Friday, September 16, 2011


We should pass the American Jobs Act immediately!  WHAT'S THAT YOU SAY?

Here's why:  Obama presented Congress with his bill on Monday evening.  But apparently no Democrat wanted to file the name of Obama’s bill.  Who can blame them?  Even his own constituents don't want to be associated with this outrageously stupid piece of proposed legislation!

(In my opinion, the name of his bill SHOULD have been The Union Restoration Act, but he wanted something along the lines of The American Jobs Act.)

So since no Democrats bothered to file the name, a certain representative by the name of Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) created his own bill with that name.  Instead of raising taxes like Obama, Gohmert’s bill would reduce the corporate income tax rate to 0% and repeal the alternative minimum tax.  HOW GREAT IS THAT?  But what can we make of the fact that THE STUPID OBAMACRATS (Democrats) didn’t even manage to file Obama’s bill in a timely manner? 

These are the idiots that are running our country, folks!


DISCLAIMER -- WARNING!    The ad for Obama which may follow this post is no way an endorsement of BO by this Blog.  We have no say as to the content of the advertising inserted herein, and the BO ad is a reflection of the audacity and stupidity of him and his re-election team.
We consider him to be a bigger liar than Clinton, fundamentally dishonest, and crippling to our economy; he has exacerbated racial tensions, inflamed partisan divisiveness, encouraged class warfare and demonized everyone on the right--especially members of the Tea Party Patriots.


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