Monday, January 11, 2010

And from Neal Boortz, this commentary.....

"Brushing up on some reading over the weekend ... did Barack Obama (the community organizer who somehow became our president) really refer to the Crotchbomber as an "isolated extremist?" Why yes, he did! Obama couldn't even bring himself to use the word "Muslim" or "Islamic." So I did a bit more research. So far as I can determine Barack Obama hasn't been able to bring himself to utter the word "Islamic" or "Muslim" one single solitary time in referring to the Crotchbomber or the terrorist threat that is making commercial air travel miserable for all of us. And the very idea that Obama believes that our little Muslim friend who tried to bring down that Delta airliner over Detroit is just an "isolated extremist" is a vivid reminder of how poorly protected America is with the current regime in power."

(Click on photo to enlarge)

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