Friday, October 23, 2009

Valerie, Sweetie, stick with running your slum housing projects in Chicago.

House Republican Leader John Boehner says the White House's attack tactics are nothing short of "Chicago-style politics.''

"The White House and congressional Democrats know that their liberal special-interest agenda is not very popular,'' Boehner (R-Ohio) said at his weekly press briefing. "And now they are following a familiar pattern: when you can't win an argument based on the facts, launch vicious political attacks. "This Chicago-style politics is shutting the American people out and demonizing their opponents,'' Boehner asserted.

Valerie Jarrett, one of the president's closest advisers and a friend from Chicago, told MSNBC's Morning Joe that the White House is trying to be "clear and direct '' with the people.

"We're not going to let distortions get in the way of delivering health care to the people,'' said Jarrett, asked about Boehner's comments. "It's not an attack, it's nothing other than trying to speak directly with people, so that they understand what's in the bill'' and health care is passed this year..

Look, Valerie...sweetheart...cut out the bullsh*t crap. If you, and BO, wanted the people to understand what's in the bill, we don't need you telling us...WE COULD READ IT OURSELVES. At least those of your loyal supporters who can read could! If you really want us to know what's in the bill, then tell BO to live up to his promises about "total transparency" and giving us at least 48 hours (72 is more realistic) advance notice before he signs any major piece of legislation. Also, what happened to those meetings on the healthcare bill that were going to be televised on C-Span? It's kinda hard to televise the meetings when the doors are closed and locked!

So cut out the White House spin, Valerie, and stick with running your slum housing projects in Chicago. The real truth is that the White House is NOT trying to be "clear and direct '' with the people. It is lying and deceiving the people in every which way that it can...and you are one of the enablers helping to promote BO's lies.


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