you aren't aware of it. We are a Republic...as in Republican. We don't believe the scare tactics being put out there by the DNC any more. You and your party's miserable record of destroying our economy speaks for itself.
We need to work for Tea Party Republicans to gain control of the Senate, as they did with the House, and end Harry Reid's reign as Majority Leader. Floridians want policies that empower job creators and get the government out of our daily lives. Obama and his Democrat puppets, including you, want to gain more control over our lives and increase government regulations.
You say many believe a handful of super-rich conservative activists are behind an orchestrated effort to keep millions of seniors, younger voters and minorities from casting ballots next year. What a bunch of hooey! Where do you dig up these people that you use as examples?
During your four decades as a career politician, you voted for billions in tax hikes, pork-laden bills, Obamacare, amnesty, and massive spending. It's time to retire you and your fellow career Obamacrats and get this country back on track.
Why don't you do Floridians, and the country, a great patriotic favor and retire now instead of waiting until next year to get booted out. And while you were writing fellow Obama crony, Dick Durbin, did you remember to ask him about producing documents to help investigate the Solyndra Scandal? The Fast and Furious scandal? How about the millions in bonuses being paid to FNMA and Freddie Mac while those agencies continue to lose billions...what are you doing about that? Why don't you tell us your opinions on Eric Holder? Why are you so silent about that corrupt AG?
I think more than ever we need George LeMieux's voice and votes in the Senate.
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