Thursday, April 30, 2009

BO scores high marks for first 100 days

In his first 100 days, Pres. BO got superior grades from the media and his liberal supporters. As I thought more about it, I felt they left out a number of categories in which he also got a grade of "A." Some of these are:

- Telling many more lies than Clinton did in his first 100 days.
- Creating a new era of government dependence on US citizens.
- Taking the first "World Apology Tour."
- Re-aligning the US to a Marxist/Socialist model.
- Making the US the focus of all world evil.
- Enhancing the lack of transparency in all government affairs.
- Indenturing our children and grandkids with enormous debt.
- Exposing our country to a flu pandemic by not yet naming a Surgeon General and not having an emergency plan that could immediately be put into effect.

So congratulations BO, Liberals and Media myrmidons...keep up the great work in destroying everything that has made our country great.

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