Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Since January 2009--when the most ill-equipped, inexperienced, undeserving, and most corrupt president ever to be elected began staining the Oval Office for the first time---the country has added a net total of only 270,000 full-time jobs, and has added 1.9 million part-time jobs. In other words, the total economy of this nation added seven times more part-time jobs than it has created full-time jobs.

Sort of makes sense, though, doesn't it? A part time economy brought to you by a part-time president. And, in his mind, ‘part-time’ is the O-Hole’s way of reducing the disparity between full-time work and no work: spread the wealth around by spreading the work hours.

And, when you combine the above numbers with the astounding increase in people on disability and the incredible numbers of those on 99 weeks of unemployment benefits, the country is worse off now than it was in 1929.

Transforming America ... where the new ‘full time’ means holding two or three part-time jobs to keep above water. Where burger flipping used to be transitional part-time JOBS for high school and college kids who wanted to earn some gas and pizza money and to get some work experience, and which these days the ObamaPhone, gimmeedese and gimmeedats think should be unionized CAREERS.

Just another Obama “summer of recovery.”


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