Tuesday, April 22, 2014


You'd never know that sixty-six percent of Americans disapprove of ObamaCare if you watched the liberal media!

 Even as this horrendous healthcare law destroys jobs, increases our national debt and kicks more than 6 million Americans off of their current healthcare plans, the media prop up the president's signature healthcare law; this is disgraceful, blatant propaganda, and it must be stopped!

 When the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office reported that ObamaCare will cause more than two million Americans to reduce their work hours or leave the workforce altogether, all three major networks (ABC, NBC and CBS) echoed the White House talking points that less hours for America workers is a good thing, since workers "are choosing to spend more time with their families." 

Who believes the stupidity of that kind of logic???

 In just 3 months, HealthCare.gov will have spent $52 million of our tax dollars on paid advertising to promote a program that the majority of Americans flat out don't want.  As the Administration institutes another delay in ObamaCare tailored around the November Congressional elections, not a single network evening newscast touched the story.

It's obvious that the liberal media have an agenda: to mend Obamacare's unraveling support, keeping the public in the dark about its damaging impact, and assisting Obama in taking over more control of our lives.

This is not journalism . . . it's left-wing propaganda designed to protect the Obama Administration and impose government-run healthcare on the American people. Take action now to help stop it!  Call or write your Congressmen and urge them to stop these actions; and make sure you vote for conservative candidates to apply better checks and balances to block the Obama agenda.

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