Saturday, March 19, 2011


Here's a gem from Neal Boortz that definitely needs repeating.  Enjoy.

Talk about EGO...

.. and I thought I had an ego! My little ego would rattle around like a BB in the boxcar of Obama's ego. During a speech the other day, the Community Organizer reminded us how lucky we are to have him - a guy named Barack Hussein Obama - in the White House. He says, "The first time around it's like lightning in a bottle. There's something special about it, because you're defying the odds. And as time passes, you start taking it for granted that a guy named Barack Hussein Obama is president of the United States. But we should never take it for granted."

Take him for granted? Are you kidding? There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about having an unqualified anti-capitalist big-government empty suit in the White House. I believe that Barack Hussein Obama - as he seems fond of referring to himself - is the most profoundly dangerous man who has ever served as our president. I am actually thankful that I'm not 35 years old and will thus live to see the results of this man's reign of power. Take him for granted? Hardly.

What we're seeing here is the beginning of campaign Obama version 2012. Notice lately that PrezBo has been really hyping the "change" theme again. One can only imagine that Americans really do want change. But at this point, the change would be to get rid of this Marxist hack in the White House and get this country back on track. Now THAT would be change! But here's the line that you better get used to .. 2012 is still a long ways away. Obama tells a DNC crowd ..
When you look back at the track record of work that we've done over the last two years, I think it's fair to say the promise we made to the American people has been kept, that we have delivered in change that we can believe in ... I don't want us to lose sight of the huge opportunities we have to seize the moment and make sure that America is not just changed, but is changed for the better.
Really? Obama has delivered on the promise made to the American people? Where do we start here? How about the promise that if the stimulus plan was passed unemployment wouldn't go above 8 percent? How are we doing on that promise? And what about restoring American respect around the world? Oh yeah ... he really delivered on that one, didn't he? Close Gitmo within one year? Yup .... That promise has been kept also. Cutting the deficit? Another real winner.

Here's a promise made that Obama could have kept a few weeks ago! Obama said:
"If American workers are being denied their right to organize when I'm in the White House, I will put on a comfortable pair of shoes and I will walk on that picket line with you as president of the United States." Did you see The Community Organizer in Wisconsin? Nope ... didn't go.

Don't know about you, but I've had quite enough of Obama-style change. I want to see changes made to take us back to economic liberty, limited government, lower debt and the understanding that our problems can best be solved by reliance on the incredible energy of free markets.

Enough of Obama's economic fascism. Hopefully enough American people will see through this dangerous phony to avoid four more years of the Obama disaster. 

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