Friday, March 26, 2010


All of sudden all talk by the dumbassocrats has shifted from healthcare to the despicable actions of anti-healthcare tea potters.  They have accused these legitimate protesters of spitting on them, calling them derogatory names, blowing up their homes and offices, and sending them threatening emails and telephone calls.

According to Neal Boortz the last thing the ObamaZombies want to do is debate ObamaCare on its merits:
  • They don't want to have to defend the revelation that Obama and his family will not be subject to the restrictions, requirements and penalties of ObamaCare.
  • They don't want to have to explain how an insurance company can charge lower premiums when its healthier policy holders take a hike and they're forced to insure people who are already sick.
  • They don't want a discussion on how our children and grandchildren are going to pay off the massive debt they will have to overcome courtesy of ObamaCare.
  • They don't want to have to defend the gimmicks they used to force the Congressional Budget Office to falsely report that ObamaCare would reduce the deficit.
  • They don't want to discuss the logic of fining a young person 2.2% of their income if they refuse to buy an insurance policy they think they won't need that would cost them 10% of their income.
  • They don't want to have to explain just why ObamaCare will not follow the path of Medicare and the prescription drug benefit ... the path to actual costs over and above projected costs by a factor of 10 or more.
  • They don't want to discuss Fidel Castro's glowing endorsement of ObamaCare yesterday.
  • They don't want to discuss just why Democrats absolutely refused to consider simple and easily enforced private sector options, such as allowing insurance companies to sell their policies across state lines, before moving toward healthcare nationalization.
  • They don't want to explain just where in the Constitution they found that nifty little clause that gives the government the authority to use its police power to force a free American citizen to enter into a contract to purchase something from a private company against their will.
  • They don't want to have to explain why Caterpillar has already announced that as many as 1000 workers will lose their jobs after the passage of ObamaCare.
We could go on and on here ... but you get the idea. These are simply facts, questions, policies and anomalies that the Democrats don't want to talk about ... so what do they do to avoid the conversation? Simple! They just used their sycophants in the ObamaMedia to portray opponents of ObamaCare as psycho-nutjobs who need to be put in straitjackets or internment camps somewhere to protect all that is decent and wonderful in the Democrat's brave new welfare state.

This is just a lot of liberal hooey; it is right out of the socialists handbook for taking over our country.  It is "DIVERSION" with a capital "D."  I hope none of you are swallowing this line of BS.

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