Friday, September 30, 2011


I know you are sick of these figures by now.  I know I am.  But the Libtard Democrats who get their twisted economic facts from Media  Matters,, The Daily Kos, fat blowhard hypocrite Michael Moore, MSNBC, etc, etc. keep sending me pretty, distorted charts, graphs and tables explaining how the rich aren't paying their fair share and how the great (in his own egocentric mind) Liar-in-Chief is doing such a great job in running (or ruining?) this country, that I am compelled to take the time to spell it out again for their benefit.  So here goes:

 The top 1% of taxpayers earn about 20% of the income but pay about 38% of all revenues.  GOT THAT?  For the top 10% of taxpayers, they pay around 68% of all federal income taxes. GOT THAT?  The bottom 47%  of eligible taxpayers pay nothing.  GOT THAT!  I'll repeat...NOTHING!

Now let’s look back into the history books and see exactly how much those evil rich people have paid in taxes over the years.  These numbers come from Stephen Moore, a senior economics writer for the WSJ editorial board and a policy analyst for the Cato Institute and the Heritage Foundation.  He says ..

    "In the early 1960s, the highest marginal income tax rate was a stunning 91 percent. That top rate fell to 70 percent after the Kennedy-Johnson tax cuts and remained there until 1981. Then Ronald Reagan slashed it to 50 percent and ultimately to 28 percent after the 1986 Tax Reform Act. Although the federal tax rate fell by more than half, total tax receipts in the 1980s doubled from $517 billion in 1981 to $1,030 billion in 1990. The top tax rate rose slightly under George H. W. Bush and then moved to 39.6 percent under Bill Clinton. But under George W. Bush it fell again to 35 percent. So what’s striking is that, even as tax rates have fallen by half over the past quarter-century, taxes paid by the wealthy have increased. Lower tax rates have made the tax system more progressive, not less so. In 1980, for example, the top 5 percent of income earners paid only 37 percent of all income taxes. Today, the top 1 percent pay that proportion, and the top 5 percent pay a whopping 57 percent."

Wow, those rich people sure have been “getting away” with not paying more taxes as the years go by.  Meanwhile, the bottom 47% of our population pay NOTHING!  How is it “fair” for some to pay 38% in federal income taxes while some do not pay anything at all?  So quit whining, Libtards, and start focusing on getting them to start contributing SOMETHING to help the economy.

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