Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Here are some political snippets I copied off the web for your enjoyment:


BO has rolled out his latest slogan: “We can’t wait.”  One of Obama’s dog washers explains, "We can't wait for Congress to act, so we're going to take the steps that we can take.”  Within the Constitution?  Well I guess that remains to be seen.    The constitution is simply an obstacle in their way of achieving Obama’s version of the American Dream.

 But in a sense Obama is right … we can’t wait.

    We Can’t Wait for the private sector to create jobs for Americans ready to work. 

    We Can’t Wait for a president with respect for our Constitution.

    We Can’t Wait for a president with an appreciation of the power of the free market.

    We Can’t Wait to have a president who does not eat, breathe and sleep with labor unions. 

    We Can’t Wait to bring spending back in line

 Oh well .. you get the idea.  I guess the bottom line is that We Can’t Wait to correct the massive error we made four years ago. 


If President Barack Obama were a legal document, he'd be a sub-prime home loan.

The nation's housing crisis seems an apt metaphor for the president and his political position one year before he stands for re-election.

Like nearly a quarter of the mortgage loans outstanding on U.S. homes, Obama is under water. His poll ratings are low and sinking. Gallup records 43 percent approval, 49 percent disapproval. Three-quarters of American voters think the country is on the wrong track under his leadership. In moving into the White House -- a very fancy address -- Obama bought a lot more house than he could afford, based on his ability and experience.


“It’s weird protesting on Bay Street. You get there at 9 a.m. and the rich bankers who you want to hurl insults at and change their worldview have been at work for two hours already. And then when it’s time to go, they’re still there. I guess that’s why they call them the one per cent. I mean, who wants to work those kinds of hours?    ---An anonymous WSO


One narrative that has emerged from the “Occupy Wall Street” protests is one, promoted by the protesters themselves, which has the movement being the target of those who want to silence them. Frankly, I think it would be a mistake to want to silence the “occupiers.” 
Nothing undermines their own positions and philosophies so thoroughly as what they actually do and say.


If it wasn’t for that darn Constitution, Obama and the Democrats would be able to do what they think our country needs in order to get the economy going again.  This seems to be a growing trend among Democrats in Washington.  Remember Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr?  He said that Obama should declare a “national emergency” on the issue of jobs, which would allow him to act without congressional approval.  He compared the current Congress to the states in rebellion during the Civil War.  He said, “If there are extra-constitutional opportunities that allow the president administratively to put the people to work, he should pursue every single one of them.”  That’s Jesse Jackson Jr., a chip off the old race pimp block, calling for the Constitution to be set aside.


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