Monday, March 23, 2009

BO's first Federal District Judge Nominee

On March 17, President BO nominated David Hamilton, an Indiana federal district judge for a U.S. appeals court seat in the new administration’s first judicial appointment. The selection is the first concrete sign of how Obama might reshape a federal court system since he may have multiple Supreme Court openings to fill in the next four years.
Hamilton last year struck down a state law that required convicted sex offenders to submit to searches of their personal computers. In 2005 he ordered that the prayers used to open state legislative sessions be nondenominational.
A group of prominent conservatives, including former Attorney General Ed Meese, has issued a statement opposing his nomination as being unqualified, and noted for his Liberal Activism. This nomination represents a choice based on the merits of political ideology instead of competence and impartiality. Hamilton, Obama's first judicial nominee, has none of the judicial expertise or experience required, but all of the ties to left-wing special interest groups and a record of activist rulings reflecting his personal views that only a liberal ideologue could hope for. Hamilton is a former ACLU leader who lent his legal skills to the far-left special interest group. He was a fundraiser for the liberal activist group ACORN, the sponsor of the most comprehensive criminal voter fraud campaign in American history. Hamilton is committed to an extreme political agenda.
As a judge, Hamilton has shown himself to be soft on crime, radically pro-abortion, and hostile towards religion. With such a liberal activist record unmarked by significant experience, Judge Hamilton is clearly a bad and politically motivated appellate nominee. His experience as a political activist does not qualify him for a judicial office.
This is more "Change we can believe in?" This seems to me to be the type of change we don't need!

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