Friday, January 1, 2010

NATIONAL SECURITY, ECONOMIC STIMULUS, HEALTHCARE...excuses, lies, more excuses, more lies!

After a full year of this president's child-like behavior in office, can you believe there are still some people out there who aren't convinced of his incompetence! It's been a year already and he has failed to appoint a TSA Leader (in fact, he only recommeded one in September). That's how much he is concerned over our air safety. Between him and Janet Napolitano, I would be very worried about flying anywhere these days.

Many of us who criticized Obama’s candidacy did so because we felt he was too inexperienced to be president. His first year in office has done nothing to allay those fears. He has put together a team of White House operatives who are admitted tax cheats, including his own appointee as Secretary of the Treasury, and who politicize and make excuses for every crisis. Their first concern seems to be to protect the president from blame, not to protect the American people from harm, whether it be from failed economic policies or terrorist attacks.

And the president seems unable to go much beyond reading a script. He shows little actual leadership, whether in crafting a health care plan or devising a coherent foreign policy, preferring to delegate to others duties that he should assume. He turned over responsibility for the stimulus plan and totally revamping of U.S. health care to Democrats in Congress, with predictably unsatisfactory results. Meanwhile, his policy of engagement with enemies like Iran and North Korea has simply emboldened them to pursue their nuclear aims at a faster pace.

Americans have given President Obama an extended honeymoon, but their love affair with a man who showed much promise, if not actual accomplishment, is cooling down. The latest Rasmussen presidential tracking numbers show the president at only 47 percent approval. Unless Obama dramatically changes course, 2010 should be the year when Americans should start screaming out for IMPEACHMENT.

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