Sunday, July 18, 2010


Chris Dodd, who with his fellow a-hole, Barney Frank, led the Fannie Mae and Fredie Mac debacle (and its subsequent destruction of the economy), had this to say on the Financial Reform bill which congress passed last week.
"It is not a perfect bill; I will be the first to admit that. We don't know ultimately how well the ideas we've incorporated here will achieve the results we desire. It will take the next economic crisis, as certainly it will come, to determine whether or not the provisions of this bill will actually provide this generation or the next generation of regulators with the tools necessary to minimize the effects of that crisis when it happens."
How freakin' stupid is that!  That reminiscent of Nancy Pelosi's comment about ObamaCare: "We have to pass the bill in order to find out what's in it!"  What's with these people?  They are shackling this country with legislation that they haven't even read...nor do they understand?  WTF!

Dodd, who should be in jail for malfeasance in office, is the guy charged with the task of saving our economy from any future crisis?  WHAT?  I repeat: WTF!  We're going to have to wait for another economic crisis to find out whether or not this financial reform bill the Democrats passed yesterday is going to work? And if it doesn't taxpayers will again have to foot the bill for Democratic travesty.  And can anyone explain why car dealers who make auto loans, and the payroll loan industry were exempted? Perhaps they had stronger lobbyists!

The bill, according to inside reports, was written by career politicians, lobbyists and staff who have virtually no real world experience in business or investing and who, in many cases, are beholden to special interests. Few members of Congress read the 2,300 page bill before voting on it and fewer  understand its implications.

What the hell has become of so many of our elected officials?  They have become nothing more than Democrat whores and puppets of unions and lobbyists; their only priority in Washington is to get themselves re-elected, and use taxpayers dollars to do so.

Neal Boortz reported that according to a recent Gallup Poll it was found that Americans now believe that government and politicians are bigger problems for the country than illegal immigration, health care, disaster response or even the federal debt. They're right. Politicians. Government. These people are the problem .. they are not the solution, nor, for the most part, do they have the solutions. The problem is that these politicians have the executive power of government to enforce their "policies" and "solutions" on the people. And it takes a really large, huge ego to even run for office, let alone serve in Washington. So these big egos are going to use their precious government police power to implement policies that will get THEM the credit for trying to create jobs. Their egos are so overblown that they find it impossible to believe that someone else out there - an entrepreneur, a business owner, an investor - could do a better job of creating job than them .. after all, they were elected by the people to go to Washington and solve their problems! But that leads back to the Gallup poll .. these politicians are so full of themselves that they can't even realize that THEY are the problem. They are so set on being the ones to get the credit for saving this economy that they are willing to let businesses and worker suffer, just so they can say they tried. If they succeeded, that would be great. But they aren't. So move over, get out of the way and let the private sector do what the private sector does best!

I really, really feel sorry for the future of our country when so many dumbassocrat voters keep re-electing these progressive liberals to office to burden us with more legislative chains around our necks.  THIS IS ANOTHER CLEAR CUT ARGUMENT FOR TERM LIMITS.  Pray to God that the November election will be the first step to recovery.

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