Thursday, December 24, 2009

T'was the day before Christmas: An Obama Holiday Greeting

T'was the day before Christmas,
and all through the House (The Senate, actually)
the Dumbassocrats were stirring
to pass the outrageous Healthcare Plan
that was "pushed through" in secrecy,
with phony cost projections from the CBO,
so that they could fool us into believing
that this won't cut medicare benefits,
bankrupt the country...and lead us,and our kids,
into generations of servitude to government and unions.
All this while the stockings were being hung with great care.

But, despite these criticisms, the Liar-in-Chief,
Obama...or "The Messiah," as he would like to be known,
says he will sign this bill -- once reconciled by the House,
which is controlled also by Dumbassocrats,
while inwardly chuckling to himself about
the Audacity of Dopes.

Then up away, up away, up away all--
the Senators home to face the anger
of their constituency, and
BO to Hawaii to bask in the glow
of how his program of radical socialism
will destroy the foundations of America.
Aaaah, he thinks, "the Hope & Change gimmick sure worked
with enough simpletons to get me voted in."
And now with healthcare assured, I can relax and plan
on how to further destroy America over the next 3 years.

On Dasher, on Dancer, on Air Force One...
get me away from here so I don't have to answer
all those questions from Rush, Beck, Sean, and O'Reilly et. al.
on how future generations will pay for this healthcare fiasco.
But before I more gift for all my supporters.
10% pay raises for all top government officials, and to
government controlled Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,
their chief executive officers got annual pay packages
worth $6 million apiece,
while their other top execs got at least $2 million.
But even though my friends in government
are doing quite well this year,
despite the rest of the country suffering through this recession
....and it's 10% unemployment rate, to them
let me say, "Assalaamu 'alaykum and... enjoy the fruitcake"
(as in "Let them eat cake!)

HAPPY NEW YEAR and good health to all in 2010....
and in 2011, and also in 2012 and 2013...
(since your healthcare benefits won't begin til 2014)
But keep sending us your premium payments anyway.

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