Saturday, November 10, 2012


I can understand how the dumb mass moochers, scroungers and sponges voted for these people; they are just plain dumb...and they want 'free stuff.'  But why educated ignorant libtards would allow this hypocrisy and wasteful spending to continue by voting for these lying socialists is way beyond my comprehension.

 For example, in 2006 during the Bush years Harry Reid said this about raising the debt ceiling: “They should explain how more debt is good for our economy … how can they explain that they think it’s fair to force our children, our grandchildren, our great-grandchildren, to finance this debt through higher taxes? Why is it right to increase our dependence on foreign creditors?” 

Watch how sincere he was in his admonition:

Yesterday he was asked by a reporter:  "Will you support raising the national debt by another $2.4 trillion?”   “If it has to be raised, we’ll raise it,” he said.

 On Aug. 2, 2011, Congress and Obama reached a deal to raise the debt ceiling by $2.4 trillion. Now, after only 15 months, almost all of that additional borrowing authority has been exhausted (wasted), according to the U.S. Treasury Department.

Another $2.4 trillion increase would bring the debt limit to about $18.8 trillion, though we can stop referring to a continually increasing number as a limit. There’s not a ceiling or a limit to anything they’re doing!

Fiscal policy is on an unsustainable path. Five years ago the debt-to-GDP ratio was around 36.5%, which was roughly the average for the previous 40 years. Now that ratio has doubled to about 72%, the highest percentage since shortly after World War II...and it continues to rise, which spells economic disaster for our country.

With these hypocritical, lying miscreants in power this country is 'going to hell in a hand basket' as the saying goes.

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