Saturday, May 22, 2010


Obama took another big step toward socialism by pushing through the Senate his financial regulation bill last week.  It  authorizes the treasury to seize any financial company or bank  simply because, in his opinion, it's too big to fail or become insolvent. This power can be used for political retribution, pressure for campaign funding, or for any other abuse that the bureaucrats or liberal dems can think of.

And the bill fails to do the one thing it must do: regulate derivatives and make them transparent...thanks to our buddy Chris Dodd, one of the major Dumbocrat architects of the housing bust, who paid back his pals on Wall Street by deleting that particular regulatory provision and instead setting up a commission to study the situation for two years!  WTF!

Four Republicans sold out IN ORDER FOR THIS TO PASS.  Among the RINOs were Susan Collins and Olympia Snow of Maine. But, surprisingly, Scott Brown, R-Mass., the newly elected Massachusetts Miracle, defected, as did the normally stalwart Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa. What's with these northeastern poliyicians?  Do the long, harsh winters up there affect their brain cells?  And what's with Scott Brown??  The good news with him is that a Republican won Ted Kennedy's fat-ass seat; the bad news is that he is acting like Ted Kennedy.   Double WTF!

Now the federal government has effectively taken over about one third of our national economy by passing Obamacare and regulatory reform in almost the same breath.  And I'm sure there is more to come before the November elections! better start learning the words to "Mmm, Mmm, Mmm Barack Hussein Obama" cuz soon every school kid in the nation will be required to sing it at the start of the school day, and before all sporting events, instead of the National Anthem! 

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