Friday, June 3, 2011

Obama's Secret Gun Control Plot

Thousands of guns have been sold to Mexican drug cartels under orders from the Obama Justice Department. Now that Americans have been killed by the department's failed operation, the White House is blaming law-abiding gun shops for its deadly scandal. But was that the administration's plan all along?

Obama is calling for "commonsense" gun reforms, but as a man with a long a history of acting to limit Second Amendment rights and advocating gun control who tapped an attorney general with the same ideology -- and possibly the biggest gun trafficking scandal in U.S. history with his name written all over it -- is the president really calling for reforms or more government control?

In the past, President Obama hasn't been shy about expressing his views against the right to own a handgun and the right to carry concealed and his support for the reinstatement of the assault-weapons ban -- more accurately understood as a ban on semiautomatic firearms. He believes the nation's crime problems lie with gun ownership rather than criminals.

In fact, as an Illinois state senator, Obama endorsed and spoke in support of an outright ban on ownership of all handguns and favored the licensing and registering of gun owners. Before his run for public office in 1996, Obama filled out a questionnaire expressing his support for a ban on the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns.

Considering our uber-liberal president's true beliefs on guns -- and the anti-Second Amendment stance of the leftist base of his party -- it shouldn't surprise anyone to read about the most recent scandal exposed in the June issue of Townhall Magazine involving the Justice Department, guns, and law-abiding citizens.

It is well worth reading the entire article if are concerned about protecting your 2nd Amendment rights.

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