Monday, January 25, 2010


Last week was one of the greatest weeks in my political watch-dogging career ever since the Liar-in-Chief got himself elected by fooling millions of addle-brained optimists with his "Change we can believe in" lies.   Now after his first year in office will be the new topic of revisionist history, we discover that we really didn't listen carefully enough.  What he was really saying to those morons who were fooled by him was:  "CHAINS WE CAN BELIEVE IN!"

Here's the sequence of events that led to last week being so great:

1.  Massachusetts goes Republican, and elects Scott Brown to fill fat-head Kennedy's fat-ass seat (let's call this a belated fitting tribute to Mary Jo Kopechne).

2.  This then hammers a death blow to BO's plans for control over our lives by seriously crippling the union-crafted health care plan.

3.  Next, the Supreme Court unshackles the First Amendment and lets corporations free themselves of the limitations imposed on them regarding their political contributions.  Now George Soros, lawyers and unions will no longer have a monopoly on political campaign funding.

4.  Then, as a bonus, late in the week, stupid Air America, the liberal talk show of the stupid liberal elitists, went out of business - which is probably a redundancy because nobody was listening to it anyway.                  

Finally, thinking back on the week, BO did not win any awards or peace prizes for his "intentions" and I don't recall that he told any significant lies.  NO LIES!  NOW THAT IS REALLY HARD TO IMAGINE.  (I;m sure he'll make up for it in next weeks State of the Union address).

Oh yeah....and the Colts and Saints both won their championships.   GO SAINTS!

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