Sunday, April 25, 2010


This buffoon of a president is not only a boldface LIAR but he is also the Village IDIOT!  Here he is in action spewing out his lies about the IMMEDIACY of passing the stimulus bill (which appropriately should be called the Dream and Wish Fulfillment of Democrats Long Postponed Pork Projects Bill)...2/3 of which has not even been spent yet (so, really, how urgent was it to get passed?  And how successful was it in keeping job loss under 8% ?).

Then the village idiot last week makes the statement that the stimulus funding will be repaid at the rate of $100,000 per year!  Impressive, huh?  Uh, do the math.  At that rate it would take 7,870,000 payments.  HOW STUPID IS THAT?

The media ridiculed Pres. Bush mercilessly and labeled him a fool over and over again.  And yet this very same media cares to call out Obama on this ridiculous statement (or about his statement about 57 states during his campaign).

C'mon media...let's start doing your job in a fair and objective manner by pointing out how this jerk of a president is actually dumber than you claimed Bush was.

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