Sunday, May 12, 2013


At least five major bombshell revelations emerged during the House Oversight Committee's hearing on the September terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya. But as of yet, the liberal media have done no more than pay lip service to these revelations.

   1.   The State Department knew it was a terrorist attack, but blamed it on a video.

    2..Commandos were denied permission to go to Benghazi and help those under siege—even though no one knew how long the attacks would last.

    3.  A FEST team was denied permission to go in because conditions were "too dangerous." Yet, they wanted to go and this is exactly what they're trained for!

   4.   Gregory Hicks—the #2 diplomat in Libya—was demoted after complaining that that the administration was lying!

    5.  Secretary Clinton was never interviewed by the Accountability Review Board!

Why has there been so little coverage on an attack that cost American lives and is now proven to be an administration cover up? Because the liberal media want to censor the truth in order to protect their ally in the White House. This is a disgrace and it violates every established journalistic ethic. The victims' families deserve the truth, and YOU deserve the truth.

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