Saturday, October 31, 2009
Dedicated to Jeanne, the ultimate BO lover
Friday, October 30, 2009
Healthcare Bill + Trillion Dollar Budget = Bureaucracy and Corruption to the Highest Degree Imaginable

Nancy Pelosi just proudly announced the formal release of
the House version of the back-room health care reform bill...
...all 1,990 pages of it!
The bill includes everything Obama and the Democrats have
been pushing for... a public option that will destroy private
choice; the unconstitutional individual mandate; the
punitive employer mandate; draconian cuts in Medicare;
and massive tax increases.
Pelosi also started the "countdown clock" to a House floor
vote now slated for NEXT WEEK.
Go here to download the entire 1,990-page bill, and to register your protest:
Monday, October 26, 2009
Watch CBS News Videos Online
After running the Postal Service, Social Security, Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac, The War on Poverty, Amtrack, Medicare and Medicaid with A PERFECT 100% FAILURE RATE because these bureaucracies are either broke...or operating in the red...they now expect, NO, DEMAND, that we allow them to administer to our healthcare needs!
This is of Obama's lapdog networks (NOT FOX NEWS)... warning us of the dangers of a government run healthcare plan. And when such a plan with a trillion dollar budget is added to the failures above, and it comes time to bring these budgets into line, where the hell do you think they're gonna get the money from? That's right, the future taxpayers of America...i.e. OUR KIDS AND GRANDKIDS!
The corruption and fraud inherent in a healthcare plan with a trillion dollar budget administered by the buffoons in Washington is a thousand times worse than just the proverbial fox in the henhouse analogy. DON'T LET IT HAPPEN! start writing and calling your representatives in Washington and tell them to put a stop to Obama's socialist plans to destroy our country and our children's futures.
Friday, October 23, 2009
I Really Like This Posting...can't imagine why.
I don't like Obama. I don't like his big ears. I don't like his girly smile. I don't like his teeth. I don't like his cool, dude, homey chide. I don't like his friends. I don't like his dog. I don't like his speeches. I don't like his stupid skinny ass. I don't like how he throws a freaking baseball. I don't like his stupid mug on TV every freaking second of every freaking day. I don't like his wife. I don't like his arrogance. I don't like HIM. And most of all, I don't like democrats PERIOD, therefore I don't like him. I DON'T LIKE BARACK OBAMA AND I HOPE HE FAILS BECAUSE IF HE FAILS THEN WE GET A NEW PRESIDENT! WOOHOO! BONUS. I hate Obama's politics and I hate his supporters for their deep and confusing adherence to him. Do you hear me dumbassocrats? Are you getting it? If he fails, America does not fail because America is not Obamastan. We were here long before he came and we will be here long after he goes. He is not Jesus. He is not even Santa. Obama is not parting the Red Sea as far as I can tell...So keep your better than thou sanctimonious liberal butt shiioot to yourselves. You aren't more righteous because you voted for the black guy. You aren't superior because you are so progressive in your world view. You aren't anything but a group thinker that can't see Obama for what he IS let alone for what he ISN'T. Your allegiance should be to your country and not to a big eared canonized figure head. If I hear one more person proudly proclaim "I voted for the man and I am so proud" I am gonna head butt them into the next century. Proud? Why? Because you are a muletard? Since when are Americans proud to be Americans because of who holds the office of President? Does the President really define our country? Such little serfs you mules are. Little friggin' cult members of the Obama Joy luck club. I'm proud to be an American where at least I know Obama is President. Thanks for re-writing the words to Lee Greenwood's song. Seriously, stop having relations with yourselves for your Obama support donkeytards, it's so porno.
This is only an excerpt. For the full post, go to:
I'm sick of exposing the LIES AND CORRUPTION coming out of BO's White House
Valerie, Sweetie, stick with running your slum housing projects in Chicago.
"The White House and congressional Democrats know that their liberal special-interest agenda is not very popular,'' Boehner (R-Ohio) said at his weekly press briefing. "And now they are following a familiar pattern: when you can't win an argument based on the facts, launch vicious political attacks. "This Chicago-style politics is shutting the American people out and demonizing their opponents,'' Boehner asserted.
Valerie Jarrett, one of the president's closest advisers and a friend from Chicago, told MSNBC's Morning Joe that the White House is trying to be "clear and direct '' with the people.
"We're not going to let distortions get in the way of delivering health care to the people,'' said Jarrett, asked about Boehner's comments. "It's not an attack, it's nothing other than trying to speak directly with people, so that they understand what's in the bill'' and health care is passed this year..
Look, Valerie...sweetheart...cut out the bullsh*t crap. If you, and BO, wanted the people to understand what's in the bill, we don't need you telling us...WE COULD READ IT OURSELVES. At least those of your loyal supporters who can read could! If you really want us to know what's in the bill, then tell BO to live up to his promises about "total transparency" and giving us at least 48 hours (72 is more realistic) advance notice before he signs any major piece of legislation. Also, what happened to those meetings on the healthcare bill that were going to be televised on C-Span? It's kinda hard to televise the meetings when the doors are closed and locked!
So cut out the White House spin, Valerie, and stick with running your slum housing projects in Chicago. The real truth is that the White House is NOT trying to be "clear and direct '' with the people. It is lying and deceiving the people in every which way that it can...and you are one of the enablers helping to promote BO's lies.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Don't worry, your kids and g'kids will bear the brunt of the burden.

In order to keep the proposed healthcare plan under $One Trillion, the Liar-in-Chief is moving $247 billion of spending on Medicare doctors' payments to a separate bill while claiming that it has nothing to do with health care! WTF!
Another way that Chairman Max (BO's healthcare lapdog) Baucus was able to keep the cost of the Senate Finance Committee legislation down (as measured by the Congressional Budget Office) was just a simple gimmick.
Given that the CBO only puts a price tag on the first 10 years of a piece of legislation, Democrats realized that they could simply delay the enactment of the major spending provisions of the bill by four years, thus creating the illusion of a bill that costs $829 billion over 10 years. But in actuality, the bill is projected to cost just $14 billion in the first four years, and $70 billion through its fifth year. About 98 percent of the spending comes in the last six years, and 92 percent comes in final five year period. Thus, the true 10-year cost of the Baucus bill is well above $1 trillion, and according to estimates cited by Republicans, it's actually $1.8 trillion. Here's what it will look like:

Unless we can stop this outrageous spending by this congress, future generations will be heavily taxed JUST TO PAY THE INTEREST ON THE NATIONAL DEBT...and that won't even be enough to cover it all.
In addition, according to The National Right to Work Committee, hidden deep inside thousands of pages of health care legislation is the forced unionization of doctors, nurses and other medical workers. THIS ISN'T ABOUT HEALTHCARE...IT'S ABOUT CONTROL OVER OUR LIVES!
Here is an excerpt from the post, and you will see what I mean.
"So the conservatives have a channel, should we call Oprah and tattle? So do the porno people, the foodies, the sportos, the black people, the music junkies, the women who kill their husbands for beating their ass, the Oprah holics, the scientists and the animals. You name it, if you are a large group of peepholes with a marketable interest, you have a channel. The lib's have a monopoly on media love, so stop going fetal because of FOX news, Obama. Your underwear skids are showing. Why do you think this is Venezuela? Why should Little Hugo Obamez get shaken by some opposition to his long live the King policies? Why does this scare you, Barack? Like I said before, it is bad for Fidel Obamstro to let the peeps think with their own lobes.
Lay off Rush and FOX, you scared little Mao Tse Tsung lovers. Stop kicking out government Czars who want to kick it with mass murderers and you won't get run on conservative news channels. It isn't our fault you hang with philosophers who like to kill millions and are worse than Hitler. Seriously, is Anita Dunn a friggin' snake? Her tongue has less control than a rattler. I love White House communication directors that keep their lickety stick in their pie hole when giving a boring as hell spew.
If there are some people we should be fraidy cats about, it would be the Czars in Obambi's tool cabinet.
All I have to say is shut the hell up Pennsylvania Ave about the conservative Fox Network. Your job is to ignore the media and do some work. But of course Obama is a media whore and is not quite sure what to do when all the kids in the pool aren't blowing up his floaty toy. Poor baby...suck your binky. My advice...stick to more Presidential things, like... oh, I don't know... AFGHANISTAN!"
Thanks again, Nikki, for your contribution to this blog, and congratulations on your great post.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Most Conservatives argue that Obama has not done anything much but give speeches, or that he has radically moved to destroy everything that is good about America, in his first 9 months in office.
But, how can you have done nothing when you've single-handedly destroyed the free market system, mortgaged the country's entire financial future in the stimulus bill and bailouts to the banks and auto industry, hired a stable of czars to micro-manage every aspect of American life, and used reverse racism to relegate white Americans to second class citizens?
That sounds like a full 9 months of work to me! Mmmmm, Mmmmmm, Mmmmmm!
I'm from the Gov't; I'm here to help you.
Last week in the Senate's Special Committee on Aging, George LeMieux, U.S. Senator for Florida, called on the Federal government to keep its commitment to 6,000 Floridians who are enrolled in a government-created long-term care insurance program. When the program was established, the government offered enrollees a locked-in insurance premium if they agreed to pay a higher premium. Despite this commitment, the government announced this summer it will now need to increase premiums by as much as 25 percent.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
How to Win the Nobel Peace Prize In 12 Days

While I was away on vacation last week, I heard that BO had won the Nobel Peace Prize.
"WHAT!" I said to myself (that was only part of my exclamation...the rest of it is unprintable). How could that be when people like Gandhi, who led the nonviolent resistance movement against British colonial rule in India during the first half of the 20th century: and Ronald Reagan who peacefully crushed the communist rule of East Germany; and Pope John Paul II who was widely acclaimed as one of the most influential leaders of the twentieth century since he was instrumental in ending communism in his native Poland and eventually all of Europe were never awarded the prize?
In 1939, Hitler was a nominee, Yasser Arafat was a winner, and Al Gore is a recent winner as was Jimmy Carter. Who will be the next nominee...Michael Moore? WTF! So is the Nobel Peace Prize...a noble award or just a joke?
So to answer that Question, I set out to do some research on what qualifies people to be nominated for..and subsequently win...the Nobel Peace Prize. Fortunately for me, Tommy De Seno at "", already did the work for me. So with thanks to him and with recognition to his work, here is what it takes to win the prize:
"Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize this morning. Over the last decade the only requirement to win the prize was that the nominee had to be critical of George W. Bush (see Al Gore, Mohamed El Baradei and Jimmy Carter).
President Obama has broken new ground here. Nominations for potential winners of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize ended on February 1. The president took office only 12 days earlier on January 20.
Let's take a look at the president's first 12 days in the White House according to his public schedule to see what he did to deserve a Nobel Peace Prize:
January 20: Sworn in as president. Went to a parade. Partied.
January 21: Asked bureaucrats to re-write guidelines for information requests. Held an "open house" party at the White House.
January 22: Signed Executive Orders: Executive Branch workers to take ethics pledge; re-affirmed Army Field Manual techniques for interrogations; expressed desire to close Gitmo (how's that working out?)
January 23: Ordered the release of federal funding to pay for abortions in foreign countries. Lunch with Joe Biden; met with Tim Geithner.
January 24: Budget meeting with economic team.
January 25: Skipped church.
January 26: Gave speech about jobs and energy. Met with Hillary Clinton. Attended Geithner's swearing in ceremony.
January 27: Met with Republicans. Spoke at a clock tower in Ohio.
January 28: Economic meetings in the morning, met with Defense secretary in the afternoon.
January 29: Signed Ledbetter Bill overturning Supreme Court decision on lawsuits over wages. Party in the State Room. Met with Biden.
January 30: Met economic advisers. Gave speech on Middle Class Working Families Task Force. Met with senior enlisted military officials.
January 31: Took the day off.
February 1: Skipped church. Threw a Super Bowl party.
So there you have it. The short path to the Nobel Peace Prize: Party, go to meetings, skip church, release federal funding to pay for abortions in foreign countries, party some more.
Good grief."
My conclusion is that the Peace Prize is just one, big Liberal joke on humanity...and anyone who believes otherwise is a fool.
Friday, October 2, 2009

Chicago is first city eliminated by Olympic Committee!
After all that planning and promotion, and the waste of taxpayer's money to fly separate jets to Denmark for him and his wife, plus the 2 - 3 support jets needed for security, the press and technical support, another BO cause crashes and burns...and leaves taxpayers "stuck" with the bill.
Now maybe PresBO will have time to meet with General McCrystal and discuss the situation in Afghanistan! And the economic crisis that our country is experiencing.
The best thing about this is that the taxpayers of Chicago will be spared the corruption, and greediness of political insiders who stood to profit immensely from the Olympics while sticking the taxpayers for the cost overruns.
General McCrystal - Barack Obama Phone Call (Satire)


Humor courtesy of:
Ring... Ring... Ring...
Barack Obama: Hello, what do you want me to do and when do you need it done?
Gen McCrystal: President Obama, this is General McCrystal and since we have not been able to meet in person, I felt it was imperative that I call you immediately.
Barack Obama: General McCrystal? Oh, I thought it was George Soros. Who gave you this number?
Gen McCrystal: Actually sir, Secretary Gates gave me the number when I told him how urgent the situation in Afghanistan is. We have an urgent need for reinforcements and we cannot wait much longer. I know that you stated only months ago that "the war in Afghanistan is one we must win". I am here to help you.
Barack Obama: Oh ya...Afghanistan...well, we are going to review the strategy there. We are not sure that its a war we must win any more.
Gen McCrystal: But sir, our troops are here! They are on the ground. They are being killed as we speak. We are depending on you for support. Every day that you delay in providing additional troops, American lives are lost. We are in the fight, you cannot change your mind now!
Barack Obama: Well, General McConnell, I have many important things to deal with right now. We must cut Medicare and that is irritating the old folks. We must get government health care installed and pushing it through congress is a real hassle because the stupid people are falling for lies and mis-information. We have terrorists trying to blow up train stations and their lawyers are pulling all sorts of tricks to get them off on bail.. its a tough job here at the white house. And most importantly, we have to get the Olympics in Chicago. The SEIU is looking at 50,000 jobs from that gig and they are depending on me.
Gen McCrystal: But sir, our troops are depending on you. You cannot simply fly off to Copenhagen, schmooze with the Europeans, and ignore the death of our troops can you?
Barack Obama: Which part of 50,000 union jobs did you not understand? Look General McCarren, this phone is not for anyone to use. I am expecting a call from George Soros any minute. We are trying to figure out how to move the international monetary system away from dollars to a new currency which he just happens to have some inside tracks on.
Barack Obama: Tell you what, I will try to get my new strategy on Afghanistan figured out sometime in, wait, that's right, now its December.... I will call you right after I push through the Iranian sanctions.. OK?
Jobless Report Is Worse Than Expected; Rate Rises to 9.8%
The American economy lost 263,000 jobs in September — far more than expected — and the unemployment rate rose to 9.8 percent, the government reported on Friday, dimming prospects of any meaningful job growth by the end of the year.
The Labor Department’s monthly snapshot of unemployment dashed hopes that the pace of job losses would continue to slow as the economy clawed its way back from a deep recession. Economists had expected 175,000 monthly job losses.Despite help Washington’s $787 billion stimulus, state and local governments slashed 47,000 jobs in September in the face of shrinking budgets.
The economy has been bleeding jobs every month, without interruption, for nearly two years. More than 15 million people in the United States are now unemployed, and more are working part-time jobs for less pay, or have given up looking for work altogether.

And then there's this comment from the VICE-FOOL as reported by the A.P: Vice President Joe Biden says Friday's news that unemployment jumped to 9.8 percent in September doesn't shake his confidence that "we are going to recover" from the slump. Sure, Joe, and Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny will be here soon too.