Thursday, June 30, 2011


Here's what Obama felt about the wasted stimulus money that was to 'kick-start' the economy, keep unemployment below 8% and prevent workers from losing their homes.

 According to a report released last August by two Republican Senators, these are just a few of the questionable projects being funded with money from President Obama's $862 billion dollar economic stimulus package.

Among the projects singled out for criticism in the report:--A half million dollars for new windows at the Mt. St. Helens visitors center in Amboy, Washington. The building has been closed since 2007 and there are no immediate plans to reopen it.--$6.9 million dollars for repairs to an 1846 brick fort marooned on Dry Tortuga at the end the Florida Keys. Few people can visit this remote national park unless they hire a seaplane or take a four-hour round-trip boat ride. --Creating a museum in an abandoned train station in Glasboro, NJ, at the cost of $1.2 million.--$2 million dollars to send researchers from the California Academy of Sciences to islands in the Indian Ocean to study exotic ants.--A study of dog domestication at Cornell University with a price tag of $296-thousand dollars.--$141-thousand dollars to send students from Montana State University to China to study dinosaur eggs.--$762-thousand dollars to create interactive choreography programs at the University of North Carolina. Dancers would wear electronic monitors to analyze their movements. --$89-thousand dollars to replace sidewalks in Boynton, Oklahoma that were just replaced five years ago. One of them goes nowhere near any houses or businesses and leads directly into a ditch. Coburn and McCain claim these and other projects are misconceived and mismanaged, while creating few, if any, new jobs.

Here's the Liar-in-Chief in his own words campaigning on how the Stimulus Plan would benefit taxpayers...followed up by the real truth.

And here is a brief summary of where the money really went and how it was spent.

This idiot of a President should be impeached and jailed for perpertrating a fraud on American citizens.

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